这是50元 停在大礼车旁
Here’s $50. Put it next to a limo.
Let me call you back, OK.
-我来清理池子 -你的名字 先生
-I’m here to clean the pool. -Your name, sir?
-我是游池清洁员 -池子昨天清过了
-I’m the pool cleaner. -The pool was cleaned yesterday.
对 昨天清洁过了 今天又脏了
Yes, the pool was clean yesterday. Today the pool is dirty.
有人在池子里犯错了 我要清洁池子
Somebody made a mistake in the pool. I’d like to go clean the pool.
What do you mean by “mistake”?
有人出了一点 要怎么说
Someone had a little… how we say…
-在池子里出了点意外 -意外
-…accident in the pool. -Accident?
你要我拼写出来 池里有漂浮物
You want me to spell it out? There’s something floating in the pool.
-什么 -你也知开这种疯狂舞会时
-What? -You what it’s like, wild parties
somebody got drunk and shit in the pool. OK?
-我是来清理粪的 -我明白了
-I’m here to clean the shit up. -I see…
我对这个也不高兴 但是我的工作 我必需作
I ain’t happy about it, I’m not thrilled, but it’s my job.
你要记名字 我要清池子 池子在那里
You had to write these names down, I have to clean pools. Where’s the pool?
Who are these two gentlemen with you?
他们是卫生局的 他们来鉴定我的工作
They’re with Board of Health. They’re making sure I do the job thoroughly.
会很难堪的 如果潜水 我不想谈了
It would be embarrassing to dive in… I don’t want to talk about it.
如果你愿意 我可带过来让你检查
If you like, I can bring it by and you can verify it afterwards.
-不 不必要 -失陪了
-No, that’s fine. -Excuse me.
Jesus Christ!
醒醒 我们不是常提这个吗
Wake up! This is what we always talked about.
看现场的 也许再看不到了
Look alive, you may never see it again.
我不要踏到你的舌头 失陪
I don’t want to step on your tongues. Excuse me.
Why aren’t my parties like this?
人总要死的 不如就在此
You got to die sometime. Might as well be here.
-我们该作什么 -开那车的人一定在此
-What are we supposed to be doing? -Whoever took that truck is here.
How are we supposed to find them?
Follow your dick.
That looks like the girl from the Gun Club.
-和代特和汤莫不特一起的 -对 那高大的贱♥人♥
-With Dent and Thomopolis? -Yeah, the big bitch over there.
麦克 你怎会来此
Max! How’d you get in here?
忘了我曾问过 是西装的关系 真不赖的西装 麦克
Forget I asked. I see how you got in, it’s the suit. Nice suit, Max.
我不知这人是谁 但他在打扰我们
I don’t know who this person is, but he is annoying us.
-让我看你的请帖 -失陪
-May I see your invitation, please? -Excuse me.
-我还没有开始打扰你 -怎么回事
-I haven’t begun to annoy you yet. -What’s going on?
是麦克 你知道吗 你们应仔细查查来宾名单
It’s Max. You know, you guys should look at your guest list more carefully,
麦克不该在此 你知道为什么吗
’cause Max ain’t supposed to be in here. You know why?
Are we having a problem?
哈夫 休斯 哈夫纳 阿克塞尔 福里
Hef! Hugh Hefner! Axel Foley!
对不起 你可知有多少次
I’m sorry, I feel like I know you already ’cause…
我把你的杂♥志♥ 忘了吧
You know how many times I put your magazine up…
Forget about it, not important. I wanna give you some background on your guests.
这是汤莫不斯 作毒药和武器
This is Thomopolis, he’s into guns and drugs. Hugh Hefner.
这是麦克 麦克以杀♥警♥♥察♥为生
And this is Max, and Max kills cops for a living.
I don’t know him or you.
I think it’s time that all of you left.
I happen to be a major contributor.
我们很感激 再见
We appreciate it. Goodbye.
他很感激 麦克 滚回家吧
Yes, he appreciates it, Max, but take your ass home.
你不受欢迎 不该待太久
You outdone your welcome and stayed too long.
But it’s been real, it’s been nice.
各位 派对结束了
Everybody, party’s over!
麦克将每个人都弄糟了 回家吧
Max fucked it up for everybody, so let’s just go home.
我们照计划行事 找坎 准备E
We’ll go ahead as planned. Get Cain to prepare E.
You picked Dent’s pocket?
I told y’all I wasn’t always a cop.
Yeah, I know, you fractured an occasional law when you were a kid.
这不好 不好
This is not good. This is not good.
明白了吧 猫是会碰上死老鼠
See? Every now and then, an occasional long shot pays off.
这是代特的会计 雪尼 博史坦
This is Dent’s accountant, Sidney Bernstein.
他一定有代特的记录 对不
Anything Dent’s into, he’s gonna have a record of it.
So we just go visit him tomorrow morning.
It’s all we got to go on.
没有B和D 我正在找
There’s no B and D, I’m looking for something.
And what about that goddamned cement truck?
怎么样 罗斯伍德 跟我讲话
What about that, Rosewood? Talk to me!
-我有个理论 -好
-I have a theory on that, chief. -OK.
I think the cement truck was a tactical decoy.
-诱敌之计 -对
-A decoy? -A decoy.
A diversion to protect the criminals’ getaway.
That’s why it rammed the police car.
Have you submitted yourself for drug testing yet?
我要你周四去检查 明白吗
I want you in by Thursday. Do you understand me?
Are you aware, do you have any idea, that whoever was in that cement truck
foiled the goddamn crime?
-知道吗 -笨蛋
-Do you? -Putz.
-你说什么 塔格特 -他叫你笨蛋
-Did you say something, Taggart? -He called you putz.
我不是叫他笨蛋 是叫你笨蛋
I didn’t call him a putz, I called you a putz.
他说对了 头
He’s right. Putz.
还有你 下三流先生 你在那里干什么 福里
And you. You, Mr Scribbler… What the hell were you doing there, Foley?
-我不也是警员吗 -还有待商榷
-Aren’t I a police officer, too? -Remains to be seen.
Did you call Inspector Todd back in Detroit for me?
我打给你组长了 他不太喜欢你
I called your inspector. He doesn’t like you very much.
-先生 先生 -你听过这种抗命吗
-Gentlemen, gentlemen. -Do you hear this insubordination?
Yes, and I’ve never heard such inexcusable abuse.
不论情况如何 事实就是这样
Whatever’s happened, the fact remains
抢劫被挫败了 钱平安了
that the robbery was foiled and the money was saved.
-我了解 -如我是你的话
-I understand here… -No! If I were you,
I’d concentrate everything I’ve got on cracking this code
and determining where the E crime will be.
市内没有太多E开头的主要目标 找出来
There can’t be that many prime targets beginning with E, so find them.
-我会的 泰德 -市长
-I will, Ted. -Mayor!
是 市长
Yes, mayor.
还有你 我要你滚出去
And you! I want you out of here!
滚出去 你这堕落者
Get out of here, you degenerate!
You’re not even part of this department!
-这是岐视黑人吗 -出去
-Is this a black thing? -Out.
Weren’t you supposed to leave for Detroit, Axel?
对 今天中午
Yeah. Today at noon.
Well, you’re not going to make it.
You’re going to get fired.
要有始有终 我们一起结束
We started this together, we’re gonna finish together.
Check this thing out and see if Sydney Bernstein owns a car.
-给我一枝笔 一支笔 -得了吧 阿克塞尔
-Give me a pen. Give me a pen! -Come on, Axel…
86年奔驰车 车牌号♥码CRL 507
Eighty-six Mercedes. Licence number CRL 507.
当然 我能看到 我是说 我知道 有人 等等
Naturally, I can see… I mean, I understand. Somebody… Wait…
请进 别因门关着
Come right in! Don’t let the fact that my door’s closed
dissuade you in any way from entering my office.
先生 我们是比佛利山警探 你是雪尼 博史汀吗
Sir, we’re with the Beverly Hills Police. Are you Mr Sidney Bernstein?
对 猜的准
Yes. Lucky guess.
Well, sir, you have 25 unpaid parking tickets.
-我们有逮捕令拘捕你 -25 什么25
-We’ve a warrant for your arrest. -Twenty-five? What 25?
-你有25张未付罚单 -我罚单全付了
-You have 25 unpaid parking tickets. -I pay my tickets.
I pay all my tickets!
先生 你有一辆黑色奔驰车 牌照CRL507号♥ 对吗
Sir, do you own a black Mercedes Benz, license plate number CRL 507?
-507 那是我太太的车 -你有25张罚单未付
-507? That’s my wife’s car. -You have 25 unpaid parking tickets.
是在我的名下 但是我太太的车 不 不 贱♥人♥
It’s under my name, but it’s my wife’s car! No, no, no! Bitch!
罚单未付 你是有责任的
Tickets haven’t been paid. That means you’re liable.
-给他上手铐 -铐我
-Can you cuff Mr Bernstein, please? -Cuff me?
外面有人带链锯 你要铐我
There are people out there with chainsaws! You’re cuffing me?
你有25张罚单未付 这是你的车 我们要逮捕你
Sir, you have 25 unpaid tickets and it’s your car. So we have to take you in.
等等 我有个主意
Wait a second. I’ve got an idea.
Is there something that I have in this office
是我能够给你的 那可以使你忘了
that I could hand to you and that would make you kind of forget
that you’re holding those little pink tickets there?
What are you trying to say, sir?
Like, you’d be holding something in that hand
另一手就忘了它 专心在这只手上
and this hand you’d forget about. This hand you’d be concentrating on,
那只手 什么 手上拿了什么 我忘了
that hand you’d go, “What did I have there? I don’t even remember.”
