the glasses and the pencil in her hair.
放下头发 做了那个动作
Then she drops her hair and does that thing.
I thought that’s what he was talking about.
不 不是的
No, that’s not…
That was just…he thought that was the funniest thing he’s ever heard.
Liberian Girl的片子估计就是
The video for Liberian Girl is probably the point where
they may have run over budget.
It just has a bunch of celebrities
that are waiting for Michael to show up.
Michael没出现在Liberian Girl中
Michael was not in Liberian Girl
because I think he got tired of making videos.
我跟Walter Yetnikoff谈起这个
I was talking to Walter Yetnikoff about it and he said,
“You’ve got to get him in the video.”
So I called up Michael and said,
“You’ve got to be in this video someplace.”
他就说”行 我有个点子”
And he goes, “OK, I have an idea.”
他说 “你只能拍一次 15分钟”
And he goes, “You got one take. You got 15 minutes.”
“等等 我好了就告诉你 等等”
One sec. Just let me tell you when I’m ready. One sec.
– 行了吗 – 马上
– Ready? – Almost.
他坐在椅子上 然后等工作人员 把椅子升起来后就说 “开拍”
And he got in the chair, they raised it up in the air, and said, “Action!”
好了 各位 杀青
OK, everybody. That’s a wrap.

They didn’t even shut the engine off.
就直接下车 没化妆 坐在椅子里
They got out of the car, no make up, got in the chair.
一次拍成 然后Michael就走了
It was one take. In, out, and Michael left.
I’m going to mock myself.
More time, please.
“Just Good Friends”对那专辑来说如何 呃
How did Just Good Friends make that album? Well…
Michael或Stevie 本来可以写一首更好的歌♥
Michael or Stevie could’ve written a better song.
– 真的 – 从他们以前写过的歌♥里选一首
– Exactly. – Taken something from their back catalogue.
An album should be built with peaks and valleys.
Michael Jackson在”Bad”中 基本等于是献上了11座高峰
Michael Jackson with Bad actually tried to achieve 11 peaks.
我相信在Michael看来 全部歌♥曲都必须给你震撼
I believe that in Michael’s head everything had to hit you
out the box, and absolutely become a monstrous single.
And because they were attempting to go for the single,
Motown学校以前两位神童的这次高峰合作 (指黑人音乐唱片公♥司♥)
and the summit meeting between two former child prodigies
from the Motown school, that you expected fireworks.
“Just Good Friends”结果却成了
You know, Just Good Friends just wound up being a little
“Liberian Girl”和 “Another Part Of Me”的小过渡
coffee break in between Liberian Girl and Another Part Of Me.
I think there was a lot that did exist at that point that
would have been…as strong or stronger.
I mean, his vault has got to be staggering.
– 我的兄弟Stevie Wonder – 才华横溢
– My man Stevie wonder. – I mean, unbelievable talent.
And he’s another worker like that.
He’d be working and recording every day.
我专辑里有一首歌♥ 我的”Character”专辑 我希望他能加入
I had on my album that I wanted him to do…my character’s album,
那首歌♥就是”Get It”
which was Get It.
So we sort of both did each other a favour, favour, favour.
但我要确保他帮我的那首歌♥ 是我自己写的
But I made sure the song he did of mine I wrote.
那一首 我们没选对歌♥
That one, we couldn’t get the right song.
I know I didn’t have the right song so…
如果有人说这歌♥不好 我也知道它不好
If somebody says that didn’t work, I know it didn’t work.
– 开始糟糕了 – 我可以把这部分放进去
– It’s starting to get stinky now. – I can just punch that part in.
– 不是吧 – 很好
Excuse me? Great.
Can we go home?
– 就这样了吗 – 我逃之夭夭了 对吧
– Is that it? – I just ran off, didn’t I?
“Another part of me” 我在Bad里最喜欢的单曲
Another Part Of Me. My favourite cut on the Bad album.
All the instruments incorporated in that song,
还有他的歌♥声 这学不来的
as well as just his vocals, nobody can kind of, you know, teach that.
I think that’s just natural.
So whatever he was on at that time, when he was just like,
“Yo, I’m in this. I feel this. I need to do this.”
Like, I just think that’s his blessing.
The song itself actually wasn’t going to make it onto the album
because he’d recorded it earlier.
And he actually preferred a song called Streetwalker.
最后的标准总是 哪首歌♥可以让Michael起舞
The litmus test is always, what song gets Michael dancing?
所以当Quincy看到Michael听着Another Part Of Me 在整个录音室里上窜下跳
So when Quincy saw Michael dancing all round the studio to
他就拍板了 把这首歌♥收入进了专辑
Another Part Of Me said, “That’s what makes this song go on the album.”
Michael Jackson’s Bad is black music,
我敢说 是最适合大型场馆表演的 流行音乐专辑
dare I say, pop music’s first stadium album.
我能感觉到他曾经在脑海里 把专辑里的每一首歌♥
Every song, I can hear it being thought of in his head as,
“This is what I want it to be
“when I perform it in front of 60,000 to 80,000 people.”
人们忘记了Michael Jackson是个灵魂歌♥手
People forget that Michael Jackson’s a soul singer.
他是看着Jackie Wilson
Michael Jackson grew up watching Jackie Wilson,
James Brown的灵魂音乐长大的
James Brown and the whole circuit,
so his default move is always to go raw.
– 我很喜欢Dirty Diana 也许是我的最爱之一 – 为什么啊
– I love Dirty Diana. That’s probably one of my favourites. – Why?
Because it’s a life story of a groupie,
我不想用这个词 不过这是事实
I hate to say the word groupie but that’s what it is,
and it’s something that I’ve experienced
and a lot of people who grew up on the road.
Dirty Diana.
谁知道有一天 我也会有歌♥里这样的经历呢
Who knew that one day I would live that song in real life
so many times over.
我喜欢Dirty Diana 我见过她 我见过Dirty Diana许多次
I like Dirty Diana. I’ve met her. I’ve met Dirty Diana many times.
Thank you.
谢谢你 Michael 写了这么一首歌♥来描写
Thank you, Michael, for making that small piece of the soundtrack
to my life on tour.
我们小时候都想啊 “他唱的是不是Diana Ross呢”
When we were kids, we thought, “Was he talking about Diana Ross?
“他是不是跟Diana Ross有暧昧啊”
“Did he have an affair with Diana Ross?”
不 不是那样的
No, that wasn’t the case at all.
但小时候我们不知道是怎么回事 Diana是谁
But as kids we didn’t know what was going on. Who was Diana?
What she did dirty!
I got a phone call out of the clear blue from Quincy
and I thought somebody was fucking with me.
他电♥话♥里说”我是Quincy Jones”
So he goes, “Um…it’s Quincy Jones.
“我们在筹备Michael继Thriller后的专辑” “我们有一段摇滚音轨要录”
“We’re working on Michael’s follow-up to Thriller. We’ve got a rock track.”
可我不是录音室吉他手呢 老兄
I’m not a session guitar player, man.
I don’t, you know, I’m not that world.
So I said to Quincy, “The only thing I ask is that Michael
“be in the studio and we work together.”
他说”他当然会在录音室 那是他的专辑啊”
He said, “Of course he’ll be in the studio. It’s his fucking record, man.
“He’s going to be in the studio.”
我打开位于Westlake的录音室的门 看到三个人
I opened up the studio door in Westlake and three guys,
Bruce Swedien 录音师 Quincy Jones 还有Michael Jackson
Bruce Swedien, the engineer, Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson,
我第一个注意到的是 Michael穿着硬币袋式乐福鞋
and the first thing I noticed was Michael had penny loafers on
他们都很朴实 我就想
and they were like pristine and I was like,
“没事的 他都穿着硬币袋式乐福鞋”
“I’ll be all right. He’s wearing penny loafers.”
这就是我录制Dirty Diana的那把吉他
This is the actual guitar that I recorded Dirty Diana with.
大体上 它一直都在盒子里
By and large, I’d say it’s probably been in the case.
Maybe it’s only been opened one time,
I don’t really play this kind of guitar that much.
The backing track was about eight minutes long
and as the track is playing down,
Michael就站在这个位置 哼调子
Michael is like right here and he’s going…
And he was really adamant there’s that little space
一个间隔 很细微的
on the third phrase, it’s a subtle thing
and I didn’t catch it right away.
That little thing was
对Michael来说却很重要 就是抓住那个小小的空隙
so important to Michael, to catch that little space there.
我还说这个停顿 干嘛那么斤斤计较啊
I was like, “Why is he making such a big thing about it not playing?”
It’s brilliant though.
It’s as important what you don’t play as what you do play.
It’s still good.
我们想要拍摄Dirty Diana
We wanted to do Dirty Diana
and so both videos were to kind of change
