Wait, wait, wait.
嘿 你把靴子怎么着了?
Hey, what have you done with your boots?
你确定你觉得还好吗? 再好不过了
Look, you’re sure you’re feeling all right?Never better.
Now I’m wondering whether the beach really is the best place for dinner.
我不知道 我认不出这是哪儿 我不晓得
I’m not sure, I don’t recognise it. Dunno.
这儿就行 睡这儿吧 不
This’ll do, down here. No.
不 不 还在前面 啥在前面?
No, no, it’s further on. What is?
我知道的一个地方 一间旧木屋 白色墙壁
This place I know, an old cottage with white clapboards
and blue-painted window frames.
啊 对 对 咱去那儿
Aw, yes.That’s right, that’s where we’re going.
就在这附近 咱到了 就是这儿
It’s close to here. We’re there. This is it.
咱到了 老兄 下去吧
Here we are, guv. Down here.
没事的 老兄 没事的
That’s all right, guv. That’s right.
头枕这儿 头枕这儿 躺好了
Get your head down. Get your head down. There you go.
裹好被子 别冻着
Tuck yourself in. Keep yourself warm.
嚼点这个 可要轻点嚼 不然他们都想要了
Chew on a bit of this. But quiet like, or they’ll all be wanting some.
Try and get some sleep.
Find you.
Love you.
Marry you.
And live without shame.
我爱你 你要回来 回到我身边
I love you. Come back. Come back to me.
声儿太大了 老兄 什么?
Bit too much noise, guv’nor. What?
什么声儿? 你一直喊呢
What noise? You keep shouting.
有些弟兄都有点恼了 什么?
Some of the lads are getting a bit peeved.What?
神哪 你看起来有点难受 因为我还想再待会儿
Christ. You look a bit rough.Thing is, I’ve decided to stay on for a bit.
我正梦见她 她一直等着我
I’m meeting someone,and I’m always keeping her waiting.
现在听着 听我的 老兄
Now, listen. Listen to me, guv’nor.
刚才我去撒尿 你猜我看见什么了!
I went out for a Jimmy Riddle just now. Guess what I saw!
They’re getting themselves sorted out down on the beach.
那些船都回来了 巴夫斯号♥的一个老头7点会带我们走
The boats are back, and a geezer from the Buffs is marching us down at 7:00.
我们要走了 我们要动身回家了 伙计
We’re away. We’re off home, mate.
所以再睡会儿 你可别再喊了
So get some more sleep, and no more of your bleeding shouting.
行吗? 我不出声了
All right? I won’t say a word.
7点前叫我 好吗? 谢谢你
Wake me before 7:00, would you? Thanks so much.
我一点声也不出了 我保证
You won’t hear another word from me. Promise.
伦敦 3周前
LondonThree weeks earlier
床要对齐 床头冲里
Bed castors should be lined up and pointing inwards.
昨天我发现有3张放反了 是谁干的谁知道
I found three yesterday that weren’t. You know who you are.
Which of you were responsible for putting away the blankets today?
是我 护士长 我看你是说不上来
I was, Sister. I don’t suppose you can tell us
你哪儿做错了? 说不上来 护士长
what you did wrong? No, Sister.
你把标签都叠到里面去了 是不是?
Labels are folded to the inside, are they not?
是的 护士长 重叠
Yes, Sister. Do them again.
苔丽斯护士 到我办公室来 其他人解散
Nurse Tallis, I’ll see you in my office. The rest of you are excused.
你到底在不在乎这份工作 很在乎 护士长
Is this job at all important to you, Tallis?Very important, Sister.
Yesterday, you were seconded to men’s surgical.
你的病人麻♥醉♥药♥劲刚过 第一件事
When your patient came round from his anaesthetic, it seems the first thing he did
就是要找布莱欧妮 布莱欧妮是谁啊?
was to ask for Briony. Who might Briony be?
嗯 是我 护士长 这儿没有布莱欧妮
Well, me, Sister. There is no Briony.
你是苔丽斯 苔丽斯护士 明白了吗?
You are Tallis. Nurse Tallis. Is that understood?
明白 护士长
Yes, Sister.
There is no Briony.
BBC广播电台 现在为你播报新闻
This is the BBCHome Service. Here is the news.
The BEF, with their French allies, are fighting a desperate battle
in the northern zone of the Western Front.
盟军同仇敌忾 士气高涨
The Allied Forces have not lost cohesion, and their morale is high.
The RAF continues to give all the support in its power
to the Allied armies in northeasternFrance and Belgium. Railways, roads,
对敌方铁路 公路 桥梁以及部队进行持续攻击 昨天…
bridges and enemy troops have been continuously attacked, yesterday…
谢谢 我不会用左手使剪刀
Thanks. I never could make the scissors work with my left hand.
Mummy always did it for me.
好了 剪好了
There, you’re done.
晚安 庞提
Night-night, Ponty.
晚安 苔丽斯
Good night, Tallis.
别慌 是我
Don’t panic! It’s only me.
菲奥娜 吓死我了
Fiona, I almost jumped out of my skin.
So this is where you duck to after lights out.
I thought you might be in the middle of some tempestuous romance.
这儿冷死了 你不觉得吗?
Don’t you freeze to death up here?
I love London.
Do you think all of this will be bombed and just disappear?

I don’t know.
Do you write about Sister Drummond?
你写我吗? 有时候写
Do you write about me? Sometimes.
我能看吗? 你最好别看 这是秘密
Can I look?I’d rather you didn’t. It’s private.
(喷泉旁的二人 布莱欧妮·苔丽斯着)
要是不让人看 干吗还要写小说呢
I don’t see any point in writing a story if you’re not going to let anyone read it.
现在还不能看 还没写完呢 是个什么故事?
It’s not ready yet. It’s unfinished. What’s it about?
挺复杂的 哦?
It’s complicated. Yes?
It’s just…
是说一个小女孩 一个年轻傻气的女孩
It’s about a young girl, a young and foolish girl, who sees something from
看到卧室窗外的一件事 其实她不懂 但是她自以为懂
her bedroom window which she doesn’t understand, but she thinks she does.
I probably won’t ever finish it.
我看着你 苔丽斯 总觉得你很神秘
I look at you, Tallis,and you’re so mysterious.
I’ve never been mysterious.
你知道我今晚有个什么决定吗? 什么决定?
Do you know what I decided tonight? What?
I could never marry a man who wasn’t in the Royal Navy.
找到了 塞西莉亚·苔丽斯
Here we are. Cecilia Tallis.
I think this is her address.
Thank you.
亲爱的塞西莉亚 请不要看也不看就扔掉这封信
Dear Cecilia. Please don’t throw this away without reading it.
从信笺就能看出来 我正在圣托马斯医院
As you’ll have seen from the notepaper, I’m here at St Thomas’
doing my nurses’ training.
I decided not to take up my place at Cambridge.
Oh, God.
我想做个有用的人 做点实事
I decided I wanted to make myself useful. Do something practical.
It says in the newspaper the Army are making strategic withdrawals.
对 我也看到了
Yes, I saw that.
It’s a euphemism for retreat.
不管多卖♥♥力干活 不管每天忙多少个小时
No matter how hard I work, no matter how long the hours,
I can’t escape from what I did
and what it meant,
the full extent of whichI am only now beginning to grasp.
茜 请回信 答应跟我见一面
Cee, please write and tell me we can meet.
妹妹 布莱欧妮
Your sister, Briony.
你有吗? 我有什么?
So do you? Do I what?
有一个神秘的未婚夫在法国 大家都觉得你有
Have a secret fiance in France. That’s what everyone thinks.
No, of course not.
Imagine not knowing if he’d ever come back.
I’ve never been in love.
什么 从来没有? 也没动过心?
What, never? Not even a crush?
噢 我有一次动过心 当时我大概10岁还是11岁
Oh, I had a crush once, when I was 10 or 11.
I jumped into a river to see if he’d save me from drowning.
你笑话我 不 不 他真地救了我
Now you’re teasing me. Oh, no. And he did save me.
但是一告诉他我爱他 那种感觉就消失了
But as soon as I told him I loved him, the feeling sort of disappeared.
Something’s happened.
在外面 快点
Outside, quickly.
Excuse me.
苔丽斯护士 我没记错的话 你会说一点法语
Nurse Tallis, you speak a little French, if I remember rightly.
在学校学过一点 护士长
Only school French, Sister.
13号♥床的伤员 去他那儿坐一会儿 握住他的手
There’s a soldier in Bed 13. Go and sit with him for a minute. Hold his hand.
Off you go.
Here you are at last
Sister sent me
for a little chat
I remember your sister
she was always so nice
