
《巴尔扎克激情的一生》是一部1999年上映的剧情片,Josée Dayan导演。


Honoré de Balzac was a man who lived to write. His life was a hard, permanent struggle, from his cold relationship with his mother who was unable to give him the love he needed, to his unsuccessful attempts to make money out of printing and publishing books. Balzac never gives up, however – even though his dissolute lifestyle keeps landing him in trouble with his creditors. To finally gain acclaim for his works and to earn enough money to survive, Balzac works like a man possessed, day and night, to the brink of exhaustion, drinking liter upon liter of coffee to keep himself awake. The passionate author also tends to go to excess in affairs of the heart – he has several woman friends at the same time, all of them very different from each other. They include the kind, caring and elderly Madame de Berny, and the egotistical, ambitious Laure d’Abrantès, who introduces Balzac to the salons of upper-class society. Balzac’s heart belong to just one person alone, however: Eve Hanska, a married Polish woman living in Russia. At first she and Balzac simply have a passionate exchange of correspondence, but then they meet each other for the first time in Switzerland. On his return to Paris, Balzac is mortified to learn of the death of Madame de Berny. It comes as all the more of a shock to him because she was the only person who loved him as a man, rather than as a literary idol. Balzac then has a series of unlucky experiences in his work too: whatever he tries to do it always turns out to be a naive and unrealistic dream. Even though his new works are being well received socially, and do start to bring him a small income, Balzac’s financial situation becomes ever more desperate because of his dissolute and excessive lifestyle. When Eve Hanska’s husband dies, Balzac finally wants to fulfill his greatest wish, and marry the woman he has loved for so many years. Eve has a miscarriage and loses their child. Balzac is totally shaken by this event, while Eve is strangely unconcerned. Does she, too, only love him for his artistic reputation? The long-awaited marriage does finally take place in Russia, after years of delay – but Balzac doesn’t have long to enjoy marital bliss. He goes blind, and dies a slow and agonizing death just four months later. His friend Victor Hugo is the only person to remain by his side until the very end…




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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。

3 评论

  1. 他转了一圈还是回到原初,但周遭的一切已经改变,于是这就造成了悲剧。所有的人都在纠结,以至爱与恨都不再简单利落。生命既激情四射又招人厌烦,是的,烦死了。

  2. 如此文艺又风流至上的片子,作家既是对女性自由的崇尚与推崇,却也不可避免地在玩弄和利用身边的人,借助他们来达成自己的梦想或者是其他事情。 可叹。
