不过最后变成了拥抱爱抚 也不错
But it worked out with the caress and the hug.
He says, “Because you were originally supposed to kiss,
“可Michael太害羞了 所以别亲他”
“but Michael is too shy for that so don’t kiss him.”
Michael最后追到我 我们两个靠近拥抱
When Michael did finally come out and we got close and we hugged,
I could smell like a minty, minty fresh scent from his breath.
那是个暗示啊 你该去亲他的
That was a signal!
我觉得他是有备而来的 但是…
I kind of think he came prepared but…
我已经被提前告知不要亲他 说他应付不来
Being told not to kiss him, and that he couldn’t handle it,
因为太害羞了 我可不想占他便宜
he was too shy, I didn’t want to take advantage like that.
听着 Tatitna可不是个害羞的姑娘
Oh, listen, Tatiana was not shy. She was not a shy girl.
And in fact, going on with this story is little bit,
她曾被明确告知 “绝对不要在舞台上吻Michael”
she was told, “Definitely don’t kiss Michael onstage.”
He was complaining she’d become too aggressive on stage and everything.
我还开玩笑呢 “这演出是要弄X级的吗”
I made a joke, “Is this going to be X-rated, this thing?”
我说 “Michael 为什么不直接上了她 找个晚上BAN了她”
I said, “Michael, why don’t you just go fuck her? Fuck her one night.
“Get it over with.”
他笑了 Frank说”你这是干嘛啊”
He started laughing and Frank said, “What the hell are you doing?
“I’ve got enough Goddamn trouble without you trying to get him
“involved with this girl.”
但对我来说 这就变成原则了 因为我说了
But for me, it became policy because I said,
“OK, if Michael doesn’t kiss in the video,
“I don’t think anybody should kiss in the video.”
从那天起 我总会把片子里的吻戏剪掉
So since that day, I always edit out kisses in videos
特别有一次 Justin Bieber拍音乐录影带
and one in particular, Justin Bieber made a video.
他本打算要吻那姑娘 我就抓狂了
He was going to kiss the girl and I went crazy.
我抓狂 一是因为他要亲那姑娘
And I went crazy, A – because he wanted to kiss the girl,
and B – she was a black girl.
我当时一个劲儿的喊 “好啊 你把整部录影带都毁了算了 伙计”
And I was like, “OK, you’re about to mess up your whole thing, man.”
哦 哦 看啊 奶奶 那是…
Oh, oh, look, Granny. It-it’s…
Ah…it’s-it’s… Mmm…mmm…ah! M-M-M…
Mantovani? (指挥家 小提琴家)
不 是Michael Jackson
No. Michael Jackson!
Michael Jackson
ALL: Michael Jackson!
“Speed Demon”这首歌♥ 也许是专辑里大家不太熟悉的一首
Speed Demon is a song that maybe people aren’t as familiar with
on the album, but actually serves as a metaphor for the entire album.
Because what Michael is trying to do with this album is escape,
escape from all the things that are confining him,
all the things that are suffocating him.
他在这里啊! 签个名如何
There he is! Hey, buddy, how about an autograph?
Would you autograph my tummy? THEY LAUGH
“Speed Demon”是我喜欢的歌♥
Speed Demon was my song.
我是个打击乐手 那歌♥绝对让人激动
I’m a percussionist and that song was 100% syncopated adrenaline.
在James Brown的编曲风格中
In the James Brown mode of rhythm arrangement where you use
instruments as percussion.
It was pretty much clay-mation, you know,
再放进真实场景中 是一种混搭
matted into live action settings. It was a real mix.
The whole idea of that music video, that short,
was really to merge live action and clay-mation together.
There was one place in the story where, you know,
he turns into our character Spike Rabbit,
you know, as a way to sort of get away from the paparazzi and so forth.
Our Spike character wanders through in this incredible chase,
但他们回来时就分身了 像这样分开了
but when they come back and they separate, they separate like this and
Spike在那里 Michael也在 他们来了段双人舞
so Spike’s still there and Michael’s right there and they do a duet.
A little dance thing.
我们得让兔子Spike 跟Michael并肩跳舞
So we had to make Spike Rabbit dance right alongside Michael.
真是有意思极了 因为一方面
That was really, really fun because, for one thing,
我们得弄好编舞 想清楚他要怎么做
we had to work out the choreography between what he was going to do
我们该怎么做 弄清具体舞步
and how we were going to do it, and figure out exactly how the
moves were going to work, and work it right to the music and so on.
不是很悠闲的 要很用力的 全力
Instead of easing into it, maybe just really hit it. Full load.
希望我可以啊 感觉施展不了 这身衣服真是太紧了
I wish I could. I feel so limited. This stuff is so tight on me.
“Speed Demon”即将杀青的时候 有一天他打电♥话♥来
Upon finishing with Speed Demon, he called up one day,
he got around to saying how much he loved the California Raisin
commercials, so I realised where he was going.
我说 “Michael 让你做回葡萄干吧”
And I said, “Michael, you should be a raisin.”
“Will 请你给我回电 是配角的事”
‘Will, I really need you to call me pertaining to the backup guys,
‘the character’s got to be much stronger.
‘It doesn’t hit it right on.
“这事非常重要 谢谢 再见”
‘This is very important. Thank you. Bye.’
The rap raisins materialising behind me,
I want to define their character.
从他的表情来表现 基本上都得靠表情
And from his expression, which is 99% of it.
戴眼镜的那个 他的态度是…
The one guy has the glasses, and he has the type of attitude that
非常酷 有了它是我的运气
he’s so cool that I’m fortunate that he’s here.
他非常的酷 得是这个样子
And he’s much too cool for, like, one of these.
And the other one is like a sarc…sarcasm.
就像问他 “你看什么看”
It’s like, “What you looking at?”
另一个葡萄干该是这样的 不戴眼镜
The other raisin would be this style. No glasses.
So his eyes are most of the expression. Like…
Like that.
哇 一定是吃错东西了
Wow! Must have been something I ate.
现在我面前的是 12寸的Liberian Girl单曲盘
Right now on the decks I have the 12-inch single to Liberian Girl
还有Run DM的嘻哈乐
and Run DMC’s beats to Sucka MCs.
It sounds something like this.
Quincy wanted some kind of African little intro thing here.
所以你看到Micheal Patiker出现在场景里
So this was Michael Boddicker on synth
and all these effects
are kind of giving an African sunrise sort of thing.
I mean, people underestimated how radical that was.
Nobody else was writing songs about African women
as beautiful in 1987-1988.
-很高兴再次见到你 -我也很高兴见到你
– It’s so nice to see you again. – Nice to see you too.
我度过了这一生最幸福的一段时光 真是太开心了
I’ve had the time of my life here. I’d had so much fun.
I hate to leave.
Here’s the biggest pop star in the world,
who quote-unquote is making himself look white, and yet he’s very
engaged with beauty and the idea of Africa as a site of beauty.
It’s just speaks to the fact that Michael had a very strong
African consciousness. He went to Africa a lot.
He was very engaged with the continent.
Is there a Liberian girl in your life?
没有啦 我其实是在我家娱乐房♥里写的
No. I wrote that at my house, in the game room.
I guess I was playing some pinball or something.
And the song just popped into my head.
我就立马跑上楼 录了下来 这就是”Liberian Girl”
I think I ran upstairs, put it on tape and it became Liberian Girl.
创作这歌♥时 就像闪电突现
When it was created, it just happened like lightning.
It was just an instant thing.
Normally, it took a lot of time to put things together.
That one happened in three or four hours.
I’m a great believer in sonic fantasy.
Not sonic reality.
Sonic fantasy means creating a soundscape that exists
你想象中的音景 只有你能看到的那种音乐风景
only in your imagination. That only you can see.
我看到了这些不可思议的音景 我就想…
So I could see these incredible soundscapes, and I thought…
Liberian Girl?
Liberian Girl?
– “Liberian Girl” 是… – 对啊
– Liberian girl is… – My man!
..Is a perfect example.
I did a little synth work on that.
That part right there.
最后有一些啁啾的音效 像鸟鸣
And it’s got a little bird thing happening there on the end of it.
Quincy说”给我点鸟鸣的效果 伙计”
Quincy said, “Give me some of that bird stuff, Boddicker.”
有一点点 下一部分会有更多
That’s got a little bit of it. The next time is even more so.
So…there’s this part that I wrote.
我在”Speed Demon” 和”Liberian Girl”里头是鼓手
I played drums Speed Demon, Liberian Girl.
非常棒 Liberian Girl可有意思了
That was good, Liberian Girl was a fun song to do
because everyone would always ask me,
为什么Michael要写在图书馆工作的女孩啊 (图书馆和Liberian拼写读音相似)
“Why did Michael write a song about a lady working in a library?”
是啊 在柜台后面带着眼镜
Yeah, there’s a little sexy lady behind the counter with
