Usual span of styles from fairy tale to religious.
谁是谁 那儿在哪儿…
Who’s who or where’s where…
Orga believe what cannot be seen or measured.
It’s that oddness that separates our species
So, those pajamas will fit you,
and we’ll be in to check on you first thing in the morning
I will change the color of your fairy for you.
She will scream out in the moonlight
that Blue Fairy is part of the great human
flaw to wish for things that don’t exist
Martin’s only been home a month,
and it’s normal for brothers to challenge each other
Yeah, I don’t need to go through it.
我本来愿意 但是我后悔了
I was considerin’ it, but I changed my mind
全是瑞典制♥造♥ 连英文都不会 说个笑话都不会说
Can’t even speak English. All made in Sweden. Couldn’t tell a joke from a poke
– 他老是一声不响地冒出来 – 他只是个孩子
– You can never hear him coming. He’s just always there. – He is only a child
我相信我在… 单神经元的脉冲传输研究
I believe that my work on mapping the impulse pathways in a single neurone…
– Let the phone talk now.
梦妮卡 快接电♥话♥
– Monica, can you hear me? Pick up the phone, Monica!
也许是特别订制的 有钱的孬种只敢养机器小孩
He could be a custom job. Some rich and lonely scaredy puss’s pretend child
– Random crowd reaction…
– Hey, Russell, we got a remote near the pig pen?
第一或第三人称 从初级水平到高级水平的文化测试
First or third person, literacy range from primal level to postdoctoral
– 亨利 她让我非常担心 – 我知道
– I’m worried about her, Henry. She’s really got me worried. – Yeah, I know
– 快去跟泰迪玩 – 天啊梦妮卡
– Run along. Play with Teddy. – Pick up the phone, Monica! Oh, my God! Mon…
– 他们那么相配 – 少来 她很不快乐
– They were fabulous together. – Oh, come on! She was miserable! I mean…
– 我也不该伤害你和马丁- 我得走了
– and I’m sorry I hurt you and I hurt Martin. – I have to go! I have to go!
What if she’s magic?
The supernatural is the hidden web that unites the universe
– 他只是个小男孩 – 他拿着一把刀太可怕了
– He’s practically human. – That’s not how he looked holding the knife
机器屠宰场开张了 猎犬到处在抓逃亡机器人
The Flesh Fair’s in Barn Creek and the hounds are out hunting for strays
你不必接受或试用 还来得及还回去
You don’t have to accept it or even try. It’s not too late to take him back
他太独特了 不能被当成垃圾
Something as original as this, you don’t toss out with the rest of the garbage
不必怕我们怀孕 也不必邀我们见父母
You’re not gonna get us pregnant or have us to supper with Mommy and Daddy
Listen, there was an article by Random Bach in the Journal of Chinese Medicine.
– 他没说他们很不快乐 – 那是因为…
– Well, he never said they were miserable. – Yeah, that’s because…
– 你在干什么? 你在伤害他 – 说话呀 该死
– What are you doing? You’re hurting him! – Talk to me! Goddamn it!
– 我好像被割到眼睛 好像流血了 – 小心点
– I think I cut my eye. Oh, God, I think it’s bleeding. – Let me see
他懂得爱 应该也懂得仇恨
If he was created to love, then it’s reasonable to assume he knows how to hate
– 他是逃逸的机器人 – 那就把他逮回来吧
– Sir, he’s a free-range Mecha running hot. – Let’s reel him in, boys
– 永别了 各位 – 保护我… 保护我…
– Good-bye, everyone. – Keep me safe, keep me safe, keep me safe!
when our forbearers astonished the world with the first thinking machines…
– 你要我怎样都行 – 你以为我能这样…
– I’ll do whatever you want me to do. – Do you think I can just…
I had to sign a letter of agreement, or they wouldn’t even let you see David
When you’re finished here, crack your collar, show off your operating license
and saved my brain, so that once again my customers may ask for me by name…
五块钱问两题 他赠送第三题
He means two questions cost five Newbucks with a third question on the house
for those who were resurrected only lived through a single day of renewed life
真正的问题是… 人类能不能爱他们?
But isn’t the real conundrum, can you get a human to love them back?
– 接到一号♥荧幕 – 让我看一看
– Standing by. Bring it up on VT1. – Let me see what she’s talking about
离真人越远越好 跟你一样的机器人才安全
Stay away from all people. Only others like you. Only Mecha are safe
我不是小木偶 别杀死我 我是大卫… 我是大卫…
I’m not Pinocchio! Don’t make me die! I’m David! I’m David!
同事们你们好 现提供:真实的或虚构的文本
Greetings, colleagues. On offer, factual text or fictionalized text
每年开花两次 花朵呈湛蓝色
Blooms twice annually with bright blue flowers on a branched inflorescence
– 就像天上的星星那么多 – 那么该怎么只找到一个呢?
– As there are stars at night. – How will we find just one?
世上一切都很美好 就因为你牵我的手救了我一命
And all will be right with the world because you held my hand…
Human beings had created a million explanations of the meaning of life…
否则她会受到惊吓 破坏这一切
Otherwise, she would become frightened, and everything would be spoiled.
– 我每月都卖♥♥出几千个机器情人 – 当然了
– But we ship thousands of lover models every month. – Of course
这个人对机器人 又有什么责任?
what responsibility does that person hold toward that Mecha in return?
I know, I know. I’ll return him to Cybertronics first thing in the morning
– 你在伤害他 别弄坏了他 – 为什么你要这样?
– You’re hurting him! Don’t break him! – Why did you do that?
At least as real as I’ve ever made one, which by all reasonable accounts…
– 保护我 马丁- 放手 妈!
– Keep me safe, Martin. Keep me safe. Keep me safe. – Let me go! Mom!
Mike, do you have any reports of any missing kids, any missing children?
– 马丁把叉子放下 – 这在说明书中吗?
– David! Martin, put the fork down. – Is it in the manual book?
Go anywhere but that way or they’ll catch you. Don’t ever let them catch you!
This is the latest iteration in a series of insults to human dignity…
– 我是大卫 – 机器人不会求饶 他是谁?
– I’m David! – Mecha don’t plead for their lives. Who is that?
You must take care not to raise your voice up at the end of the sentence
David had never had a birthday party because David had never been born,
The show of faith my company has placed on me, on us, is extraordinary
It’s so they don’t go picking up fire with their bare hands and stuff
We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes
– 谈到病毒探测器 – 梦妮卡 你好
– They talked about these virus locators, – Hello again, Monica
– 你不能吃东西 – 大卫 你在干嘛?
– You’re not supposed to do that. – David, what are you doing?
So, when the opportunities avail themselves, they pick away at us…
When the resurrectees fell asleep on the night of their first new day,
Maybe the one day will be like that one day inside the amphibicopter
– Ten Newbucks and a ten copper comes to… seven questions for Dr. Know
– 为什么? – 你在伤害他!
– Why did you do that? Why did you do that? – You’re hurting him!
机器屠宰场专门销毁机器人 我去过那儿
It’s the Flesh Fair. They destroy us on stage. I’ve been there
cutting back our numbers so they can maintain numerical superiority
and in their grand scheme to phase out all of God’s little children
– 他们连人类情感都能模仿 – 我是大卫
– See how they try to imitate our emotions now? – I’m David!
他要让你知道 回家所需要知道的
That’s what Dr. Know needed to know to get you to come home to us
and the ice encased the caged amphibicopter and the Blue Fairy too,
by which they acquire a kind of subconscious never before achieved
Oh, can you do power stuff, like walk on the ceiling or the walls?
Why do you keep imagining that he was purposely trying to harm me?
你不能送他回去 他会被销毁
I will not let you take him back. You told me what would happen…
There must be someone in the whole world who knows where she lives
– 你打算把他怎样? – 发挥他的天性
– What are you gonna do with him? – Put him where he belongs
Yet, the services I provide will put a blush back on anyone’s cheek
严格弟说 塞拉利昂类机器人谁不知道该如何生活
Strictly Sierra Class robots who have no idea how to live
他们进去下跪祷告 唱圣歌♥
They go in, fold their hands, look around their feet, sing songs…
以致失去你的踪影 但当找到你之后
We actually lost you for a while. But when you were found again
we didn’t make our presence known because our test was a simple one
Certainly, human beings must be the key to the meaning of existence
How is he worth the risk to you or to Martin or to us as a family?
我的灯失效了 我把我的灯给撞坏了
My lamplight will not work. I hit my lamp on a girder overhead
Mommy’s going to read to me and tuck me in my bed and sing to me…
和仙女手牵手 世人皆悲哀
with a fairy hand in hand, for the world’s more full of weeping…
– 我是大卫… 我是大卫… – 大卫?
– I’m David. I’m David. I’m David. I’m David. – David?
There’s nothing too small that you didn’t store for us to remember
但是在创世纪 上帝不也是创造亚当爱他吗?
But in the beginning, didn’t God create Adam to love Him?
– 爸爸 – 艾曼黛 出去 这儿烟味太重
– Papa. – Amanda, go back outside. It’s too smoky in here
Yeah, well, I say originality without purpose is a white elephant
如果你只想要钱 我退钱给你
But if money is your purpose, here’s your refund. My compliments
他以前是超级玩具 但是… 现在他又旧又蠢
He used to be a supertoy, but now he’s old and stupid
– 他是谁? – 马丁是妈咪和亨利真的儿子
– And who is he? – Martin is Mommy and Henry’s real son
Man made us better at what we do than was ever humanly possible
你必须先投钱 五块两问 赠送一问
Question me, you pay the fee. Two for five, you get one free
At this signal, there was a rustling as of flapping of wings…
– 她会把我变成真人 – 你本来就是真的
– She would make me a real boy. – But you are a real boy
so he didn’t see the harm of painting her pictures of things…
our little Mecha will not only open up a completely new market
表演一结束 老板就到厨房♥
As soon as his show was over, the showman went into the kitchen
in return for your good heart, I forgive all your past misdeeds.
And if pushed to those extremes, what is he really capable of?
– 那只是童话故事 – 故事是发生过的事
– That’s just a story. – But a story tells what happens
Seventy-five years ago I was Time magazine’s Mecha of the Year
– 我妈咪是梦妮卡 – 我跟你谈谈
– Monica is my mommy. – Can I speak with you for a moment?
我让她当女人 她让你当男孩
She will make you a real boy, for I will make her a real woman
人类痛恨我们 他们会不择手段
They hate us, you know… the humans. They’ll stop at nothing
staring ahead forever all through the darkness of each night…
to retrieve a memory trace in resonance with a recreated body?
立法限制 怀孕必须经过法定程序
introduced legal sanctions to strictly license pregnancies,
If an adopted parent should ever decide not to keep the child
– 我早就猜到了 – 怎么会?
– Well, I saw that coming. – How could you see that coming?
