声音更亮 更能体现音质
a lot of brightness, a lot of reinforcement to how things sound.
That you’re…这里我知道
♪ That you’re… ♪ I know this part!
哈 我知道的啦
Ha, I know that!
I met with Quincy, Quincy Jones and Frank,
to find out what they were looking for in the video.
他们说基本上就是 让Michael上升到一个新的高度
And they said, basically, we want to take Michael to another level,
especially with his relationships with women.
然后我和Michael讨论 我问他想在哪里拍 他说”陋巷”
And then I talked to Michael and I said, “Where do you want it to happen?” He said, “Skid Row.”
我们写了很长的先行篇 像他们拍”Bad”的时候那样
We wrote a long prequel, just like they did in Bad.
– 我联♥系♥了奥古斯特·威尔逊 – 是吗
– I contacted August Wilson. – Yeah?! – Yeah.
Cos I’m from Pittsburgh and so was he.
– August怎么说 – 不行 他说不行
– What did August say? – No. He said no.
I did this little documentary about the guys on the street,
非常真实的场景 然后拿给Michael看
real, real stuff, and showed it to Michael.
He looked at it and actually said,
“咱的片子能拍成这个样子吗” 都是手持拍摄的 镜头动得厉害
“Can we make the video look like this?” Because it was all handheld and jerky.
我说 “你喜欢就行 你真想这么拍吗” 他说是的
And I said, “If that’s what you want. You’re sure you want that?” He said, “yeah.”
出去 伙计
Get out of here, man!
看看这屁♥股♥ 哇
Check out that rear end! Whoo!
别碰我的头 不行
Don’t touch my head! No!
You’re acting like a little tramp!
And we actually used real gang members in the video.
We had the V13s down here on this corner
Crips帮的在另一边角落 其中有些人还抽着烟
and the Crips on this corner, and some of the guys were smoking
Michael来了说 “Jo 这些人在那边抽烟呢”
and Michael came and he said, “Jo, the guys are smoking down there.
“真讨厌啊” 我转过身说
“It’s kind of bothersome.” And I just turned and said,
“Will you fucking guys quit fucking smocking?!”
Michael差点吓坏了 躲到我身后去了
And Michael, he almost panicked, he almost hid behind me
because this is all these gang members,
不过到处都有警♥察♥ 这不是什么问题
we had cops everywhere, though. It wasn’t a problem.

他看到一个女孩 开始打指响…
When he sees the girl, he did a thing with his fingers going…
有一次 刚好我兄弟在摄像机前抓拍到了 我说”我的天呢 感谢上帝”
It happened once, my brother was operating the camera and caught it. I said, “Oh, my God, thank God.”
Michael had the best-sounding fingers, didn’t he?
I don’t remember which song it is,
但Bad专辑的制♥作♥单上 他的指响也列进去了
but on Bad he has a credit for finger snaps.
我记得最惊人的一个瞬间是 Michael正走着
One of the most amazing moments that I remember was Michael walking,
walking, walking, and catches up to Tatyana,
and sings for the first time…
一切都停止了 我们不得不停止拍摄 因为所有人都呆了
Everything stopped. We had to stop shooting because people just froze.
They actually froze.
♪ Hoo! ♪
To play a shuffle like that for 12 minutes is not easy.
Michael的妈妈 她脑子里已经有曲子了
Michael’s mother, she has this song in mind.
她说 “Michael 你得想出一首歌♥”
She says, “Michael, you’ve got to come up with a song
“that has this real shuffling kind of rhythm.”
Michael说 “好啊 我看看能想出什么来”
And Michael says, “OK, I’ll see what I can come up with.”
曳步节奏是很独特的 你们听到的多数歌♥曲都是直线型的
Shuffles have a unique rhythm. Most songs you hear are kind of linear.
Shuffles have an extra rhythmic element going on.
还可以在背景节奏中 用牛铃来增强音效
You can have a cowbell underneath the backbeat to reinforce the sound.
None of the backbeat that you hear on that album
is going to have just a basic, typical snare drum sound.
I recorded the drums on a wooden platform.
It minimises what is called secondary pick-up,
which is where the other mics in the room
pick up from those sound sources.
And then we got the idea,
why doesn’t Michael stand on that when he sings?
他这么做了 音效无与伦比
And he did, and it sounds glorious.
这是我还是个小女孩时 拥有的第一张唱片
This was my first album ever as a little girl.
I cried and cried to my mom, begged her to please buy this for me.
我不停地放这张唱片 跟着音乐跳舞
I would play this like crazy, and dance with it.
对我来说 这就是梦想成真
I mean, this was a dream come true. This was something I had fantasised
and dreamed about since I was five or six years old.
我们最终选定的女孩Tatiana 最初并不在五甲之列
The girl that we finally chose, Tatiana, wasn’t in my first five.
I didn’t like her.
我给他的经纪人Frank DiLeo 放了试镜录音带
And I showed Frank DiLeo, his manager, the casting tape
and he said, “That girl’s running around with Prince.
“如果Michael知道了 会不高兴的”
“If Michael finds out, he’ll be upset.
“And that girl’s running around with so-and-so,
“I’m not going to name names.”
他说”我不能说” 因为是Quincy Jones
He said, “I can’t say.” Cos it was Quincy Jones.
我想是吧 记得是这样
I think. As I remember.
She seemed physically to be the female version of Michael Jackson.
There may have been, in his head, an interesting idea about,
“哇 这不是对我最完美的赞誉吗”
“Wow! This is almost kind of my perfect complement.”
她是当时的靓女哦 我当时都想当Michael了
She was the finest thing around at that time. I wanted to be Michael.
想当Michael 走在她身旁
I wanted to be Michael, walking right beside her,
站在车上 那天我真希望自己是Michael
standing on cars and being… I wanted to be Michael that day.
我最初与Quincy相识时 我正在一支乐队演奏
I first got hooked up with Quincy through a band I was playing in,
在洛杉矶 乐队叫Seawind
in Los Angeles, called Seawind.
We were playing at a club.
Quincy, always being at the forefront of finding new talent,
heard about us as a horn section, called up one night.
有个晚上打电♥话♥说”Jerry 我是Quincy Jones” “什么啊”
“Jerry, this is Quincy Jones.” “What?”
“你想在录音唱片里演奏吗” “当然”
“Yeah, you want to play on a record?” “Of course.”
“想做乐曲改编吗” “哦 行啊”
“You want to do an arrangement?” “Oh…OK.”
He said, “And how about tomorrow?”
And that was kind of the beginning
of this 30-plus year relationship with Quincy.
Our horn players are two saxophone players,
Kim Hutchcroft和Larry Williams 小号♥手是Gary Grant
Kim Hutchcroft and Larry Williams. The trumpet player, Gary Grant.
长号♥手是Bill Reichenbach
The trombone player, Bill Reichenbach.
Vamp out.
歌♥曲 “The Way You Make Me Feel”
MUSIC: “The Way You Make Me Feel”
再来 两把小号♥ 两支萨克斯管
Again, two trumpets, two saxes.
试镜那天 我穿了身舞服
The day of the audition, I wore a dance skin,
黑色连衣裙 靴子 手镯 脚链
a black dress with boots and bracelets, bangles,
which was kind of like my signature thing at the time.
And I heard that Michael liked my look.
他喜欢我的整个风格 于是他就让我那样穿着了
He liked the whole style of what I had done, so he kept that.
We created a complete look for her.
把头发接长 完全改变了她的妆容
Hair extensions, we changed her make up completely.
那时我有两条裙子 一条粉红 一条黑色
I had two dresses at that time. One was pink, one was black.
And the black one was kind of reminiscent of a Tatiana dress.
That’s the way I was living.
“The Way You Make Me Feel”的录音带 你知道 他追着那女孩
The Way You Make Me Feel video, um, you know, when he’s chasing
the girl around, that was kind of how I pictured my Baby video.
We kind of based it off of that.
在我的片子里 你们看到我在一家保龄球馆
In my video, you can see I’m in a bowling alley
but it’s kind of like a modern version.
我追着她 想让她喜欢我
I’m chasing her around, trying to get her to like me.
Michael打电♥话♥给我说”我跟Joe Pytka说了”
Mike called me and said, “I told Joe Pytka,
“就是导演 我说我不跳舞了”
“who’s directing it, that I wasn’t doing any dancing.
“But the more I listen to it, I think I want to put some dancing in there.
“你可以到录音棚去吗 设计点舞蹈”
“Could you go to a studio and work on some stuff,
“then I’ll come in and join you.”
Joe进来看 听到音乐响起
Joe came in to see, heard this music going on
他就很纳闷啊 “到底怎么回事”
and was like, “What the heck’s going on in here?”
I see this beautiful piece being choreographed,
但我对片子的想法 并不适合加舞蹈
but the idea that I’d had for the video didn’t have a place for that.
We had to very quickly improvise where to put that.
That’s where the fire hydrant idea came from.
Fans were always bombarding me with the question,
“为什么他追了你一整个录影带 只是为了一个拥抱 而不是亲吻”
“Why does he chase you throughout the video only for a hug and not a kiss?”
导演Joe Pytka在拍最后那个拥抱镜头前
Joe Pytka, the director, he whispered in my ear right before the
在我耳边说 “别亲他”
very last scene where we hug, and he told me, he said, “Don’t kiss him.”
I thought the kiss was too corny.
I’m not even sure I wanted him to get that close.
I wanted him to maybe stop like here.
