It’s a testament to his swag, really, that he
even made another record after Thriller.
It did take in five years.
I was 16 years old when the Bad album came out.
我记得当时我对那张专辑的一切 都近乎疯狂的着迷
I remember being highly obsessed with every aspect of that album.
我们心里都嘀咕 会是张怎样的专辑啊
We were just like, “What is this going to be?”
Because this was a humongous deal.
I guess in some way or another, my education of the industry,
and those inside it and outside it really starts with that record.
专辑最初的名称是Smooth Criminal(犯罪高手)
The original album title was Smooth Criminal.
That was the original name of the album,
Michael打电♥话♥跟我说 就这么定了
and again, Michael called me up, and said this is what he wants to do.
几天后Quincy Jones打电♥话♥给我
A couple of days later I got a call
他说 “Larry 我对专辑名称有点意见
from Quincy Jones, “Larry, I got a problem with the album title.”
我说”这名字很酷啊 蕴含着躁动
I go, “Why? It’s kind of cool, it’s edgy, it’s kind of cool.”
他说 “我明白你的意思 “但我不允许这张专辑叫犯罪高手
He says, “I understand Larry, but I will not allow this album to be called Smooth Criminal.”
He felt that the connotation was inappropriate at this time.
我告诉他 “让我和Walter商量一下再给他答复
So I said, “Let me call Walter, I’ll get back to you.”
因为当时Walter Yetnikoff 非常关心这个项目
Because Walter Yetnikoff was very involved with this project.
他说 “我不管这专辑叫什么 赶快给我搞出来
And Walter says, “I don’t care what you call it, just put it out!”
This was the most published music image of the year.
我们准备了三天 当时在纽约地铁拍音乐录影带
We prepared for it for three days. We were shooting the video in the subway in New York.
每天在拍摄结束后 我们说来拍照吧
Every day after shooting, we would go, “OK, let’s do it.”
不行 我累了 明天吧
“I’m tired. I got something to do.” Next day. OK.
第二天 我累了 到了最后一天 Frank说
“No, no, no, no, I’m tired.” OK, last day, Frank says,
Michael 他准备了三天了 你今天一定要拍
“Mike, he’s been sitting here for three days, you got to take this picture.”
“好吧 Frank 3组12张照片后 他说 “就这样吧
“OK, Frank.” Three rolls of 12 shots later he goes, “That’s enough.”
And this is what we came up with.
There was an album cover shot,
and it was done in a very ’30s style.
It was a copy of a Vogue photograph of Gloria Swanson that had
给Gloria Swanson拍摄的一♥期♥封面
been shot back in the ’30s.
他们截了一段蕾丝 罩在镜头前面
And they took a piece of lace, and they stuck it
in front of the camera, and they shot through the lace,
Michael’s face, it was just a headshot, so it looked like
Michael was wearing a veil, or a piece of lace on his face.
他脸上那面罩哦 我说我可不会用这个当封套
He did have a veil, and I said “I’m not putting out an album cover
“with that all over his face.”
他打给我说 这绝对不能当封套
He called me up, and he went, “That is not the album cover!”
我们要的是张强悍的专辑 所以我们要的也是强悍的视觉
We wanted a tough album. We wanted a tough image, anyway.
You know, because, because it’s important that you keep trying to change, change up.
就是这个时候 我要求他负责所有的作曲工作
And this is the one where I’d asked him to write all the tunes.
This room was built for Michael.
没错 这个在Westlake的D号♥录音室
This studio D in Westlake
就是为Michael Jackson度身定建的
was built for Michael Jackson.
For specifically the Bad record.
我就在这间录音室 Phillinganes在另一间录音室
I was in this big room here, we had Phillinganes in the other room,
我记得应该是E号♥ 他在那里做和铉部分
E, I believe it was, doing all the synth parts.
Jerry Hey和其他人 在其他录音室做其它部分
We had Jerry Hey and the other guys doing other arrangements in the other rooms.
We had this whole building locked up. Locked out!
没错 封起来 所有人都在做同一张专辑的不同部分
Everybody’s working on different tunes on the same record.
Well, the Bad song really sets up the entire album,
因为在这首歌♥里 Michael奋起反击
because this is a song in which Michael’s addressing
the huge backlash that had taken place since thriller.
现在整个世界都得回答这个问题 “谁才是坏人啊”
The whole world has to answer right now, “Who’s bad?”
It is quite different from anything I’ve ever recorded, or I’ve ever written.
蕴含了一些大胆的宣言 不过都是出于健康向上的初衷
It’s a bold statement to say, but I mean it in all goodwill.
– 请大家不要曲解 – 这个解释很谦虚啊
You know, so don’t take it too seriously.
我想说的是 你很酷 很棒 很坚强
I’m saying, it’s like a way of saying you’re cool, you’re all right,
you’re tough. I’m not saying I’m like criminally bad.
Of course, that’s how people will take it.
It’s a bold statement to make.
第一句就是“就冲我来吧” 这可有够直接的
Opening line is, “Your butt is mine,” that’s extremely…
基本就是说 我们开仗吧
You know, like, let’s get it on!
So, I wanted to do a duet with Prince,
然后再和Michael拍个录影带 让他去挑衅Michael
and have the video with him coming to kick Michael’s ass.
The rivalry between the two of them, between Prince and Michael,
for real music lovers at that time, and real music fans,
that’s a rivalry that is unmatched,
that’s a rivalry that is unmatched,
and will go unmatched for many, many years.
Michael impacted dances.
Nobody can touch him dancing.
When I try to dance, I’d try, not to mimic him,
but I try to, you know, not let him down, in a way.
Prince impacted musicians.
Michael Jackson and Prince were the polarising figures of the ’80s.
你要么是Michael的粉丝 要么是Prince的粉丝
Are you a Michael fan or a Prince than?
不能比啊 真不行 因为Michael和Prince出现在
You can’t do that! You know why? Because I think that Michael
and Prince came into our lives at a different point.
他们对我来说都很重要 没办法比
They’re synonymous to me, they’re equal.
Michael和Prince是我们的英雄 音乐英雄
Michael and Prince are our heroes, they’re our musical heroes.
我制♥作♥的一年一度的 “Michael Jackson大战Prince”派对
My annual Michael Jackson versus Prince party,
that’s something I’ve been doing for a while,
really just to pay homage and tribute to those two artists.
我当时的偶像有迈克尔·乔丹 迈克·泰森 迈克尔·杰克逊
I’m Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson.
有一次我在Prince演唱会的后台 遇到Michael 够讽刺吧
I met Michael once at, ironically enough, a Prince concert.
I was performing with Prince in Vegas.
After the show was over was when I met him backstage.
I thought that they had nemeses all these years,
but it turns out that Mike was a pretty big fan of Prince as well.
So Michael said,
“Branca 安排一下 我想和Prince见见面
“Branca, set up a meeting. I want Prince to come over.”
于是这个会面安排在了Hayvenhurst Hayvenhurst 46♥4♥1号♥
The meeting took place at Hayvenhurst, 46♥4♥1 Hayvenhurst.
制♥作♥人Bob Cavallo和Prince一起来的
And Bob Cavallo went over with Prince…
So, you actually met then?
是的 就在Michael的书房♥ 我当时不在场
They met in Michael’s study, and I recall, I wasn’t there that night,
我记得第二天有人告诉我 那次会面并不和谐
but I remember, I was told the next day, it was not a happy meeting.
Apparently Prince brought over some sort of voodoo box, and Michael
was convinced that Prince was trying to cast a spell on him.
如果Quincy找到Prince说 “你来写首歌♥ 和Michael合唱
If Quincy has gone to Prince and said, “Write a song for you
and Michael to do,” that song would have gotten recorded.
Not by Michael!
But Michael wouldn’t have done it!
Prince没说不能和Michael Jackson合作
Now Prince wasn’t doing no song with Michael Jackson. All right?
That was a very optimistic view that he would get down…
那个时候 他的专辑Sign O’ The Times Era可牛了
At that point, in the Sign O’ The Times era, he’s rolling.
Oh, the cool thing about playing on the title track, Bad,
我弹了一段独奏给Jimmy Smith听
was I shared a solo with Jimmy Smith.
Jimmy Smith是个风琴手爵士来演奏
Jimmy Smith played on that, jazz organist, played on that.
He was great.
That was the groove, you know.
And then Jimmy did this organ solo on top of that.
And here he comes…
我再跟上 听好了
And here I come after that. Watch out!
86 87年Hip Pop开始引领潮流
By ’86 and ’87, hip-hop is now becoming the dominant thread
in a lot of aspects of American pop culture.
其实Michael Bad专辑的形象和录影带
Michael’s responding to that to some degree with the Bad video,
也对此起到了一定的推动作用 但完全是用MJ的方式
and imaging of Bad, but it’s done in a Michael Jackson way.
第一步就是请来了Martin Scorsese
The first step that was taken was to bring in Martin Scorsese.
Martin Scorsese to direct the first video from the album, and
Michael从来不叫录影带 所以是专辑的第一支短片
Michael never called them videos, it was the short film from the album.
You’d never hear him say “music video”.
“I’m doing short films.”
他希望人们不止是听到音乐 还能看到它
He wanted people not just to hear the music, but see it.
我们和Michael还有Quincy 在洛杉矶开会
We had a meeting with Quincy and Michael in Los Angeles,
and I found that really nobody had… They were wide open to ideas.
Nobody had ideas what kind of story we could make up,
what kind of issue we could deal with.
所以我建议聘请Richard Price来写脚本
And so I suggested that I hire Richard Price,
