我是他的代表 你可知他是谁
I’m his representative. Do you know who that is there?
That’s former president Gerald Ford there.
It doesn’t look like Gerald Ford.
你看过吉拉 福特不化妆的样子 没有 大概没有
Have you ever seen Gerald Ford with his make-up off? No, probably not.
他就是这个样子 那是前总统
This is what the man looks like now, that’s the ex-president.
他在位时不能出来玩 要治理国家
He came here tonight ’cause he couldn’t get out when he was running the country.
现在他是市民了 有权利像其它人一样扭屁♥股♥了
Now he’s a civilian, and it’s his right to shake his ass like everybody else.
他要狂欢 要去那里 他说要去385北方
I said, “Where you wanna go?” He said, “I wanna go 385 North”, I said,
那就去吧 放特勤人员一天假
“Let’s go”. Get the Secret Service men…
我们来385北方狂欢 你应引以为荣
We came to party at 385 North. You should be proud to have him here.
-是我们的荣幸 -谢谢 失陪了
-It’s our pleasure to have him. -Thank you very much. Excuse me.
-有不加冰的可乐吗 -一杯可乐 不加冰 马上来
-Can I have a Coke with no ice? -One Coke, no ice, coming up.
-你去那里 -那人见人爱的金发小子是谁
-There you go. -Who’s the popular blond?
那是汤莫不斯 这里的老板
That’s Nik Thomopolis. He owns this place.
-一共7元 老兄 -一杯可乐
-That’s seven bucks, buddy. -For a coke?
I can get blown for seven dollars.
很疯狂吧 警官
Things are getting pretty crazy, huh, sarge?
We’re getting in deep with Axel again.
We’ll probably be directing traffic the rest of our lives anyway.
-管他的 敬博戈米尔 -敬博戈米尔
-To hell with it. To Bogomil. -To Bogomil.
本店招待酒 福特总统
Drinks are on the house, President Ford.
什么 我名叫约翰 塔格特
What? My name’s John Taggart.
那是他现在用的名字 他的婚姻刚破裂
That’s the name he’s using now. His marriage is breaking up.
法官赏他这个名字 为了贝 福特诊所之类的事
The judge awarded her the name for use at the Betty Ford Clinic and stuff.
You’re much better looking in person.
Does the name Thomopolis mean anything to you guys?
Yeah. He’s the biggest arms dealer on the West Coast.
-我真的长的像福特吗 -你们两人都像
-Do I really look like Gerald Ford? -Y’all both look like Gerald Ford.
快点 走吧
Come on. Let’s go.


天呀 快离开此
Move it. Get out of here!
天呀 比利 快 阿克塞尔
Jesus, Billy! Come on, Axel.
小心点 里面有人吗
Watch yourself. Anybody in there?
What the fuck is going on here?
不论是谁 走得很干净
Whoever it was got away clean.
What the hell are you still doing here?
我和移♥民♥局查过 从未听过你
I checked with immigration. They never heard of a Johnny Wishbone!
You’re illegal, buster.
我要知道你是谁 来此干什么
I wanna know who the hell you are and what the hell you’re doing here!
Right now!
我是警♥察♥ 我没说明怕你会生气
I’m a cop. I didn’t tell you before ’cause I knew you’d be upset.
这是底特律警徽 你来此干什么
This is a Detroit badge. What the hell are you doing in Beverly Hills?
我是和 我是联邦特遣警力
Well… I’m attached to a multi-jurisdictional
Federal task force on organised crime,
我的代号♥ 代号♥是是望骨
and my code name… code name is Wishbone.
Look, I’m the goddamned chief of police here.
如有特遣警力 我要知道
If there is a Federal task force, I want to know about it!
Well, what you can do, sir, is you can call back to Detroit tomorrow
and ask for an Inspector Todd.
他会告诉你一切的 我真名是阿克塞尔 福里
He’ll tell you all about… My real name is Axel Foley.
要保密 我叫阿克塞尔 福里
Quiet as it’s kept. My name’s Axel Foley.
Call there between the hours of nine and ten, Detroit time,
he’ll tell you everything you need to know.
现在我还有案子要办 失陪了
Right now, I have the rest of my case to finish, so excuse me.
还有你们二人 你们在这里干什么
And you two, what the hell were you two doing here?
Just checking parking meters in the area?
-这个 长官 -我们下班了 我住在附近
-Well, sir… -We’re off duty, sir. I live nearby.
现在听好了 如我抓到你们任何一人 在干交通勤务以外的事
Now listen, if I catch either one of you doing anything except traffic duty,
I’m gonna have the both of you investigated and suspended!
技术上来讲 这就是交通勤务
Well, sir, technically, this is traffic duty.
技术上来讲 你是白♥痴♥ 滚开 塔格特
Technically, you’re a goddamn idiot. Get out of here, Taggart!
-是 长官 -老天爷呀
-Yes, sir. -Jesus Christ…
你确定这里有快干胶 罗斯伍德
Are you sure you got super glue in this house, Rosewood?
-是的 -哟 老兄
-Yeah. -Yo, man…
This is Wild Kingdom.
I tried to create a stress-free environment.
Well, you have.
这些是我的朋友 辛尼 他是流浪犹太人
These are my friends. That’s Sydney. He’s a Wandering Jew.
This is Mona.
Hi, baby. They actually like different kinds of music.
我放披头士的歌♥ 它们就绽开
If I play the Beatles, the begonias perk up.
If I play Beethoven, they wither.
The ferns very definitely like the Boston Pops.
But everybody loves Mozart.
Who’s this?
大个 养6年了 很棒吧
Big Al. Had him about six years. Isn’t he great?
-他喜欢那种音乐 -詹姆斯 布朗 使它很疯
-What kind of music does he like? -James Brown. Drives him nuts.
Is that turtle shit in there?
-我对乌龟很好奇 -你在干什么
-Turtles are amazing to me. -What are you doing?
I’m curious to know where… where his dick is at.
你知道你的命根子在哪 对不 大个
Give me him. You know where your dick is, don’t you, Big Al?
-乌龟有命根子吗 -它怎么挂的 兄弟
-Do turtles have dicks? -How’s it hanging, buddy?
-快干胶给我 -好
-Give me that super glue. -OK.
比利 他非常
Billy’s really…
-怪异 对不 阿克塞尔 -比利精神不太正常
-…out there, isn’t he, Axel? -Billy’s pretty fucked up.
-我听到了 -我知道你听到了 我在开玩笑
-I heard that. -I know you heard. I was joking.
Give me the super glue.
-这音乐出自那里 -约会游戏
-Hey, what’s that music from? -The Dating Game.
我们给比利一个约会游戏吻 你的电♥话♥呢
Let’s give Billy a big Dating Game kiss. Where’s your telephone?
-卧室里 -在鳄鱼池里吗
-In the bedroom. -Where, in the alligator pit?
天呀 比利
Jesus, Billy.
-哈罗 -杰弗瑞 阿克塞尔
-Hello? -Jeff? Axel.
阿克塞尔 现在是清晨一点
Axel, it’s 1.00 in the morning.
杰弗瑞 别讲话 听着 法拉利好吗
Jeffrey, stop talking. How’s the Ferrari?
法拉利很好 真是好车 车椅能往后吗
Ferrari’s great. What a great car! Do those seats go back at all?
因我和玛西在车里想将椅子往后 不知是卡住了还是什么
I was with Marci trying to get the seats back. I don’t know if they’re stuck.
你和玛西不能在车里胡干 你要为我做件事
You and Marci can’t do freaky shit in that car. Do something for me.
你不想作的事 但你必需作
Something you don’t want to do, but you gotta do it.
Am I going to get in trouble?
-看到了吗 -很怪
-You see that? -Weird.
不怪 很简单
It’s not weird. It’s very simple.
What happens is the fumes from the super glue
attaches itself to the acid from the fingerprints.
看到了吗 是老警员的技巧
See? It’s an old street cop trick.
Hasn’t filtered down to you boys down in Beverly Hills yet.
-现在只需要核对 -能用局里的电脑
-Now all we have to do is match it. -Could use the computer downtown.
There’s not gonna be anybody there this time of night, sarge.
狗屁 这下医疗保险泡汤了
Shit. There goes my medical insurance.
You know, you can be such a pussy sometimes.
-没错 -出发吧
-Really. -Let’s go.
You boys definitely get an A in high-tech.
It takes 60 cops to do this shit back in Detroit.
查尔斯 坎 从前是查尔斯 坎普
Charles Cain. Used to be Charles Campos.
我才见过 他在射击俱乐部工作
This Charles Cain. I just met this guy. He works in the Beverly Hills Gun Club.
-他是吗 -对
-He does? -Yeah!
查尔斯 坎 我们找的人不是他 他是小儿科
Charles Cain. This ain’t the guy we’re looking for, the dude is a weasel.
-这根本不是主犯 -那是他的指纹
-This is not a master criminal at all. -Well, that’s his print.
There’s something wrong here.
This guy had nothing to do with Bogomil getting shot.
如他有嫌疑 马上能逮捕他
If he suspected this dude, he’d have had him picked him up in 20 seconds.
Well, let’s put an APB out on Cain.
不行 我们只有指纹 证据不足
We can’t. All we got is fingerprints. We don’t have enough evidence.
-还需要别的 -现在要怎么办
-We need something else. -What are we gonna do now?
Let’s go to the Gun Club.
等等 11点了 俱乐部关门了
Wait. It’s 11.00. The Gun Club’s closed.
So? So?
这是大错误 大错误
This is a big mistake. A big mistake.
This is definitely breaking the law.
