
[verb] take in and understand fully (information or ideas)
[动词] 充分吸收和理解(信息或想法)


Assimilate 是一个与去年推送的 dissemble 同词根 simil, simul(t), sembl (相类似、一样)的单词。其中, assimilate 由前缀 as- (加强)+词根 simil +后缀 -ate (使……)构成。

15世纪初由拉丁语 assimilare, assimulare (使相似、复制、模仿、呈现……的外形;假装、佯装)进入英语后,最初用在生理学领域表示“吸收、消化”,主要指身体或任何生物系统吸收和消化食物或营养物,使之形成身体或生物系统的一部分,比如:

  • 在这种形态下,维生素非常易于身体吸收。
    In this form vitamins can be easily assimilated by the body.

从这个概念出发,等到了17世纪20年代后, assimilate 开始既用来引申指“吸收、消化、透彻理解”,也就是充分吸收和理解某个信息、想法、技术、态度、改变等,并为自己所用,比如:

  • 他需要时间来吃透这份期中报告。
    He will need time to assimilate this interim report.
  • 当你发现并吸收了新的、有用的知识时,你对世界的理解就会改变。
    Your understanding of the world changes when you discover and assimilate new and useful knowledge.


  • 新来者感到难以融入。
    New arrivals find it hard to assimilate.


He meant it. There was no doubt about it. Her mouth was dry as she assimilated this knowledge and she swallowed and looked into his eyes, trying to find some clue.
出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。


  • A dozen rules are now being assimilated weekly.
  • Immigrants and their children are assimilating into the United States as quickly now as in the past, the economists found.


assimilate” 是指吸收、融入,通常用来描述人或事物将新的信息、想法、文化等融入已有的体系中。以下是包含单词“assimilate”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. assimilate knowledge: 吸收知识
  2. assimilate information: 吸收信息
  3. assimilate culture: 融入文化
  4. assimilate ideas: 吸纳观念
  5. assimilate concepts: 接纳概念
  6. assimilate customs: 融入习俗
  7. assimilate experiences: 吸取经验
  8. assimilate traditions: 融合传统
  9. assimilate language: 学会语言
  10. assimilate values: 融合价值观
  11. assimilate techniques: 掌握技巧
  12. assimilate principles: 接纳原则
  13. assimilate habits: 吸纳习惯
  14. assimilate perspectives: 融合观点
  15. assimilate theories: 吸收理论
  16. assimilate insights: 接纳洞察
  17. assimilate changes: 吸收变革
  18. assimilate influences: 融合影响
  19. assimilate styles: 吸纳风格
  20. assimilate feedback: 接受反馈
  21. assimilate practices: 吸收实践
  22. assimilate techniques: 掌握技巧
  23. assimilate methods: 吸收方法
  24. assimilate approaches: 接纳方法
  25. assimilate wisdom: 吸纳智慧
  26. assimilate skills: 掌握技能
  27. assimilate perspectives: 融合观点
  28. assimilate insights: 接纳洞察
  29. assimilate changes: 吸收变革
  30. assimilate influences: 融合影响
  31. assimilate styles: 吸纳风格
  32. assimilate feedback: 接受反馈
  33. assimilate practices: 吸收实践
  34. assimilate techniques: 掌握技巧
  35. assimilate methods: 吸收方法
  36. assimilate approaches: 接纳方法
  37. assimilate wisdom: 吸纳智慧
  38. assimilate skills: 掌握技能
  39. assimilate knowledge: 吸收知识
  40. assimilate information: 吸收信息
  41. assimilate culture: 融入文化
  42. assimilate ideas: 吸纳观念
  43. assimilate concepts: 接纳概念
  44. assimilate customs: 融入习俗
  45. assimilate experiences: 吸取经验
  46. assimilate traditions: 融合传统
  47. assimilate language: 学会语言
  48. assimilate values: 融合价值观
  49. assimilate techniques: 掌握技巧
  50. assimilate principles: 接纳原则


absorb: take in and understand fully (information, ideas, or experience)
imbibe: absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge)
incorporate: take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
