


aural [‘ɔːrəl] adj. 听觉的;耳的;气味的;先兆的
aural 听觉的 ←同音词→ oral 口头的
eg. He helps me pass the oral exam with tapes as aural materials.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. aural perception – 听觉感知
  2. aural experience – 听觉体验
  3. aural skills – 听力技巧
  4. aural examination – 听力考试
  5. aural training – 听力训练
  6. aural comprehension – 听力理解
  7. aural communication – 听力交流
  8. aural stimulation – 听觉刺激
  9. aural sensitivity – 听觉敏感性
  10. aural feedback – 听觉反馈
  11. aural discrimination – 听辨能力
  12. aural interpretation – 听觉解释
  13. aural perception of music – 对音乐的听觉感知
  14. aural cues – 听觉线索
  15. aural harmony – 听觉和谐
  16. aural recognition – 听觉识别
  17. aural memory – 听觉记忆
  18. aural analysis – 听觉分析
  19. aural improvisation – 听觉即兴
  20. aural ambiance – 听觉氛围
  21. aural atmosphere – 听觉氛围
  22. aural storytelling – 听觉叙事
  23. aural effects – 听觉效果
  24. aural landscape – 听觉景观
  25. aural aesthetics – 听觉美学
  26. aural imagery – 听觉意象
  27. aural texture – 听觉质感
  28. aural arrangement – 听觉编排
  29. aural balance – 听觉平衡
  30. aural contrast – 听觉对比
  31. aural composition – 听觉作曲
  32. aural immersion – 听觉沉浸
  33. aural pleasure – 听觉愉悦
  34. aural expression – 听觉表达
  35. aural resonance – 听觉共鸣
  36. aural vibrations – 听觉振动
  37. aural acuity – 听觉敏锐
  38. aural arrangement of sounds – 声音的听觉安排
  39. aural sensitivity to pitch – 对音调的听觉敏感性
  40. aural sensitivity to rhythm – 对节奏的听觉敏感性
  41. aural interpretation of language – 对语言的听觉解释
  42. aural transmission – 听觉传输
  43. aural reception – 听觉接收
  44. aural decoding – 听觉解码
  45. aural modulation – 听觉调制
  46. aural dissonance – 听觉不和谐
  47. aural engagement – 听觉参与
  48. aural presence – 听觉存在
  49. aural perception of nature sounds – 对自然声音的听觉感知
  50. aural exploration – 听觉探索
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
