that half of police work are cops following their hunches.
They get a gut reaction to something, they go with it.
I’ve encouraged this in my men
and I’m standing behind Rosewood on this all the way.
好 告诉我
Good! Tell me something, Andrew.
How the hell do you still consider yourself a commanding officer?
You can’t even maintain a supervisory relationship with your own personnel.
And now you’ve superseded the chain of command.
-从此刻起 你被停职了 -什么
-As of this moment, you are suspended. -What?
-闭嘴 -根据那一条规定
-Shut up! -On what grounds?
You have no knowledge of, nor control over your own troop’s activities.
天杀的 哈罗德 你不能这么做
Goddamn it, Harold, you can’t do this!
我不能 我不会让这个调查弄糟了
I can’t do it? I will not have this investigation pissed away.
This crime, this robbery, could be a political disaster for the mayor.
Have you ever heard of due process?
Policy requires us to give you a board of review within two days.
You got two days.
-我与你争到底 哈罗德 -卢茨局长给你的
-I am fighting you on this, Harold. -Chief Lutz to you.
你去那里 我还没有料理完你们二个人
Where are you going? I’m not through with you two guys.
Would you two boys like to hold onto your jobs just a little while longer?
你们向交通组报到 立刻生效
You report to traffic duty, effective immediately.

Yes, sir.
-嗨 -嗨 有麻烦
-Hi. -Hi. Trouble?

-也许我能帮上忙 -它就停住了
-Maybe I can help. -It just stopped.
-有加油吗 -我不知道
-Is it getting gas? -I don’t know.
你认为这是什么 安德鲁
What do you make of this, Andrew?
Who the hell are you?
宾夕法尼亚 阿兰伍德的监狱
…country club prison in Allenwood, Pennsylvania,
entered the third day of a hunger strike,
protesting the suspension of privileges by prison authorities.
The Warden said the measures were taken to enforce discipline,
and to teach prisoners the value of such benefits as cable TV…
I hate crooks that are late.
Repeating now the top story from the LA news desk.
警♥察♥队长安德鲁 博戈米尔在光天化日之下被枪击
Police Captain Andrew Bogomil has been gunned down in broad daylight
博戈米尔队长虽然生存 但是情况危急
Captain Bogomil is alive, though he is in critical condition.
He was leading the investigation into the so-called Alphabet crimes.
好了 杰姆 该你了
And now, Jim, back to you…
Beverly Hills Police Department.
这是阿克塞尔 福里警官
This is Detective Axel Foley
-底特律警局的 -你就是那位
-of the Detroit Police Department. -You mean the one…
就是那位 我刚发现
Yeah, that one. I just found out what happened.
Can somebody patch me into the hospital that Bogomil’s in?
-当然可以 先生 -谢谢
-Certainly, sir. -Thank you.

-是那位 -是玲
-Who’s this? -It’s Jan.
我才知道 很遗憾 出了什么事
I just found out… I’m sorry. What happened?
他们在动手术 阿克塞尔
They operated on him, Axel.
He’s going to be OK.
我是说 我想他不会有事的
I mean… I think he’s going to be OK.
Here’s Billy.
阿克塞尔 那些人紧跟着他 预谋好的 冷血无情的
Axel. This guy really nailed him. He set him up. Cold blood.
-谁 -字母犯罪集团
-Who? -This Alphabet bandit.
你在办此案吗 谁在办这个案子
Are you on the case? Who’s on the case?
现在这全是政♥治♥事件 阿克塞尔
It’s all politics here now, Axel.
I don’t… I don’t think they’re gonna let me and Taggart on it.
Hold on a minute.
-嘿 王牌 -哦 马上来
-Hey, Ace! -Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute.
照顾玲 好吗
Take care of Jan, all right?
阿克塞尔 阿克塞尔
Axel? Axel?
王牌 抱歉来晚了 遇上这女子
Hey, Ace, I’m sorry I’m late, but I run into this broad.
You’re the fucking guy with the truckload of cigarettes that day!
记得我告诉你的吗 他对警♥察♥说来自水牛城
Remember I told you about him? He told the cops he was from Buffalo.
Hey, man, take off your glasses.
我就知道是你 你差点使我被捕 我是被捕了
I thought that was you, man! You almost got busted, I did get busted!
因为你 我的投资全泡汤了 维尼 你是怎么了
I lost my whole investment because of you! Vinnie, what’s wrong with you?
-你知我是生意人 -什么
-You know I’m a businessman. -What?
You come a half hour late and on top of all that you bring a cop with you too!
你说什么警♥察♥ 他们不是警♥察♥
What are you talking cop? He ain’t no cop.
那是肮脏的哈里本人 你是疯了带他们来这里
That’s Dirty Harry himself. What the fuck is wrong with you bringing him?
-你叫我警♥察♥ -你绝对是警♥察♥
-You callin’ me a cop? -You definitely a cop!
他不是 他是我侄子
He ain’t no cop, he’s my nephew.
他绝对是恶运 对你如何我不知
The dude is definitely bad luck. I don’t know what he is to you,
-他对我来讲是恶运 -我来告诉你什么是恶运
-he’s bad luck to me! -I’ll tell you what’s bad luck.
My friend’s in a prison body shop fixing all the cars he smashed.
-这小子是小丑 -等等
-This guy’s a fucking clown. -Wait a second.
-你个死警♥察♥ -我在查窃听
-You’re the fucking cop. -I’m checking you for a wire.
-滚开 -如他不是条子 我为何不能搜
-Get the fuck out of here! -Why can’t I check if he ain’t a cop?
如他没有窃听 为何不能搜身
If he ain’t wired, why can’t I frisk him?
-快点 停下 -他为什么不让我搜身
-Come on, stop this bullshit. -Why won’t he let me frisk him?
-别再胡说了 -为什么不能搜身
-Cut the bullshit! -Why can’t I frisk him?
I got 2,000 blank American Express cards, right now. Gold.
你有钱吗 要不要生意
You got the money, you wanna do business, or what?
我有钱 但只和你生意
I have the money and I do wanna do business, but with you.
不在他面前交易 因他是条子
I ain’t doing nothing in front of this dude, because this dude’s a cop.
我在房♥里闻的出猪仔的味道 我是回♥教♥徒 我知道那是猪肉
I know when I can smell a pig. I used to be a Muslim. I know that’s pork here.
对 猪肉 绝对是猪肉 我不在他面前任何交易
Yes, pork. It’s definitely pork. I ain’t doing shit around this dude.
你要生意 你知那里找我 去你的 老兄
You wanna do business, you know where to find me. Fuck you, man.
你说我是警♥察♥ 过来
You calling me a cop? Come here! Come here!
你去那里 陶德到处找你
Where have you been? Todd’s looking for you.
我希望你抓到了 抓到了吗 我真希望能相信你
I hope you made the bust. Did you make the bust? I really hope you did.
-可以信任你吗 -当然 可以
-Can I count on you, I can trust you? -Of course. Yes.
我们一同秘密出勤 对 我能信任你不出声
Are we working undercover together? And I can trust you to be quiet?
-你以为在跟谁讲话 -好 听着
-Who are you talking to? -OK, listen. Wait.
I need you to drive the Ferrari for a couple of days.
-你要我开法拉利跑车 -我要离城几天
-You want me to drive the Ferrari? -I’m going out of town a couple days,
and I need you…
-我需要你开法拉利 -开去那里
-I need you to drive the Ferrari. -Drive it where?
四处游 但不能认出是你 你要扮成我
Just drive it around. But nobody can know it’s you. You have to be me.
-我要如何 -下去开
-How do I do drive the car…? -Duck down.
下去车里就像 就像这样开
Scooch down inside the car like… Drive like this.
-开车 -没人会知道是你
-Drive it…? -No one can know it’s you.
-别告诉陶德是你 -下
-Please, don’t tell Todd it’s you. -Just scooch down…
别在车旁停留太久 会遭人注意
Don’t have people hanging around the car and draw attention to yourself.
-我知道了 -一个人的话还可以
-I got you. -Have one person…
找玛西 找玛西坐车里去兜
Have Marci! Drive Marci in the car!
She was supposed to hang out with me this weekend.
-什么意思 -为了车
-What do you mean? -For the car.
他不想和我一起 她要坐车兜
She doesn’t want to be with me, she wants to drive in the car.
-她喜欢那车 -她热爱法拉利
-She likes the car? -She loves the Ferrari,
so drive the car with Marci.
你带玛西着开车出去 别告诉别人
Drive with Marci, scooch down. Don’t tell anybody about this.
别对任何人说 好吗
Don’t tell anybody about this, OK?
我知你不了解 但这是我的棋步
I know it’s a lot you don’t understand, but this is my move,
this is the one that’s gonna make me cop of the month.
我会提拔你 我们会微笑的在那
I’m gonna take you with me. We’re gonna be there smiling together.
-很好 -我能相信你吗
-Beautiful. -And I can trust you?
-可以 -你是我的朋友
-Yeah. Yes. -And you’re my friend?
-我们是秘密出勤 你了解 -是
-We’re undercover. You understand? -Yes.
-不 -好
-No. -Good.
-陶德组长 你好吗 -你去那里了 福里
-Inspector T, how you doing? -Where the fuck you been, Foley?
-这是什么鬼东西 -是蓝色请款单
-And what the fuck is this? -It’s a blue slip.
What in the hell you need $1,000 for?
-制装费 -制装费 看看这里
-A little flash money… -Flash money? Let’s see…
2千元一套西装 领带2百元
$2,000 for a suit. $200 for a tie.
A requisition order for a Ferrari.
I don’t wanna see any more blue slips.
