Living with his middle class judgmental parents and his ailing maternal grandmother in Yorkshire, and working as a clerk at Shadrack and Duxbury Funeral Furbishers under Mr. Shadrack himself, young adult Billy Fisher often daydreams as a means of escape from what he considers his less than satisfying life, and in the process will tell bald-faced lies to advance his fantasy narrative. While those daydreams are often what he is feeling at any given moment in what he would like to happen in needing to get out of a predicament of his own making, he has a recurring fantasy of being the military ruler of a fictional country called Ambrosia, those scenarios mostly in grand pomp and circumstance for him. The latest lie he is perpetuating is that he has been hired by comedian Danny Boon to be his script writer, entailing a move to London. While he did indeed write to the celebrity in his quest to be a writer of some sort, he only got a noncommittal form letter from Boon’s representatives in return (i.e. no one in Boon’s entourage actually read what he sent Boon, including Boon himself), he planning on approaching Boon, who coincidentally is in town, to nail down the details of employment. Another one of the predicaments he’s gotten himself into is that he is stringing along two different women, Barbara and Rita, who don’t know or know of the other, and who, also unknown them, are “sharing” one engagement ring, which Billy has to manage to transfer between them in some manner through more lies. The other thing that neither Barbara or Rita knows is that Billy loves neither of them, getting married which he is feeling pressured to do by his parents. While his actions alienate more and more people, the person who does understand what he is feeling is recently returned free-spirit Liz, an ex-girlfriend who, in feeling much what he has felt about the dead end life in Yorkshire, has left in running from Yorkshire as opposed to running to somewhere or something else, for her the process more important than the outcome.


年轻的比利·费舍尔(Billy Fisher)与他在约克郡(Yorkshire)的中产阶级挑剔的父母和生病的外祖母生活在一起,在沙德拉克(Shadrack)和杜克斯伯里(Duxbury)葬礼上的Furbishers公司(Shadbishers)担任秘书,在沙德拉克(Shadrack)的领导下,他经常做白日梦,以此逃避他认为不太令人满意的生活,在这个过程中,他会说些露骨的谎言来推进自己的幻想叙事。虽然这些白日梦通常是他在任何特定时刻的感受,他希望自己摆脱困境,但他经常幻想自己是一个虚构国家安布罗西亚的军事统治者,这些场景对他来说大多是盛大的盛宴和环境。他一直在编造的最新谎言是,他被喜剧演员丹尼·布恩(Danny Boon)聘请为编剧,这意味着他要搬到伦敦。虽然为了成为某种作家,他确实给这位名人写信,但作为回报,他只收到了布恩代表的一封形式不置可否的信(也就是说,布恩的随行人员中没有人真正读过他寄给布恩的信,包括布恩本人),他计划与恰巧在城里的布恩接触,敲定就业细节。他陷入的另一个困境是,他与两个不同的女人——芭芭拉和丽塔——串通一气,这两个女人不认识或不认识另一个,也不认识他们,他们“分享”着一枚订婚戒指,比利不得不通过更多的谎言以某种方式在她们之间转移。芭芭拉和丽塔都不知道的另一件事是,比利都不爱他们,他觉得父母迫使他结婚。虽然他的行为疏远了越来越多的人,但真正理解他的感受的人是最近回归的自由精神丽兹。她是一位前女友,对约克郡穷途末路的生活有着强烈的感受,他离开了约克郡,而不是跑到某个地方或其他什么地方,对她来说,过程比结果更重要。-雨果

middle class中产阶级; 中等收入阶层
young adult年轻人;大学生
escape from逃脱
in the process在此过程中; 与此同时
would like to将乐意
get out of摆脱; 逃避
