I have this like earnest social drama, and all of a sudden it’s
突然间就变成了 群舞流行歌♥曲 整个懵了
going to end in this choreographed big song, and it was like, “Huh?”
Oh, I remember this, yeah.
Now, the thing is… Oh, this is pretty much, you know…
你要干嘛 舞斗吗
What are you going to do, dance us to death? I think he says…
What, y’all going to dance us to death?
You got to be kidding me.
He probably was going to dance them to death.
那别废话了 来吧
Because you ain’t saying nothing here. Raise up.
I think the Bad moment, outfit wise,
was far more influential than the Thriller moment.
Like, the Thriller moment might have been more iconic,
but Bad was more influential.
就算是现在 我还是会像他当时那样穿衣服
So, I like almost dress like that today.
大家互瞪 然后水管爆了
When everybody’s out, they’re all staring, and the pipe breaks.
– 好的 – 大家都回头
– Yeah, right. – Everybody looks.
So, what’s up?
We’re going to hold that a while.
Michael很想把机械舞 融入到他的短片中
Michael was very interested in incorporating body popping into his videos.
他觉得舞者们本身更明白 我们想表达的意思
So, he feels like the dancers themselves know more about what we’re doing,
因此 他的音乐录影中的都是街头舞者
so he chose to use the street dancers to co-choreograph the videos with him.
然后我们做几个击打的动作 砰
Now hit those little things like – boom!
Do the little moves, those little up rhythms.
He would work with the dancers in the daytime, but me and Casper
晚上我和Caszper会去Michael住的 Helmsley Palace酒店
would go up to the Helmsley Palace hotel and work with Michael
at night, and we’d be working to 2.30, 3 in the morning.
轮流给出自己的创意 再展示出来
And, you know, we’d take turns creating different things,
making different things happen, and then he’d get in there,
他再来跳他的舞步概念 然后是我来跳我的
and he do his thing, I’d get in to do my thing,
and we would take turns doing that.
我们不是在互相竞争 看谁跳得好
It wasn’t like a dance-off, like competing against each other,
而是在互相激励 启发
but like pushing each other, inspiring each other,
and pushing each other to the next limit.
一开始是只有我 Caszper和Michael
So at first it was myself and Casper and Michael only,
后来我找到了Gregg Burge
then after I got hold of Gregg Burge,
Gregg Burge也加入了彩排的行列
and Gregg Burge started coming over to the rehearsals with us
我们只是想到什么跳什么 把想法都展示收集起来
as well. And we were just gelling, just coming up with ideas,
so there was nothing constructive yet.
– I know people made a lot of, “What’s a shamone?” – Shamone.
Shamone是他对Mavis Staples的致敬
Shamone is basically his hat nod to Mavis Staples.
他本可以像James Brown那种 “看这里”
He could have went with James Brown, and being like, “Lookee here,”
或者Marvin Gaye的 “Hoooo”
or Marvin Gaye and “Hoooo!”
I love the fact that he played that homage to one of
the under-championed soul singers of her day.
Michael有个胯部动作 顶胯向前移♥动♥
Michael has this scooting move, where he scooting forward.
That’s a Michael signature step.
我跟他说 Michael 这个舞步可从来没出现在群舞中
I said, “Michael, that has never been done in a group before.
“Could you imagine if all of us were scooting across the camera like that?”
So now it’s looking like a train, “chuka-chuka-chuka-chuka…”
大家一起做 结果出来效果还真棒
with a group of us doing it. And it worked out beautifully.
你熟悉迈克尔·杰克逊 那个经典动作 抓裤裆吗
Were you familiar with the Michael Jackson “grab the crotch”?
不 我完全不知道
No, I was not familiar with that at all!
It’s all through the whole piece.
The whole thing, it’s all throughout.
在整套舞蹈里也没什么不对啊 我能说啥
Within the moves, it’s right, I mean, what can I say?
– 他跳舞的方式吗 – 那还是有惊讶吧
– The way he’s moving. – But it was a surprise, though, right?
Yes, it was, yeah.
He took what was formatted as a choreography,
and he learned it to the point where he could break out of it when
he wanted to, and get right back into it, without skipping a beat.
Michael就这样转个圈 一挺身
Michael would just spin and snap out of it, and grab himself, “Hooooo!”
We never knew any of this was going to happen,
and that goes to show you his genius.
What makes one go out and mug a person?
I mean, there’s so much involved in a person who does that.
没有安全感 挫败 愤怒 这些种种
Insecurities, frustration, resentment, all of these things.
有一个动作 我要抬起腿来
In one movement, I had him lifting the leg up, with that feeling
of wanting to fly, like we all want to do, we want to fly, and the
下一个动作是愤怒 再下一个又是温柔
next movement, it’s just anger, and the next movement, its tenderness.
Michael’s seen West Side Story.
Michael很熟悉Jerome Robbins的编舞 我就知道他了解
Michael knows Jerome Robbins’ choreography, I mean, I know
he does, because that’s where that looked like it came from, to me.
Gregg发挥了很大的作用 因为他是科班出身
Gregg, he contributed, because he’s a technical dancer, you know,
he’s into jazz, and stuff like that, so all the really
所以那些西区故事风格的舞步 就是他放进去的
West Side Story-looking stuff is what Gregg put into the piece.
I tried to keep some street stuff in it.
You see those type of moves in there.
You know I’m bad, I’m bad
♪ You know I’m bad, I’m bad
♪ Shamone
You know I’m bad, I’m bad…
♪ You know I’m bad, I’m bad… ♪
– 摄像吊架下来了 – 没错
– The crane down… – Oh, yeah.
天花板太低了 太矮了
Low ceiling, I mean, the ceiling was low.
– 就是这里 – 我滴天啊
– There it is. – Oh, my God!
当时是为了好笑啦 的确是个好主意
I get that it wasn’t funny, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
但是我女儿看见了 她问我
Something my daughter, when she saw this, she said,
“老爸 你坐过牢吗” 我说 “没有 没有 没有啊”
“Dad, you were in jail?” I said, “No, no, no, no!”
It was my intention to make this dance move throughout this
subway, I wanted things to move.
拍摄最大的挑战是 主角是个舞蹈天才
The big issue of course, ultimately, was for such a master of dancing,
我们怎么才能把他舞蹈动作 从头到脚生动的展现出来
the concern was to show from head to toe.
I had to try and convince him
that I think the camera moves could work all together.
影片最后回到现实 他们分开对峙
It does come back at the end to a reality in which they split.
最后一段算是个总结陈词了 这是个很有意思的想法
And of course, it’s all summed up, which is an interesting idea,
是Jackson提出的 他称之为分♥裂♥
that Jackson came up with, to do what he calls a breakdown.
这种分♥裂♥最后变成了一种传统的说教 有种布道的感觉
A breakdown which turned out to be in the tradition of a preacher,
doing a sermon. And we did that three cameras, live.
And Michael goes, “OK, guys, I want you to just follow me.”
I think I had to be one of the only singers in the group,
because a lot of the guys were studying dance.
Who’s bad?
Who’s bad?
天呢 那是教堂的感觉 那是James Brown附体吗
Oh, my God, it was church, it was James Brown.
If any place reaffirmed him, or if he was trying to reaffirm to
people who he was, and where his roots were…
And the soulfulness that he has, and frankly,
the blackness that he was, it is those last 30 seconds…
– You know – You know
– You know it – You know it
– You know – You know
– You know it – You know it…
– Sometimes he lost us, you know…
“So, guys, naaa, naaa, na…”
– 问问你妈妈 – 你妈妈
– # Ask your mother – Your mother
– 问你姐妹 – 你的姐妹
– # Ask your sister – Your sister
– 问问我 – 问我
– # Ask me – Ask me
– 你错了 – 你错了
– # You’ve been doing wrong – You’ve been doing wrong
– 你错了 – 你错了
– # You’re doing wrong – You’re doing wrong
– 你误解我了 – 你误解我了
– # You’re doing me wrong – You’re doing me wrong
– 你错了 – 你错了
– # You’re doing wrong – You’re doing wrong… #
And this is something that he envisioned,
and he was feeling, and it finally got to that…
So, that’s the way it goes down, hey?
我们讨论了很久 要不要换个方法
There was a lot of talk at first of doing a different thing,
比如大家都笑了笑 一笑泯恩仇
maybe everyone smiling, and being happy with it.
18A 第三场
18 apple, take three.
And action.
这事就过去了 行吗
Yo, it’s cool, all right.
我是说 没必要记仇
I mean, there ain’t no hard feelings or nothing.
但我说 这样好像不行
But then I just said, “It just doesn’t seem to work.”
