Then I went into the police for a while, and after that I went into movies.
等一下 你当过警♥察♥?
Wait a minute. You were a cop?
不 我为基恩委员会工作 – 那是什么?
No. I worked for the Kean Commission. – What’s that?
一些政客聚在一起 想要阻止警♥察♥腐♥败♥
A group of politicians that got together to try to stop police corruption.
哦 – 后来我退出了
Oh. – Then I quit that and…
Well, what’d you do?
说来话长 你不会想知道的
It’s a long story. You don’t wanna know.
我想 我真的想 这很有趣
Oh, I do. I really do. This is very interesting.
How about movies? I thought you wanted to know about movies.
对 电影很棒 但这…
Yeah, movies are great, but this is…
这就像是街头的真实生活 知道吗
this is like real life on the streets. You know?
It’s exciting.
All right.
I, um… I wired their best undercover cop.
A guy by the name of Freddie Corso.
弗雷迪有个案子 是给一个腐♥败♥警监下套
And one of Freddie’s cases was to set up a corrupt police captain…
…who was tryin’ to shake down a Mob guy.
And my job was to rig a wire on him so I could record the conversation.
等一下 “连线”是什么意思?
Wait a minute. What do you mean, ‘wire’?
是个微型麦克风 连在我拴在弗雷迪腰间的发射器上
It’s a tiny mike attached to a transmitter that I strapped around Freddie’s waist.
麦基 把录音带递给我
Mackey, hand me the tape.
好了 弗雷迪 检查声音 数到10 – 一、二、三、四…
OK, Freddie, give me sound. Count to 10. – One, two, three, four, five…
窃听器很棒 他可能会被阻挡
It was a great wire. He could be blocks away…
但你可以听到他10英尺范围内一切声音 很妙
…and you could hear everything within 10 feet of him. It’s fantastic
嘿 米尔特 你好吗? – 你好 弗雷迪 你好
Hey, Milt. How ya doin’? – Hello, Freddie. How ya doin’?
很高兴见到你 – 你气色不错
Good to see ya. – You look good.
你也是 你这身装扮不错 – 谢谢
Yes, so are you. You look great in that get-up. – Thanks.
So, uh… I brought somebody here I want you to meet.
肯尼迪警监 这是米尔特
Captain Kennedy, this is Milt.
Who the fuck wants to meet Captain Kennedy?
米尔特 放松 – 嘿 我不想见他
Milt, take it easy. – Hey, I don’t wanna meet him.
嘿 放轻松 这人能调动警♥察♥ 你可就方便了
Hey, take it easy. This man could put the cap on everything.
好了 上车来 我们边兜风边聊
All right, come on in the car. We’ll take a ride and talk.
And the first thing that the captain says to the Mob guy:
瞧 我知道这人有个妹夫
Look, I understand that the man has a brother-in-law.
Now, I happened to see him alkin’ to his brother-in-law.
这个妹夫是个重罪犯 弗雷迪
Now, the brother-in-law is a known felon, Freddie,
米尔特正在假释期间 这是违反假释条例的
and Milt’s out on parole, and that’s a parole violation.
这事我得告诉假释官 明白吗?
Now, I’m gonna have to tell the parole officer.
要是我告诉假释官 他就得回监狱去
If I tell the parole officer, he’s goin’ back in the can.
不过我觉得我能想点办法 不告诉他 给5千块就行
But I think I could work somethin’ out that I don’t have to tell him for… 5,000 bucks.
5千?弗雷迪 你这小狗♥日♥的♥ 我们开始说是1千的
$5,000? Freddie, you little prick. We started this thing for $1,000.
这些我录得很清楚 然后我就听到了静电干扰
I’m gettin’ this clear as a bell on tape and I start to hear the static.
You think you can? You’re outta your.
We can work this thing out.
他要进监狱的 你明白吗? – 对
He’s goin’ up the river. You understand? – Right.
What’s the matter?
你在流汗 弗雷迪 怎么回事?
You’re sweatin’, Freddie. What’s the matter?
有件事那个他妈的神童没想到 弗雷迪会紧张流汗
The one thing that fuckin’ whiz kid didn’t figure Freddie would get nervous and sweat.
他流汗太多 发射器里的电池短路了 在他身上烧了个洞
He sweated so bad that the battery in the transmitter shorted out and burned a hole in him.
嘿 在这加油站停一下 我要撒尿
Hey, pull over to this gas station. I gotta take a piss.
糟糕 – 怎么了 杰克?
Shit. – What’s wrong, Jack?
电池在漏电 – 电池在漏电?
The battery is arcing. -The battery is arcing?
发射器里的电池在漏电 正在灼伤他 我得进去
The battery in the transmitter is arcing. It’s burning him. I gotta get in there.
你不能去 你会暴露他的 – 我必须进去
You can’t. You’ll blow the guy’s cover. – I gotta go in there.
你不能去 – 我那块他妈的电池正在灼伤他
You can’t. – My fuckin’ battery burned a hole in him.
这我不管 你会搞砸这行动的 – 嘘
I don’t give a damn. You’re gonna screw things up. – Shh.
我得去 – 杰克 你疯了
I gotta go. – Jack, you’re nuts.
Aw, Jesus Christ.
啊 不
Aw… no.
It wasn’t your fault.
是啊 你跟弗雷迪说去
Yeah, well, you tell that to Freddie.
Are you OK?
有事 有件事困扰我 那个亨利的事 州长的助理
No. Something’s buggin’ me. This whole thing with Henry, the governor’s assistant.
哦 他也跟你谈过了?
Oh, he talked to you too, huh?
That’s why I’m leavin’ town.
他给了我一些钱 让我消失一阵子
He gave me some money to disappear for a while.
我想也是 听着
I thought so. Look,
they are covering up a lot more than you being with McRyan.
I know that tyre was shot out.
How can you be so sure?
你看过《今日新闻》杂♥志♥吗? – 看过
Did you see the News Today magazine? – Yeah.
我想了个办法 把我录的声音配在那些照片上
I figure out a way to put my sound with those photographs.
等你看了 我肯定你就知道那不是爆胎
And when you see it, I’m sure you’ll see it was no blowout.
I don’t know.
Would you do me favour? Would you stick around for a couple of days?
为了什么? – 我只是觉得这事你可以帮我忙
What for? – I just think you could help me with this.
杰克 我不知道 我已经惹了很多麻烦了 要是我留在这里…
Jack, I don’t know. I’m in a helluva lot of trouble already. If I stick around here…
If I can just clear myself of this…
咱们可以一起走 我是说…有何不可?
We could go away together. I mean… why not?
What the hell’s the sense of goin’ away by yourself?
我不知道 – 求你了
I don’t know. – Come on.
I have to think about it or somethin’.
I’ll think about it.
嘿 莎莉 近来可好?
Hey, Sal. How ya doin’, huh?
很高兴见到…我就是转转 看看电视里这部好看的电影
It’s good to see… I was just hangin’ around, watchin’ this great movie on TV.
You look terrific.
对啊 你在雷丁做些什么呢?
Yeah. So what are you doin’ in Reading?
听着 你想喝点什么吗?来点威士忌怎么样?
Listen, you want somethin’ to drink here? How about some Scotch?
喂 – 是莎莉
Yeah? – It’s Sally.
嘿 莎莉 进来进来
Hey, Sal. Hey, come on in. Come in.
你气色真好 你来做什么呢?
You look great. What are you doin’ around here?
天 曼尼 他们不打扫这地方吗?
Jesus, Manny. Don’t they ever clean this place?
对啊 得早起才能碰见女佣 我还没早起过
You gotta get up real early to catch a maid. I haven’t made it yet.
我真高兴你能过来 知道吗
Hey, I’m sure glad you come by, you know?
听着 你怎么找到我的?
Listen, how’d you find me?
算了吧 曼尼 我们来这里工作无数回了
Come on, Manny. We worked this place a million times.
哦 对哦 你想喝点吗?
Oh, yeah, that’s right. Hey, you want a drink?
这回不是社交拜访 曼尼 – 哦 不是吗?
This isn’t a social visit, Manny. – Oh, no, huh? Oh.
You almost got me killed the other night.
害死我 你明白吗?
Dead– you understand?
哦 宝贝 我跟那事没关系 那是个意外
Oh, hey, babe. I didn’t have nothin’ to do with that. That was an accident.
是吗? – 对啊
Yeah? – Yes.
你怎么回事? – 什么意思 我怎么回事?
What happened to you? – What do you mean what happened to me?
I took off as soon as I saw that kid jump into the creek.
He did a helluva lot better job than I coulda ever done.
你瞧 我不知道以前是不是跟你说过…
You know, I don’t know if I ever told you this before but…
我连游泳都不会 宝贝
I can’t even swim, babe.
泰瑞 你知道今天我这里来过多少说阴谋论的疯子吗?
Terry, do you know how many conspiracy nuts I’ve already had in here today?
If I had a fuckin’ dime for every god damn one of ’em
我就可以买♥♥下整个佛罗里达州 平安退休了
I’d buy the whole state of Florida and retire in peace.
这些照片里很清晰 闪光和烟
It’s very clear in all these photos. The flash and the smoke.
有好多种可能 这并不代表什么
It could be a lot of things. They don’t mean nothing.
Why the fuck does everything have to be a conspiracy?
一个人喝多了几杯 他开出道路 掉进河里
A man has a couple too many drinks, he drives off the road, falls into a creek.
意外事故 简单明了 – 这不是意外
Accident, plain and simple. – It was not an accident.
听着 我来告诉你
Look, let me tell you something.
我在场 轮胎被射爆 我听见了 我记录下来了
I was there. That tyre was shot out. I heard it. I recorded it.
所以你是一场刺杀的耳听证人喽 太好了 真动听
So you’re an earwitness to an assassination. That’s great. It’s got a nice ring.
是你牵头调查吗? – 对
Are you heading up the investigation? – Yeah.
你检查过麦克雷的轮胎吗? – 没 干嘛查?
Did you check McRyan’s tyre? – No. Why should I?
因为会有子弹洞眼 因为他是被杀的
Because there’s a bullet hole in there. Because he was killed.
就你这么说 泰瑞 别人都说是意外 – 谁?谁说是意外?
Says you, Terry. Everybody else says accident. – Who? Who says accident?
我这有一整套特别委员会的报告 会说是意外
I got a whole special commission formin’ here that’s gonna say it was an accident.
That’s gonna say it was an accident?
