Oh, you mean like if I had…
-手中有二百元 -放开我吧
-two hundred dollars in this hand? -Ouch! Let go of my arm.
二百元 拜托我在抢劫你 我就在这么干了
Two hundred dollars? Please, I’m robbing you. That’s what I’m doing.
一百 二百 全是真钱
Here’s one, here’s two. They’re real crisp.
-帮我个忙 -是
-Well, now that you think about it… -Yes, yes?
I have to use your computer because I have to wipe all evidence
of this transaction out, you know.
-没有问题 -谢谢你 雪尼
-No problem. No problem at all. -Thank you, Sidney, so much.
-当然 当然 -谢谢 还有件事
-Certainly. Certainly. -Thank you. Also, one other thing.
-是 是 是 -我相信你能够知道
-Yes, yes, yes. -I’m sure a man of your position
understands my contact at headquarters wouldn’t want his name to be known.
-我很了解 -你能出去一下吗 我好
-Don’t I know it. -Could you excuse me while I…
是秘密的 就像007一样 没错
Yeah, it’s secretive. It’s like a James Bond thing! Yes, yes.
-谢谢 -没有问题
-Thank you. -No problem!
嘿 完全没问题 随便用
Hey, no problem at all. Anything you want to use.
-我不敢相信 -我不要听
-I can’t believe… -I don’t want to hear it, Billy.
-珍 是阿克塞尔 好吗 -嗨 阿克塞尔
-Hey, Jan, Axel. How you doing? -Hi, Axel.
-查到什么 -很奇怪
-What have you got? -Strange.
Before 1978, everything’s blank.
是机密的 但保单日期是1974年
It’s classified, but its policy date is 1974.
So I checked our foreign office in London
and found out something very interesting.
Dent was the cultural attache to the East German embassy in Honduras.
他有赛马场 射击俱乐部
He’s got a racetrack, shooting club,
钻探公♥司♥ 石油公♥司♥
drilling rig companies, an oil company.
-石油公♥司♥ -好几家 那是他的最大生意
-Oil company? -Several. That’s his biggest business.
但照记录上看来 似乎代特有麻烦了
But from the looks of these records, seems like Dent’s in trouble.
-什么意思 -他将保险单全转让了
-What do you mean? -He’s let his insurance lapse
on everything in the last six months.
代特 彼得罗利姆 包括射击俱乐部
Dent Petroleum, even the shooting club.
所有的生意 除了一项
All his businesses except one.
-那一项 -赛马场 苍天马场
-Which one is that? -The racetrack. Empyrean Fields.
他投了很大的保额 阿克塞尔
He’s got a huge policy on that one, Axel.
很好 非常棒 博戈米尔
Good, good, good, good, good. OK. Great. Hey, Bogomil,
-当你父亲醒来时 -他好多了 己坐起来了好
-when your father wakes up… -He’s better. He’s up and around.
OK. Tell him you found his man.
-好 -拜拜
-OK. -Bye-bye.
Empyrean Fields.
He’s not gonna rip off his own racetrack.
-如有保险就会 -资料中有什么
-He would if it was insured. -So, what was in the files?
My hunch is we won’t find any oil field equipment if we find Dent.
What do you mean “if” we find him?
Dent’s visa application to Costa Rica had today’s date on it.
-怎么 -如再不赶快
-Yeah? -If we don’t step on it,
I think he’s out of here.
I… I don’t know what happened on the City Deposit, Max.
-攻击福里的事呢 -我不知道
-And the Foley hit? -I don’t know.
That’s why I need you to go along personally
to make absolutely certain nothing goes wrong.
我也是一员 当然
I’m on the team, of course.
-嘿 嘿 嘿 -什么 什么
-Hey! Hey, hey! -What, what?
-我破解了 -你破解了
-I broke it. -You broke it!
你这王八蛋 你打败电脑了
You son of a bitch. You beat the computer?
-说什么 -它说
-What’s it say? -It says…
去你的 条子 卡洛斯署名
“Screw you cops. Signed, Carlos”.
-不是警♥察♥ -是猪
-…ain’t cops. -It means “pigs”.
-另一种警♥察♥的称呼 -等等 卡洛斯
-Another word for cops. -Wait a minute, Carlos?
就是坎 查尔斯 坎 查尔斯在西班牙语里就是卡洛斯
It is Cain. Charles Cain. Carlos is Spanish for Charles.
Cain changed his name.
他也许从前是穷小孩 但不想长大后是个穷♥人♥
He’s probably a poor kid who didn’t want to grow up to be a poor man.
查尔斯 坎是字母抢匪
So Charles Cain is the Alphabet robber?
我可没说 第一个密♥码♥很难 这个很容易
I ain’t said that. The first code was very hard. This is really easy.
Whoever did this wanted the cops to figure it.
别告诉我 阿克塞尔 你也会算数
Don’t tell me, Axel, you ran numbers too?
-我不是出生就当警♥察♥ -他偶而犯法
-I wasn’t always a cop. -He fractured an occasional law.
The horses have now reached the starting gate.
别动 趴在地上 别动 妈的
Freeze! Hit the floor! Freeze, goddamn it!
Thirty seconds.
再见 坎先生
Goodbye, Mr Cain.
…winning it by a nose…
是第二名 马歇尔的疯狂拿到了第三
…was second and Marshall’s Madness came in third.
-我们的马没有入围 -坎的入围了
-I’m afraid our horse didn’t come in. -Cain’s did.
现在是官方的结果 赢家 强尼的困境
The result is now official. The winner, Johnny’s Dilemma…
-警官 -警♥察♥
-Police officers! -Police!
We’re a little late.
现在我只能说 我们有信心
All I can tell you right now is that we are confident
that we have identified the Alphabet bandit.
The man was shot dead at the scene this morning
是警卫杰克 史代尔射杀的
by security guard Jack Stiles.
在抢案中 那人遭重伤
In his latest robbery attempt, the man was fatally wounded.
我给你们我的誓言 不再有F案
So I give you my oath right here there will be no F crime.
We personally, my own computer team personally
cracked the Alphabet bandit’s code this afternoon.
所有的字条全是署名卡洛斯 对吗
All of the notes, mind you, were signed “Carlos”, right?
卡洛斯 你们也知道 是查尔斯的西班牙语
Carlos, which, as you all know, is Spanish for Charles.
Do you hear what I’m saying?
-如坎是主谋 钱在那里 -代特呢
-If Cain’s the man, where’s the money? -Where’s Dent?
You said he was shipping oil equipment to Central America.
对 但在那里 如何
Yeah, but how? Where?
-通缉代特 -什么理由
-Let’s put an APB out on Dent. -For what reason?
-你那里弄到的 -什么
-Hey, where’d you get that? -What?
It’s coming from there.
对不起 马上怎会弄到泥巴
Excuse me. How did the mud get on the horse?
He was grazing in the pasture.
-牧场在哪里 -那里 代特的油田
-Where’s the pasture at? -There. Dent’s oil field.
Bogomil had that red mud all over his sneakers.
一定有人通报他 他来调查 所以才要干掉他
My hunch is somebody gave him a tip, he came here and they tried to waste him.
-字母歹徒的抢案是谁策划的 -代特要破产了 对吧
-Who pulled the Alphabet jobs? -Dent’s going broke, OK?
所以他抢银行 珠宝店
So what he does is he heists some bank, heists some jewellery,
then throws this easy code at the cops and puts Cain’s name on it.
很简单 你陷害坎 杀了坎
It was real simple. You frame Cain, kill Cain,
坎是字母凶手 代特远走高飞 全部结案
Cain’s the Alphabet killer, Dent gets away scot-free, case closed.
石油商为何冒这些险 就算运气不好也不必如此
Why would an oilman risk all this, even if he was down on his luck?
他不是买♥♥石油设备 他向汤莫不斯买♥♥枪
Dent’s not buying oil equipment, he’s buying guns from Thomopolis.
Probably selling to his contacts or some shit like that in Central America.
Why isn’t he just splitting with the stolen cash?
代特在这儿买♥♥一百万的枪♥械♥ 到那边能卖♥♥上一千万
Dent could buy guns here for a million and sells them there for 10 million.
-看那些石油 -我没看到石油
-Look at all that oil. -I don’t see oil.
I see trucks.
快点 比利 你在干什么
Come on, Billy. Billy, what are you doing?
I’ve been wanting to wear this for a while, Sarge.
你疯了吗 天呀 我们必须谈谈
What are you, nuts? Jesus Christ, Billy, we gotta to talk.
What the hell is this?
You can never have too much firepower.
-快 -狗屁
-Come on! -Shit.
Bogomil was here.
-你喜欢说唱音乐吗 -对
-Hey! You like rap music? -Yeah.
你喜欢说唱音乐吗 慢慢的转过
You like rap music? Well, turn around real slow then.
我是来自美国说唱联盟的 枪拿下 丢到那边
I’m from the Rap Coalition of America. Take that gun off, throw it over there.
丢到那边 如果你这么喜欢说唱
Throw the gun over there. If you like rap music so much,
-你怎么不笑 -我在笑
-how come you ain’t you smiling? -I’m smiling.
笑 笑大点 我们一起唱
Smile. Smile real big. Let’s do a rap together.
哟 宝贝 哟 宝贝 哟
Yo, baby, yo, baby, Yo

Say. . –
-你看那像石油帮浦吗 -看来像第三次世界大战
-Those look like oil pumps to you? -It looks like World War III.
-这里 比利 -什么
-Here, Billy. -What?
You don’t have one of these, do you?
