

[verb] direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something
[动词] 将某人的希望或抱负指向实现某事


Aspire 一词源自拉丁语 aspirare (哈气、吹气、呼吸;有利于、协助;攀登、努力获得、达到、寻求达到;注入),15世纪经古法语 aspirer (渴望、激发;呼吸、哈气)进入英语,由前缀 a- (加强)+词根 spir (呼吸)+ e 构成,用来表示“渴望、向往、有志于”,常用搭配 aspire to sth ,侧重强调人的雄心壮志,有时候也意味着对目标的渴望非常迫切,甚至常常过于迫切而难以实现,比如:

  • 他渴望成为他们的下一届领导人。但选民普遍的态度冷淡给他带来沉重的打击。
    He aspired to be their next leader. But the widespread apathy among the electorate shattered him.
  • 对我们来说,那是可望而不可即的。
    For us, it’s something that we may aspire to but can never attain.

而与之同源的名词 aspiration 相应表示“渴望、抱负、志向”或“渴望达到的目标”,以及在语音学中指“发送气音;送气”。该词在今年国家主席的新年贺词译文中多次出现,参见下方权威用例。


To accomplish our great mission, we must always remain true to our original aspiration.

The concerns of the people are what I always care about, and the aspirations of the people are what I always strive for.


We Chinese not only aspire for good living for ourselves, but also hope people in other parts of the world lead a decent life.



  • China already has around 700 private institutions among its 3,000-or-so universities, but most are vocational colleges which do not aspire to compete with the research universities.
  • Mr. Dobson’s book, with luck, will find its way into the hands of people who aspire to be free.



  1. Aspire to achieve – 渴望取得成就。例如:”She aspires to achieve success in her chosen career.”(她渴望在她选择的职业中取得成功。)
  2. Aspire to greatness – 渴望伟大。例如:”He aspires to greatness and aims to make a significant impact in the world.”(他渴望伟大,并努力在世界上产生重大影响。)
  3. Aspire to be a leader – 渴望成为领导者。例如:”The young entrepreneur aspires to be a leader in the tech industry.”(这位年轻的企业家渴望成为科技行业的领导者。)
  4. Aspire to inspire – 渴望激励他人。例如:”She aspires to inspire young artists through her artwork.”(她渴望通过她的艺术作品激励年轻艺术家。)
  5. Aspire to greatness – 渴望伟大。例如:”The team aspires to greatness and strives for excellence in every project.”(团队渴望伟大,并在每个项目中追求卓越。)
  6. Aspire to higher education – 渴望接受高等教育。例如:”Many students aspire to higher education to expand their knowledge and pursue their dreams.”(许多学生渴望接受高等教育,以扩大知识并追求梦想。)
  7. Aspire to make a difference – 渴望产生影响。例如:”They aspire to make a difference in the world by advocating for social justice.”(他们渴望通过倡导社会公正来改变世界。)
  8. Aspire to personal growth – 渴望个人成长。例如:”The workshop aims to help participants aspire to personal growth and self-improvement.”(这个研讨会旨在帮助参与者渴望个人成长和自我提升。)
  9. Aspire to be the best – 渴望成为最好的。例如:”The athlete aspires to be the best in his sport and works hard to achieve his goals.”(这位运动员渴望成为他所从事运动的最好,并为实现目标而努力。)
  10. Aspire to success – 渴望成功。例如:”The young entrepreneur aspires to success and is determined to build a thriving business.”(这位年轻的企业家渴望成功,并决心打造一家兴旺发达的企业。)



  1. Aspire to greatness – 渴望伟大
  2. Aspire to success – 渴望成功
  3. Aspire to achieve – 渴望取得成就
  4. Aspire to be a leader – 渴望成为领导者
  5. Aspire to inspire – 渴望激励他人
  6. Aspire to higher education – 渴望接受高等教育
  7. Aspire to make a difference – 渴望产生影响
  8. Aspire to personal growth – 渴望个人成长
  9. Aspire to be the best – 渴望成为最好的
  10. Aspire to greatness in their field – 渴望在自己的领域取得伟大成就
  11. Aspire to follow their dreams – 渴望追随自己的梦想
  12. Aspire to reach new heights – 渴望达到新的高度
  13. Aspire to create a positive impact – 渴望创造积极影响
  14. Aspire to a better future – 渴望更美好的未来
  15. Aspire to excel in their chosen field – 渴望在自己选择的领域出类拔萃
  16. Aspire to be a role model – 渴望成为楷模
  17. Aspire to be a lifelong learner – 渴望成为终身学习者
  18. Aspire to contribute to society – 渴望为社会做出贡献
  19. Aspire to overcome challenges – 渴望克服挑战
  20. Aspire to a successful career – 渴望有一段成功的职业生涯
  21. Aspire to be the best version of themselves – 渴望成为最好的自己
  22. Aspire to financial independence – 渴望财务独立
  23. Aspire to be a positive influence – 渴望成为积极的影响力
  24. Aspire to be an innovator – 渴望成为创新者
  25. Aspire to learn from the best – 渴望向最优秀的人学习
  26. Aspire to be recognized for their talents – 渴望因才华而受到认可
  27. Aspire to leave a lasting legacy – 渴望留下持久的遗产
  28. Aspire to build meaningful relationships – 渴望建立有意义的人际关系
  29. Aspire to be a change-maker – 渴望成为改变世界的人
  30. Aspire to balance work and personal life – 渴望在工作和个人生活之间取得平衡


aim: have the intention of achieving
pursue: seek to attain or accomplish (a goal) over a long period
pant: long for or to do something

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
