这些人应该还是有点不服 但他却泰然自若
The fellas have to more or less except him,
然后他们释然了 各自离开 就这样了
and they accept them, and they go their own way, that’s it.
上周Michael Jackson 再次载入人类史册
Last week Michael Jackson re-entered human history,
to gladden mankind with his latest album,
thus triggering a wave of media silliness and cross-promotion.
CBS television let off the festival of foolishness Monday night.
播出了半小时的Jackson 和他新专辑的特别节目
IT broadcast a half-hour special on Jackson and his new album.
I mean, when that video comes on Monday night,
everyone’s going to be glued to their TV screen,
with their friends saying,
“看到那个了吗 看到那个了吗”
“did you see that? Did you see that? Did you see that?”
It was before the age of the internet, I mean,
the most that I could do was call somebody else’s house
to have three-way, who called another friend to have three-way,
我们一共7个人一起看了短片 没有人说话
like seven of us watched this short film, one three-way, in dead silence.
I was just transfixed in front of the TV.
我们找了所有能找到的 有关Michael的纪录片
We took all the documentary footage we could find on Michael,
from the very early stages, when he joined Motown records,
it ended with a video clip of him in London,
无数的女孩在冲他尖叫 我们把隆隆声
with hundreds of girls screaming and yelling, and we put this rumble
加入尖叫声的音轨里 让人感觉更加震撼
track underneath the screaming and yelling to really enhance it.
It was just like this with the Beatles.
And Michael just loved this comment
by this woman of comparing him to the Beatles.
看到这个时 他两眼发亮 从椅子上跳起来对着我
He lit up when he saw that, he just turned to me from the chair
说”我喜欢这句话 Larry 我真喜欢”
and said, “I love it, Larry. I love it.”
如果你看过这段 你也就见证了
If you saw it, you witnessed one of the great bold-faced
这个大肆炒作时代的 最厚颜无♥耻♥的宣传炒作
masterpieces of promotional hype in this hype-splattered decade.
This video is sending out some
奇怪而复杂的讯号♥ 社会讯号♥
very strange and mixed signals, social signals,
the cry for some critical analysis in the media.
Some people in the press got down on it because,
首先 他们的目的是取笑 Michael Jackson
firstly they were making fun of Michael Jackson in it,
然后有些人就嗅到味道了 联♥系♥到种族歧视上去了
and then some people got onto the note of, “Is this racist?
“你为了音乐娱乐产业 而利用这样一个悲剧吗”
“Are you exploiting a tragedy for the sake of a music entertainment?”
You know, Marty’s in Morocco,
Quincy Jones在什么地方走红毯呢
Quincy Jones is on the red carpet somewhere
而我就是在长岛 负责接电♥话♥的白♥痴♥
and I’m the idiot in Long Island that getting all the calls.
“不 不是种族歧视 你怎么能这么说” 我都疯了 像个自♥由♥主义者
“No, it’s not racist, what are you talking about?!” Freaking out, like a good liberal.
There was a ballad that was released,
是一首民谣 是和Paul McCartney合唱的那首
the first track from Thriller, which was a duet with Paul McCartney.
他和Siedah Garrett又 做了一首那样的合唱曲目
He duplicated that by doing a duet with Siedah Garrett.
25年前 我就坐在这里
25 years ago, I sat at this very spot,
弹着同一架钢琴 录制I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
and played this very piano to record I Just Can’t Stop Loving You.
MICHAEL: I just wanna lay next to you for a while.
You look so beautiful tonight.
Your eyes are so lovely.
Your mouth is so sweet.
A lot of people misunderstand me.
That’s because they don’t know me at all.
I just want to touch you.
And hold you.
I need you.
God, I need you.
⌈止不住对你的爱恋⌋ 这首歌♥很有意思
“I Just Can’t Stop Loving You” is a interesting song.
because it’s the first single released off the album,
and so the firing squad was ready.
They would have ripped anything apart because they were ready,
they were ready to attack whatever he threw out there.
尽管如此 这首歌♥还是拿到了冠军
In spite of that, it goes number one.
对我来说 I Can’t Stop Loving You就像是
To me, I Can’t Stop Loving You is like,
和他的伯特·巴卡洛克风格 (美国50-80年代 音乐家)
close to his Burt Bacharach song.
这首歌♥一开始是打算 请Whitney Huston来合唱的
It was actually intended as a duet with Whitney Houston.
This award honours you for your consistent artistic
and technical excellence in all forms of video
and for raising the standard of the art form to new horizons.
– 谢谢 Whitney – 应该的
– Thank you, Whitney. – You’re welcome.
我要对全世界的歌♥迷说 非常感谢 我爱你们
To all the fans around the world, thank you very much, and I love you.
Arista唱片说 我们不想让Whitney曝光率太高
So Arista Records says, “We don’t want Whitney to be over-exposed.”
Clive Davis (Arista唱片创始人 主席)
Clive Davidson!
要是让我逮到Clive 他就死定了
When I see Clive, I’m going to give him hell.
开个玩笑 别太认真
Just kidding, just kidding, everybody calm down.
记得当时歌♥曲发布后 我很失望
I remember when it came out I was really disappointed
因为 在Thriller这样的专辑后
because I was like, you’re going to put out a slow song
after this whole run of Thriller and all these songs,
you’re going to put out a slow song?
拜托 这是你的回归之作啊 音乐录音带呢
Come on, this is the big comeback. Where’s the music video?
And who’s that girl singing?
后来我才知道是Siedah Garrett
I only later found out it was Siedah Garrett.
And there weren’t very many people in the studio.
只有Michael、Quincy Bruce Swedien还有我
It was just Michael, Quincy, Bruce Swedien and me.
And Quincy just sort of over his shoulder said,
“Sied 你喜欢这首歌♥哈”
“Hey, Sid, you like the song?”
我说”是啊 喜欢”正不知所措呢
And I’m going, “Yeah.” Knitting. “Yeah, I like it.”
他说”你觉得自己能唱吗” 我说”可以啊”
He said, “You think you can sing it?” I’m like, “Yeah.”
我走进录音室 看到两个麦克风架在那里
So I walked in this room and I see these two mic stands
and there’s music sheets on the mic stands
and in the moment that I saw the music sheets where it said,
“Michael Siedah Michael Siedah” 我才意识到
“Michael, Siedah, Michael, Siedah,” that was the moment I realised,
我的个天呢 我要和Michael Jackson合唱了呢
oh, my God, I’m doing a duet with Michael Jackson!
我唱的时候闭上了眼睛 You know how I…
I’m singing, my eyes are closed, # You know how I… #
Michael开始丢东西 我估摸着是爆米花
And Michael started tossing, I think it was popcorn.
我一边唱 一边抖瑟
I’m singing, my eyes closed and I’m feeling this,
and then Quincy, all Quincy sees is me, you know,
他开始吼了”Sied 我们在录音呢 你别浪费时间”
he said, “Sid, this is studio time, you’re wasting time, Siedah,
“you’re wasting an expensive studio.”
And Michael is cracking up.
I Just Can’t Stop Loving You 是凌晨3点开始录制的
I Just Can’t Stop Loving You started at 3am.
That’s one of those you get the phone call to wake up
and, “We need to record right now.”
And we were done probably in an hour and a half.
专辑里的那首 I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
On the album version of I Just Can’t Stop Loving You,
you make some very strong sensuous remarks to a woman
that you’re lying next to.
– 我写歌♥的时候的确在床上呢 是啊 – 真的吗
– I was in a bed when I was doing that. – Really? – Yeah.
我躺在床上 睡衣被子啥的全套
I was lying in bed, the cover and everything.
When I was recording my bits, I didn’t need any charts,
I would just listen to the demo,
really, internalise the parts that way
和Michael聊了一下 了解了他对编曲的想法
and in talking a little bit with Michael and getting his wishes across, musically,
I just translate all that and play it.
I was slated to be on the Bad tour.
I was convinced by my record company and other people
我应该录一张专辑 因为合唱歌♥曲刚刚发布
that I needed to do a record cos the duet had just come out.
I’d rehearsed with them for a week
后来我决定录制自己的专辑 于是我退出了
when I decided I wanted to do my record so I pulled out.
以前乐队成员有打赌 说唱那首歌♥时
The band used to bet on whether Michael was getting excited
during the song. Now…
– 却变成和你合唱? – 确实很让人抓狂
– Singing to you? – Yeah. I say that’s a stretch.
和Michael一起工作 合唱真的太带劲了
Working with Michael and doing the duet is really, it’s intense.
Every time we do that, it’s a different experience, you know.
他非常能带对手入戏 看着他的眼睛一起唱歌♥
And he draws you in so much and just singing a song into his eyes
再传到耳朵里 真的太精彩了
and having him look at you, it’s really exciting.
Michael Jackson has such a great instinct for the groove,
like the groove in Michael Jackson, he was rocking at all times,
he could hear the groove.
So if you take that groove and you put it to orchestration,
效果就会放大 更有力量
it makes it bigger, it makes it more powerful.
Quincy Jones和 MJ的组合是有历史意义的
Quincy Jones/Michael Jackson collaboration was historic.
It was a match made in heaven because first of all,
