我有种重生的感觉 因为在工作那么久之后
I feel rejuvenated, kind of, because after working on it so long,
it’s so much work.
A lot of people, they’re used to just seeing the outcome of work.
They never see the side of the work you go through to produce
我重获了新生 很高兴
the outcome, and I feel, you know, rejuvenated and happy,
it’s a jubilation, is what it is.
就像庆祝吧 我们做到啦
It’s like a celebration, it’s like, “We’re done!”
我想一个公认的事实是”Thriller” 是史上销量最高的专辑
People were holding on to the fact that Thriller was the biggest selling record in the world.
How are you going to follow up on something like that?
几乎不可能啊 你试试把这话讲给Michael Jackson听听
It’s almost impossible. Try telling that to Michael Jackson, though.
Thriller is the blockbuster behemoth in the era
of blockbuster artists. You know, that was the era
有着Madonna Springsteen 和Whitney Huston
when you had Madonna, Springsteen, Whitney Houston,
那么多巨星和和优秀的音乐作品 加上音乐录音带正大唱主角
so big stars, big albums, MTV era, music videos are in ascendance.
And that’s the signature album of that era.
Thriller sold over 100 million copies worldwide to date.
美国本土有3500万张 海外有超过7000万张得销量
35 million in the US, over 70 million outside the US,
and that’s not even counting singles.
世界为Michael和 Thriller专辑疯狂了三年多
There was a mania around Michael
and Thriller for those three years that was very difficult to
回头看看猫王 Frank Sinatra
capture again, and you go back to Elvis, or Frank Sinatra,
甚至是披头士 包括今天的Justin Bieber LadyGAGA
or the Beatles, even today with Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga,
it’s a space and time, the window’s only opened so far,
这样的辉煌之门只为Thriller敞开了 那简直神奇的杰作
and Thriller captured that. It was magical.
Thriller broke every record that existed, and it sold more records
than any other album in the history of the music industry.
To most of us he’s just Wacko Jacko,
and if some of the press are to be believed, he bathes in
用鲜花当午餐 还睡在氧气舱里
Perrier water, eats flowers for lunch, and sleeps in an oxygen tent,
总是和大猩猩 蛇
often with a chimp, a snake,
甚至外星人为伴 多么诡异的三角恋啊
and an alien, in a sort of bizarre love triangle.
All that stuff is trash,
就是因为Michael Jackson不接受访问
and it all comes from the fact that Michael Jackson doesn’t do
interviews, and they have nothing else to write about him.
What surprises me sometimes, the people that get distracted
看到他的表演后 还是总更多得关注
and myopic about Michael’s eccentricities, when they listen to
his music and watch his performance, that’s like someone saying,
就好像有人说 看呢 西斯廷教廷顶上有个蜘蛛网呢
“Hey, there’s a cobweb on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.”
This article is from Playboy magazine, January 1985.
题目是“怪胎 美国的完美男性” 由James Baldwin撰写
It’s called Freaks And The American Ideal Of Manhood, by James Baldwin.
Michael Jackson这种异状之所以有趣 并不是因为Michael Jackson本身
The Michael Jackon cacophony is fascinating in that it is not about Jackson at all.
I hope he has the good sense to know it
and the good fortune to snatch his life out of the jaws of a carnivorous success.
他占尽了便宜 发了大财
“He will not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables,
“for he damn sure grabbed the brass ring.”
怪胎始终是怪胎 也会一如既往得被人厌恶
Freaks are called freaks and are treated as they are treated in the main, abominably
因为他们激发了 人类最原始隐藏的恐惧和欲望
because they are human beings who cause to echo, deep within us our most profound terrors anddesires
人们想要抵充掉Michael的怪才 造成强烈的社会效应
People tend to reduce the backlash to Michael Jackson to these
但我觉得James Baldwin的想法
eccentricities, but I think that the James Baldwin quote
suggests that it was more than that. Michael Jackson became
Michael Jackson已经是 娱乐业最举足轻重的人物之一
one of the most powerful figures in the entertainment industry, and
certainly he was the most powerful African-American to that time.
除此之外 1985年和John Branca一起
And in addition to that, 1985, along with John Branca,
he acquires the Beatles catalogue.
When we announced the acquisition of the Beatles’ catalogue,
it was almost a feeling that Michael didn’t have the right
also to be a savvy businessmen.
Michael并没有背着 Paul McCartney去竞拍版权
It was a misconception that Michael went behind Paul McCartney’s back
to bid on the catalogue, but that was absolutely not the case.
I remember when he bought the Beatles’ catalogue.
他来找我 他说他们要5200万美金
He came to me and he said they want whatever it was at that time,
就算是今天 这也忒贵了 他却说 我认为你错了
52 million, it sounds like too much money. He said, “I think you’re wrong.”
A lot of those Beatles’ songs are considered sacred songs by people.
They are really just more than pop songs on the radio,
他们跟其他歌♥相比 的确蕴含了不少人生哲理
they meant something in their lives beyond almost any songs they heard.
尤其像“辣椒警官”这样的专辑 是吧
I mean, Sergeant Pepper, particularly right?
他取得了这些歌♥的版权 并按照自己的想法使用
And for him to take that catalogue and use it the way he’s used it,
it’s going to have some kind of backlash.
Thriller后 Michael有了些钱来投资
After Thriller, you know, Michael had a few extra dollars to invest,
and we had an investment committee, and we used to look at
all sorts of possible deals for Michael,
但他从来都不会对房♥地♥产♥啊 避税投资啊有兴趣
and he never had interest in buildings, tax shelters,
the kinds of things that other people
were interested in at the time.
One day Michael came to me and he said,
“我看到了Paul McCartney的歌♥曲版权
“I saw Paul McCartney’s song catalogue.
他展示给我看 说 “你能帮我买♥♥下这些版权吗
“He showed it to me. Do you think you can help me buy copyrights?”
我说 当然了 Michael
And I said, “Absolutely, Michael.”
我们买♥♥了两首Dion & The Belmonts的歌♥
We bought a couple Dion & The Belmont’s songs,
Runaround Sue和The Wanderer
Runaround Sue and The Wanderer.
之后又买♥♥了Sly & The Family Stone的版权
Then we bought the Sly & The Family Stone catalogue,
which was a major acquisition for Michael.
Michael 28岁了 不是小孩子了
Michael’s 28 years old now. He’s not a baby dumpling now.
他会成长 会聆听
He’s grown, he’s listened, he’s going up,
and those are the kinds of things he wants to say now.
I feel the stretches are there,
but they don’t feel like they’ve been conscious stretches.
I think that things have just occurred along the way to say that
this is the way I feel like thinking,
and I feel like feeling at this time.
And one thing we’ve really tried not to do, to sit down and worry about
competing with Thriller,
because that’s really self-destructive, you know.
And it’s dishonest.
他到哪里 都会在房♥间的镜子上
He would always write with a red Sharpie
on his mirrors in his rooms, wherever he was.
He would write 100 million albums sold for Bad, to remind him,
when he would stand in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth,
梳洗整装的时候就能提醒他 这就是他的目标
brushing his hair, doing himself up, that that was his goal.
I remember sitting on Michael’s mirror,
上面写着很大的标记 1亿张
he wrote the big note, 100 million albums.
And that was a goal that he set for himself, but I remember one time,
我记得有一次和Michael在香港 应该是在唱片录音制♥作♥期间
I was in Hong Kong with Michael, and it was in between the records,
我对他说 Michael 你压力那么大
and I said, “you know, Mike, there’s a lot of pressure.
“Maybe you should think,
翻唱歌♥曲专辑吗 用一些给你带来灵感的歌♥
“why not do an album of cover songs that inspired you?
比如Jackie Wilson James Brown 小打个擦边球
“Jackie Wilson, James Brown, just going little left of centre,
“so you don’t feel like you have to compete with yourself.”
他看着我 好像我是火星来的
And he looked at me like I was from Mars.
Because Michael thrived on that pressure,
压得越狠 爆发力越强 同时也激发了他身边的人
he thrived on pushing himself, and everybody else around him.
If this record doesn’t do as well as Thriller, and doesn’t win
或同样获得那么多格莱美奖的话 他会很不高兴的
a whole bunch of Grammy awards, he’s going to be very unhappy.
他在Thriller和BAD 刚发行的时候打电♥话♥说
He would call during the Thriller and the Bad days.
“My record’s not number one.
我的唱片还不是第一呢 我们怎么办啊
“My record’s not number one, what are we going to do?”
我对他说 Michael 咱们睡觉 明天早上起来
I said, “Michael, we’re going to go to sleep, we’re going to get up tomorrow,
“and we’re going to work on getting you a number one.”
Michael是没有极限的 Michael想得比任何人都远
Michael didn’t have limits, Michael thought bigger than anyone.
Off the Wall大卖♥♥
Off The Wall was a huge hit, and when he told people after
that album, “I’m going to follow this up with an album that’s going
下一张专辑销量要翻倍 当时没人相信 可他做到了
“to sell twice as much as Off The Wall, people didn’t believe him.” And he did it.
BAD制♥作♥的时候 他说我还要来一次
And so with Bad, he said, “OK, I’m going to do it again.”
Bad has the special distinction.
是第一张连续有5首流行单曲 荣登榜首的专辑
It’s the first album in history to generate five consecutive
这个记录直到最近才被Katy Perry的
number one pop singles, and that record was only recently
Teenage Dream专辑追平
tied by Katy Perry, with her Teenage Dream album.
从1987年夏天的I just can’t stop loving you
It started with I Just Can’t Stop Loving You, in the summer of 1987.
Bad 接着是The Way You Make Me Feel Man In The Mirror
– Bad. – Then you had The Way You Make Me Feel. – Man In The Mirror.
最后是Dirty Diana
And finally, Dirty Diana.
