赎 罪
英国 1935年
England 1935
我写完我的剧本了 太棒了
I finished my play. Well done.
Have you seen Mummy?
Well, she’ll be in the drawing room, I expect.
我希望今天你不要挡我们道儿 布莱欧妮小姐
I hope you’re not gonna be getting under our feet today, Miss Briony.
We got a dinner for 10 to prepare.
你好啊 伙计 我听说你要排演一出戏 谁告诉你的?
Hello, pal, I hear you’re putting on a play. Who told you?
Jungle drums.
你会来看吗? 我不知道那是不是…
Will you come and see it? I’m not sure that would be quite…
Why don’t you let me read it?
You used to make me those beautiful bound copies of all your stories.
我都留着呢 我还是希望你能来
I’ve kept them all. I still want you to come.
看情况吧 我得走了
Let’s see. I have to go now.
妈妈 我需要你
Mummy, I need you!
不可思议 真是不可思议 亲爱的 你的第一个剧本
Stupendous. It’s stupendous, darling. Your first play.
你觉得好吗? 你说利昂会喜欢吗?
Do you think so? Do you think Leon will like it?
Well, of course he will.
阿♥拉♥贝拉的审判 布莱欧妮·苔丽斯着
The Trials of Arabella, by Briony Tallis.
茜(塞西莉亚昵称) 啊?
Cee. Yes?
What do you think it would feel like to be someone else?
会更好 我希望
CECILIA: Cooler, I should hope.
我很担心这部戏 肯定是部佳作
I’m worried about the play. I’m sure it’s a masterpiece.
但我们只剩今天下午来排演 如果那对双胞胎演不来怎么办?
But we only have the afternoon to rehearse. What if the twins can’t act?
你得对他们好点 我在想要是你妈妈
You have to be nice to them. I wonder how’d you feel if your mother
跟无线电台播新闻的某某先生跑了 你会是什么感受?
had run off with Mr. What’s-his-name who reads the news on the wireless?
Perhaps I should have written Leon a story.
写小说的时候 只要写出”城♥堡♥” 就能联想到
If you write a story, you only have to say the word “castle,” and you could see
塔楼 树林 还有下面的村庄 但是…
the towers and the woods and the village below, but…
剧本里面 就…
In a play, it’s…
It all depends on other people.
茜 啊?
Cee. Yes?
Why don’t you talk to Robbie any more?
我讲啊 只是我们的交际圈不一样了
I do. We just move in different circles, that’s all.
我们一定要排个剧吗? 为什么我们一定要排?
Do we have to do a play? Why do we have to?
为了欢迎我哥哥利昂来 我讨厌戏剧
It’s to celebrate my brother Leon’s visit. I hate plays.
我也是 你们怎么会讨厌戏剧?
So do I. How can you hate plays?
戏剧就是瞎显摆 好好排戏要不我就敲你们的脑袋
It’s just showing off. You’ll be in this play or you’ll get a clout.
我会告诉大人 你不能敲我们的脑袋
And I’ll tell the parents. You’re not allowed to clout us.
我们是来这儿做客的 大人是怎么嘱咐我们的?
We’re guests in this house. And what did the parents say we were to make ourselves?
你说啊 皮耶罗? 听话
Well, Pierrot? Amenable.
杰克逊? 听话
Jackson? Amenable.
听话 这就对了
Amenable, that’s right.
好了 布莱欧妮 这个剧是关于什么的?
Now, Briony, what’s your play about?
Well, it’s about how
爱总是好的 但是我们要小心呵护
love is all very well, but you have to be sensible.
我想你要演阿♥拉♥贝拉吧? 也不一定
I suppose you’re going to be Arabella. Well, not necessarily.
这样的话 能让我演吗? 洛拉参加过学校的戏剧演出
In that case, do you mind if I play her? Lola was in the school play.
答应我吧 这会是我几个月来碰到的第一件好事
Do say yes. It’d be the first decent thing to happen to me in months.
好吧 你来演吧
Well, yes, all right.
I suppose we should start by reading it.
如果你演阿♥拉♥贝拉 导演就得我来当 非常感谢
If you’re going to be Arabella, then I’ll be the director, thank you very much.
I’m going to do the prologue.
“This is the tale of spontaneous Arabella,
“who ran away with an extrinsic fellow.
留下伤心的父母 看着他们的长女
“It grieved her parents to see their firstborn
从家乡消失 去往伊斯特本(英 港口)
“evanesce from her home to go to Eastbourne.”
没什么 只是我想看看 但是排演是不公开的
Nothing. Just thought I’d watch. Rehearsals are private, I’m afraid.
You can see the play this evening.
晚上我得工作 那我很遗憾 丹尼
I’ll have to work then. Well, I’m sorry, Danny.
现在我们能去游泳吗? 好 好 好!
Can we go for a swim now? Yes, yes, yes!
不行 我们真地没时间了! 塞西莉亚会让我们去的
No, I don’t really think there’s time! Cecilia will let us.
I’m sure a half-hour break would do us all good.
塞西莉亚? 塞西莉亚!
PIERROT: Cecilia? Cecilia!
塞西莉亚! 塞西莉亚 塞西莉亚 求你了 我们能去游泳吗 塞西莉亚?
Cecilia! Cecilia, Cecilia. Please, can we go for a swim, Cecilia?
可以 没什么不可以的 别去太深的地方
Yes, I don’t see why not. Don’t go out of your depth!
Can you do me one of your Bolshevik roll-ups?
天气真好 还行吧 我觉得太热了点
Beautiful day. I suppose so. Too hot for me.
那本书好看吗? 没什么意思
Are you enjoying your book? No, not really.
It gets better.
I prefer Fielding any day.
Much more passionate.
利昂今天回来 你知道吗? 我听见这么传
Leon’s coming down today, did you know? I heard a rumour.
他会带来一个朋友 叫保罗·马歇尔 卖♥♥巧克力的百万富翁
He’s bringing a friend with him. It’s Paul Marshall, the chocolate millionaire.
花是为他准备的? 不应该吗?
Are the flowers for him? Why shouldn’t they be?
Leon says he’s very charming.
老头儿昨晚打电♥话♥回来了 说你想做医生
The Old Man telephoned last night. He says you’re planning on being a doctor.
我是这么想的 是的 再去当六年学生
I’m thinking about it, yes. Another six years of student life.
不然怎么能当医生呢? 这样可以拿到助学金
How else do you become a doctor? You could get a fellowship, now,
不是吗? 那先前呢? 我不想教书
couldn’t you? With your First? I don’t want to teach.
I said I’d pay your father back.
That’s not what I meant at all.
我来帮你 不用了 我自己来 谢谢
Let me help with that. No, I’m all right, thanks.
拿着花 拿着花 我自己来 我自己来
Take the flowers. Take the flowers. I’m all right. I’m all right.
Oh, you idiot.
Do you realise that’s probably the most valuable thing we own?
不再是了 现在不是了
Not any more, it isn’t.
你好 罗比!
Hello, Robbie!
No need to encourage him.
大家都到哪儿去了 丹尼? 我不知道 少爷
Where is everyone, Danny? I don’t know, sir.
少爷 真想喝一杯
Sir. Gasping for a drink.
你要不要来一杯? 当然
Will you have one? Rather.
威士忌? 好的
Whisky? Please.
利昂! 她来了
Leon! Here she is.
哦 我好想你 我在这儿都快疯了
Oh, I’ve missed you. I’ve been going completely doolally up here.
这是我妹妹塞西莉亚 这是保罗·马歇尔 久仰久仰
This is my sister, Cecilia. Paul Marshall. I’ve heard an awful lot about you.
彼此彼此 安排他住哪儿?
Likewise. Where are we putting him?
住那个蓝色的房♥间 妈妈正躺着呢 她的偏头疼又犯了
In the blue room. Mother’s lying down, she’s got one of her migraines.
不奇怪 天儿这么热
I’m not surprised, with this heat.
It’s the big room next to the nursery.
Is the Old Man staying in town?
看来是 内阁正忙的时候
Looks like it. Some sort of rush on at the Ministry.
我们不是要排戏吗? 不排了
So aren’t we doing the play? No.
为什么不排了? 别问我
Why not? Don’t ask me.
I don’t like it here.
There’s always a problem when a new brand comes about.
新的销♥售♥手段 新包装 新形状
The remarketing, the re-packaging, the re-shaping.
有时候还要有新口味 甚至全新的技术
Even the re-flavouring in some cases, or whole new technology.
I think our main challenge is whether or notto launch the new Amo Bar.
军供Amo 明白吗? 给我Amo?
The Army Amo. Do you see? Pass the Amo?
My source at the Ministry is very reliable,
以前在哈罗(伦敦西北市镇)我擦过他的鞋 他告诉我我们的巧克力
I used to clean his shoes at Harrow, informs me we have a good chance
of including it in the standard issue ration pack.
Which means that I’d have to open at least three more factories.
要是再征兵还得开更多家 如果希♥特♥勒♥先生不闭嘴
More if they bring in conscription, which I say is bound to happen
if Herr Hitler doesn’t pipe down.
He’s about as likely to do that as buy shares
像我们买♥♥M&S公♥司♥股票一样 不是吗?
in Marks and Spencer’s, wouldn’t you agree?
这可不妙 我用冰砂调鸡尾酒
This isn’t very good. I make a cocktail with crushed ice,
加进朗姆酒和融开的黑巧克力 绝对好喝
rum and melted dark chocolate. It’s absolutely scrumptious.
猜猜我们进门的时候碰见谁了? 罗比
Guess who we met on the way in? Robbie.
我让他晚上一起来 利昂 不会吧
I told him to join us tonight. Oh, Leon, you didn’t.
罗比 管家的儿子 他爸爸10年前跑了
