
adj. 困惑的;发呆的
v. 使发呆(bemuse的过去式和过去分词)



bemused 困惑的
前缀be-, 强调。muse, 沉思,冥想。


bemused” 是一个形容词,意思是困惑的、茫然的。以下是关于 “bemused” 的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Look bemused – 看起来困惑
  2. Wear a bemused expression – 戴着困惑的表情
  3. Seem bemused – 显得困惑
  4. Feel bemused – 感到困惑
  5. Look utterly bemused – 看起来完全困惑
  6. Appear bemused and puzzled – 显得困惑和迷惑
  7. Wear a bemused look on one’s face – 脸上露出困惑的表情
  8. Seem slightly bemused – 看起来稍微困惑
  9. Look completely bemused and bewildered – 看起来完全困惑和茫然
  10. bemused expression on the face – 脸上的困惑表情
  11. bemused and confused – 困惑和迷惑
  12. bemused state of mind – 困惑的心态
  13. bemused by the situation – 因情况而感到困惑
  14. bemused by the complexity – 因复杂性而感到困惑
  15. bemused by the unexpected turn – 因意外转折而感到困惑
  16. bemused and lost – 困惑和茫然
  17. bemused by the changes – 因变化而感到困惑
  18. bemused by the contradictions – 因矛盾而感到困惑
  19. bemused by the mystery – 因神秘感到困惑
  20. bemused by the lack of clarity – 因缺乏清晰而感到困惑
  21. bemused by the silence – 因沉默而感到困惑
  22. bemused by the noise – 因噪音而感到困惑
  23. bemused by the chaos – 因混乱而感到困惑
  24. bemused by the options – 因选择而感到困惑
  25. bemused by the unfamiliarity – 因不熟悉而感到困惑
  26. bemused by the contradictions – 因矛盾感到困惑
  27. bemused by the complexity – 因复杂感到困惑
  28. bemused by the situation – 因情况感到困惑
  29. bemused and uncertain – 困惑和不确定
  30. bemused by the changes – 因变化感到困惑
  31. bemused and dazed – 困惑和发愣
  32. bemused and thoughtful – 困惑和思考
  33. bemused and reflective – 困惑和反思
  34. bemused and contemplative – 困惑和沉思
  35. bemused and introspective – 困惑和内省
  36. bemused by the news – 因新闻感到困惑
  37. bemused by the headlines – 因头条新闻感到困惑
  38. bemused by the gossip – 因流言蜚语感到困惑
  39. bemused by the rumors – 因谣言感到困惑
  40. bemused by the stories – 因故事感到困惑
  41. bemused by the events – 因事件感到困惑
  42. bemused by the conversations – 因对话感到困惑
  43. bemused by the debates – 因辩论感到困惑
  44. bemused by the decisions – 因决定感到困惑
  45. bemused by the choices – 因选择感到困惑
  46. bemused by the options – 因选项感到困惑
  47. bemused by the circumstances – 因情况感到困惑
  48. bemused by the outcomes – 因结果感到困惑
  49. bemused by the behavior – 因行为感到困惑
  50. bemused by the reactions – 因反应感到困惑
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
