加利福尼亚 比佛利山
Do exactly as I say.
慢慢起立 走在我前面去开门
Stand up slowly, walk ahead of me and open the door.
别动 每个人都别动 不准动
Freeze! Everybody freeze! Nobody move!
You, lock the doors.
全部伏下 现在
All of you, eat the floor!
Now! Now!
给我滚下来 现在
Get your ass down here now.
锁上 马上锁上
Lock it. Right now, lock it.
伏下 快
Eat the floor. Move!

Let’s go!
-快点 过来 走 -两分钟
-Come on, move it. Go. -Two minutes.
伏下 1分钟
Stay down. One minute.
Thirty seconds.
-出来 -快走 走
-Move out. -Let’s go, move it!
底特律 密歇根
-嘿 王牌 这边 -嘿 维尼
-Hey, Ace, over here. -Hey, Vinnie.
I’d very much like you to meet Judy.
She can suck a golf ball through 20 feet of garden hose.
-我大为所动 朱迪 -请失陪一下
-Ain’t that right? -I’m very impressed.
-你可以让我们谈谈吗 -到那边去 朱迪
-Can you excuse us for a second? -Go over there, Judy.
-你可以坐到那里去吗 朱迪 -到那边去 到那边去
-Can you have a seat over here, Judy? -Go over there! Go over there!
谢谢 我有公事要办 听着 这贱♥人♥你那里找来的
Thank you, Judy. I have business to take care of. Where’d you find that bitch?
-是我的妞 -这婊♥子♥不大开心 听着
-She’s my girl. -The bitch ain’t happy. Listen.
-我需要帮助 -什么
-I need some help. -What?
-我需要更多信♥用♥卡♥ -什么
-I need some more credit cards. -What?
-这次我要很多 -多少
-I need a lot this time. -How many?
空白的美国运通卡 这次要2千张
American Express blank credit cards. I need 2,000 this time.
-滚远点 -你应付不了
-Get the fuck out of here! -You can’t handle it?
如果你干不了 我只好拿着一袋钱找别人
If you can’t handle it, I’ll take my bag of money to somebody who can.
OK. You got the money?
-我说我有一袋钱 -一整袋钱
-I said I got a bag of money. -A bag full of money.
这么大 这么宽 满满的钱
A bag this big, this wide, full to the brim with money.
-几时需要信♥用♥卡♥ -三小时后
-When do you need the cards? -I need the cards in three hours.
-三小时 给我点时间 -我是生意人
-Get out, three hours! Give me time. -Look, man, I’m a businessman.
到处在跑 不断在跑
I got to make moves. I’m moving constantly.
-三小时 -我就干这生意
-Three hours! -I’m moving all the time. Business!
如你帮不上我 我就去其它地方 我得走了
If you can’t help me, I’ll go somewhere else. I got to move.
失陪 我还有生意
Excuse me, I got business to take care of.
-你有钱了 -我有钱
-You got the money? -I got the money.
-你有没有卡 -听着
-You got the credit cards or not? -Listen.
你在此地址和我碰面 三小时
You meet me at this address. Three hours.
Don’t have me standing around like a fool, man.
While you’re messing with the titty woman over here.
-三小时 三小时 -三小时 三小时
-Three hours. Three hours. -Three hours. Three hours.
-三小时 三小时 -三小时 三小时
-Three hours. Three hours. -Three hours.
福里 只有真的警♥察♥才能来
Hey, Foley, only real cops can come in here.
-以为你己死了 格兰比 -阿克塞尔 我不想打扰你
-I thought you were dead, Granby. -Axel, I hate to bother you.
-离我远点 -我有个问题
-Get away from me. -I have one question.
-我要走了 -等下再问你
-I got to go. -I’ll ask you later.
You act like you never saw nobody in a suit.
加利福尼亚 比佛利山
请接阿克塞尔 福里警探
Detective Axel Foley, please.
喂 这儿 你现在联络到的是
Hello, there. You’ve reached the home
乔治 斯蒂芬斯家
of George Kingfish Stephens.
抱歉 我不在 我到大厅去了
I’m sorry I’m not in now, but I done gone to the Lodge Hall.
如果可以 请留言
But if you like, you can leave a message at the tone,
and I’ll get back to you at my earliest inconvenience.
-阿克塞尔 是博戈米尔 -嘿 你好吗
-Axel, it’s Bogomil. -Hey! How you doing?
I’m gonna have to cancel out on the fishing trip.
Man! I was going to teach you how to fish, too.
没关系 我正在查信♥用♥卡♥伪造案
But that’s OK, I’m up to my ass in undercover on this credit card fake.
我快抓到那王八蛋了 你女儿玲如何了
I’m close to zooming the bastards. How’s your daughter Jan?
你知道吗 如果她没有一个带枪的父亲的话
You know something, if she didn’t have a father with a gun,
-就会出事了 -她很出色 对不
-something would’ve happened! -She’s great, isn’t she?
Now look, I’m into something kind of important here.
I’ll fill you in as soon as I get it straight myself.
我要迟到了 阿克塞尔 自己多保重 听到吗
I’m late, Axel. Look, you take care of yourself, you hear?
Oh, listen, punch Rosewood in his eye
and slap Taggart in his bald-ass head for me.
拜 阿克塞尔 一周后打给你
Bye, Axel. I’ll call you in a week.
杰弗瑞 我和玛西谈过了 她不想见你
Jeffrey, I talked to Marci, she doesn’t want to meet you.
Inspector Todd wants to see you immediately.
我只想警告你 他
I wanted to warn you, so he doesn’t catch you off-guard.
What do you mean she doesn’t want to see me?
她不喜欢你 不想见你
She doesn’t like you. She doesn’t want to meet you.
她还不认识我 你告诉她什么
She doesn’t know me. What did you tell her?
-我把你形容给她 -为什么 我帮过你
-I described you to her. -Why? I help you.
当陶德问我你在干什么 我他24小时在工作
When Todd asks me what you’re doing, I say he’s working 24 hours a day.
天呀 看这手表 那是百达翡丽吗
Jesus, look at that watch! Is that a Patek Philippe?
杰弗瑞 别来烦我
Jeffrey, please, leave me alone!
让我跟你秘密出勤 一次就好 为什么不行
I got to work undercover with you. Just once. Why not?
阿克塞尔 如玛西不给我电♥话♥号♥码
Axel, if Marci doesn’t want to give me her number,
我给你我的电♥话♥号♥码 你交给她
I’ll give you my number, you just pass it on to her.
我快要对你开枪了 别烦我 杰弗瑞
I’m very close to shooting you. Leave me alone, Jeffrey.
至于秘密出勤的事 我不在乎是什么
And as far as the undercover thing goes, I don’t even care what it is,
just something. I want to be involved.
-你要秘密出勤 -对
-You want to work undercover? -Yes!
OK, listen, when Todd comes and says “where am I at”,
告诉他我去抓信♥用♥卡♥党徒了 懂吗
tell him I’m out pursuing my credit card bust. All right?
谢谢 你现在秘密出勤了
Thank you. Now you’re undercover.
LA Times got a letter just like that two hours ago.
他知道了 比利
He knows that, Billy.
Is this guy serious?
He’s serious about the way he pulled the job.
He knew exactly how long to stay inside and what to take.
-队长 我有位朋友 -等等
-Listen, captain, I have this friend… -Wait, wait…
Why are you involved with this case?
I’d already assigned you and Taggart to the Peterson extortion case.
博戈米尔 叫你的手下过来 快
Bogomil, get your men in here. Come on.
You can’t keep God waiting.
I don’t want to hear that kind of talk.
Come on, Andy. He’s fired every cop who worked for the old chief.
The three of us are all that’s left.
他仍是本局的头 警官
He’s still head of this department, sergeant.
是 长官
Yes, sir.
-真聪明 比利 -听着
-Very smart, Billy. -Listen.
I have an unofficial relationship with this dude.
小子 小子 我们根本不该办这个案子
Dude? Dude? We’re not even supposed to be working on this case.
得了吧 我知道你有自身的问题
Come on, sarge. I know you have domestic troubles.
但你应看开点 放轻松
But you got to cool out, relax.
像这种事会解决的 相信我
Things like this work out. Trust me.
你这低能儿 你去找了联调局探员
You moron. You called the Supervising Agent of the goddamn FBI,
to help break this alphabet code?
这是本地案件 我的人会在本地解决 罗斯威德
This is a local crime. My men will solve it locally, Roseweed.
-长官 我不叫罗斯威德 -闭嘴
-Sir, my name’s not Roseweed… -Shut up, please.
还有你 博戈米尔队长 这个密♥码♥案是你的事
And you, Captain Bogomil, this alphabet investigation was your baby.
Did you call the goddamn FBI?
是你命令这个罗斯伍德去的吗 有吗
Did you order this Rosewood to do that? Did you?
没有 博戈米尔队长不知情
No, sir. Captain Bogomil didn’t know anything about it.
I said shut up!
博戈米尔队长没有召联调局 是我
Sir, Captain Bogomil didn’t call the FBI. I did.
I said shut up.
我在等你 安德鲁
I’m waiting on you, Andrew.
Did you order him to call the goddamn FBI or what?
没有 但那不是重点
No, sir, but that’s beside the point.
不 重点就在此 谢谢 你完了 小鬼
No, that is exactly the point. Thank you. You’re history, kiddo.
You know as well as I do
