是飞盘呢 太好了
“Frisbee.” Far out.
-那是什么意思 -明明就摆在他的面前
-What was the meaning of that? -It was right in front of him.
-那是我的! -不是了
-That’s mine! -Not anymore.
-拿给我 -他在那里 比佛
-Give me that. -There he is, Buford.
-哪里? -那边
-Where? -There.
Dancing with that piece of calico.
你打算怎么做? 老大
What are you gonna do, boss?
如果我把枪管紧紧地抵住他的背 没人会听见枪声
I figure if I bury this muzzle deep enough in his back nobody will hear the shot.
小心点 它只有一颗子弹
Careful. You’ve only got one bullet with that.
I only need one.
我告诉过你要小心背后 铁匠
I told you to watch your back, smithy.
You’re early.
这是一把掌心雷 虽小却够威力
It’s a Derringer. Small but effective.
上次我用这枪打那家伙 他整整两天后才死
The last time I used it, fella took two days to die.
体内大量出血 死得非常痛苦
Bled to death inside. It was real painful.
That means you’ll be dead by about supper time Monday.
对不起 我不知道你是谁 但我们正在跳舞
Excuse me. I don’t know who you think you are, but we’re dancing.
Look what we have here.
不给我介绍一下这女士吗 我想跳舞
Ain’t you gonna introduce me? I’d like a dance.
你别想了 你还是开枪吧
I wouldn’t give you the pleasure. You’ll have to go ahead and shoot.
-好吧 我和他跳
-All right. -I’ll dance with him.
弟兄们 好好陪这位铁匠 我要跟这位姑娘认识一下
Boys, keep the blacksmith company while I get acquainted with the filly!
当我的舞伴手里有枪时 我没法跳舞
I don’t dance very well when my partner has a gun in his hand.
You’ll learn.
Maybe I’ll just take my $80 worth out of her!
泰伦 放开她
Leave her alone!
Yeah, I bet there’s something you can do that’s worth $80.
我想你是低估我了 先生
I believe you’ve underestimated me, mister.
Have I?
Stop it!
你该死! 泰伦
Damn you!
不 该死的是你
No, I damn you!
I damn you to hell!
-你 -昭子放亮点 混♥蛋♥
-You. -Lighten up, jerk!
好大的口气! 小鬼
Mighty strong words, runt!
You man enough to back them up with more than just a pie plate?
Just leave my friends alone.
怎么了 小子 没胆吗
What’s wrong, dude? You yellow?
我就知道 胆小鬼
That’s what I thought. A yellow-belly.
Nobody calls me yellow.
Then let’s finish it. Right now.
现在不行 警长把我们的枪收走了
Not now, Buford. Marshal’s got our guns.
Like I said, we’ll finish this tomorrow!
Tomorrow we’re robbing the Pine City stage.
礼拜一呢? 我们礼拜一有空吗?
What about Monday? We doing anything Monday?
星期一可以 你可以星期一杀他
Monday would be fine. You can kill him on Monday.
我星期一会回来 到那时再算账
I’ll be back this way on Monday. We’ll settle this then.
Right there, out in the street…
in front of the Palace Saloon.
好吧 什么时候?
Yeah, right. When?
-正午? 中午?
-High noon? -Noon?
我一向都在吃早餐前杀人 七点钟
I do my killing before breakfast. 7:00!
八点 我一向都吃过早餐才杀人
8:00. I do my killing after breakfast.
Break it up.
这是怎么回事? 你又在这里惹麻烦?
What’s all this about? You causing trouble here, Tannen?
没惹麻烦 警长
No trouble, Marshal.
Just a little personal matter between me and Eastwood.
This don’t concern the law.
今晚 所有的事都和法律有关
Tonight, everything concerns the law. Break it up.
任何人闹事 都要郡立监狱里呆上十五天
Any brawling, it’s 15 days in the county jail.
好了 这是聚会 大伙儿好好乐一下
All right, folks. This is a party. Come on! Let’s have some fun!
星期一早上八点 小鬼
8:00 Monday, runt.
如果你不出现 我会找到你 像宰鸭子一样宰了你
If you ain’t here, I’ll hunt you and shoot you down like a duck.
是狗 比佛 像杀狗一样宰了他
It’s dog. Shoot him down like a dog.
我们走 弟兄们
Let’s go, boys!
Let these sissies have their party!
马提 你在干么 你答应跟泰伦决斗?
What are you doing, saying you’ll meet Tannen?
你放心好了 星期一早上我们都走了
Don’t worry about it. Monday morning we’ll be gone.
理论上是 要是火车误点呢?
Theoretically, yes. But what if the train’s late?
-我们待会再谈这件事 -现在就谈
-We’ll discuss this later. -We’ll discuss it now.
-谢谢你英勇的行为 -女士
-Thank you for your gallantry. -Ma’am.
如果你没及时插手 艾米可能会挨枪
Had you not interceded, Emmett might have been shot.
马提… 克林 我要送克蕾拉回去
Marty… Clint, I’m gonna take Clara home.
-好 晚安 -你可教训了他
-Right. Good night. -You sure set him straight.
I’m glad somebody finally stood up to that son of a bitch.
你真是了不起 我请你喝一杯
You’re all right in my book. I’d like to buy you a drink.
你不必买♥♥东西给我 这算不了什么…
You don’t have to buy me anything. It was no big deal…
拿着这全新的科尔特枪 免费的
You can have this brand-new Colt Peacemaker and gun belt, free of charge.
I want everybody to know the gun that shot Buford Tannen…
was a Colt Peacemaker!
没问题 多谢你了
No problem. Thanks a lot.
当然 如果你输了 我就要拿回来
Of course, if you lose, I’m taking it back.
Thanks again.
You had him.
你大可走开 没有人会怪你的
You could have walked away and nobody would have thought less of you.
All it would have been was words, hot air from a buffoon.
Instead, you let him rile you…
这是他的游戏 他的方式
into playing his game, his way, by his rules.
西米斯 别紧张 我知道自己在做什么
Seamus, relax. I know what I’m doing.
-他让我想起可怜的马丁 -是啊
-He reminds me of poor Martin. -Aye.
-谁? -我弟弟
-Who? -Me brother.
等等 你的弟弟叫马丁 麦克佛莱?
Wait a minute. You have a brother named Martin McFly?
Had a brother.
Martin used to let men provoke him into fighting.
He was concerned people would think him a coward if he refused.
That’s how he got a knife shoved through his belly in a saloon in Virginia City.
从不考虑未来 可怜的马丁 愿他安息
Never considered the future, poor Martin. God rest his soul.
我希望你能多为未来着想 伊斯威特先生
Sure, and I hope you’re considering the future, Mr. Eastwood.
I think about it all the time.
西北方中♥央♥的那巨蟹座 有一个像爆♥炸♥闪光的星星
That crater at middle of west when it utter all by itself, like a starburst.
-Yeah. -That one’s called Copernicus.
你看 我觉得自己像在教书
Listen to me. I feel like I’m teaching school.
Please, continue the lesson.
I never found lunar geography so fascinating.
You’re quite knowledgeable.
当我十一岁时 我得了白喉病 被隔离了三个月
When I was 11, I had diphtheria. I was quarantined for three months.
My father brought this telescope and put it next to my bed…
so I could see everything out the window.
Do you think we’ll ever travel to the moon…
the way we travel across the country on trains?
绝对能 只不过还得再等上84年 但不是搭火车
Definitely. Although not for 84 years, and not on trains.
We’ll have space capsules sent aloft with rockets…
devices that create giant explosions so powerful they just…
它会摆脱地心引力的控制 把飞行器送到外太空
That they break the pull of gravity and send the projectile to outer space.
I read that book, too!
你引用的是朱尔斯的书 月球之旅
You’re quoting Jules Verne, From the Earth to the Moon.
你也读朱尔斯 逢恩的书
You’ve read Jules Verne?
-我崇拜朱尔斯 逢恩 -我也是
-I adore Jules Verne. -So do I.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. My absolute favorite.
当我小时候第一次读这本书时 我就想见见尼莫船长
The first time I read that as a little boy, I wanted to meet Captain Nemo.
别开玩笑了 你不可能在小时候就读过那本书
Don’t tease. You couldn’t have read that when you were a boy.
It was only first published 10 years ago.
Yes. I meant it made me feel like a boy.
I never met a woman who liked Jules Verne before.
I never ever met a man like you before.
Hope you know what you’re doing.
You talking to me?
你在跟我说话? 泰伦
You talking to me, Tannen?
I’m the only one here.
