-我喜欢你的发型 -哦 谢谢 呵呵
-I love how you’re doing your hair. -Oh, thanks. Heh, heh.
你一定要带我逛街 你总是很会挑衣服
You’ll have to take me shopping. You always could pick clothes. Heh, heh.
And Augie’s got some exciting business news
-想跟豪尔谈 -是吗
-he wants to talk to Hal about. -Oh?
别担心 我不需要借钱 我们钱够了
Don’t worry, I don’t need to borrow money. We’re flush.
你做什么工作的 奥吉
Yeah, What kind of work do you do, Augie?
是这样 我经营一些维修啊 搬家具什么的
Well, you know, I do, like, repairs, furniture moving,
but I got plans to be my own boss.
我们晚饭再谈吧 他们要出去了
We’ll talk about it over dinner. They’re going out.
嘿 我们能参观下房♥间吗
Hey, could we have a tour?
当然 就从厨房♥开始吧
Oh, yeah, of course. Why don’t you start in the kitchen?
-卫生间在哪 -客厅那头
-Is there a little girls’ room? -Just down the hall.
Five days.
I’ll have to invite them to my birthday party now.
-她怎么会嫁给他的 -我在金洁面前总是很有负罪感
-Where did she come up with him? -I always feel so guilty around Ginger.
We’ve got to make sure we make their stay extra nice.
天啊 五天呢
My God, five days.
-太漂亮了 -哦
-It’s so beautiful. -Oh.
Oh, but where would I wear a Fendi bag?
哦 买♥♥下吧 我送你
Oh, go ahead. It’s my treat.
-不是吧 -是的
-No. -Yeah.
天啊 太赞了 看啊
Oh, my God. I love it. Look.
-把原来的拿下来 -我太喜欢了
-Take the other one off. -No, I like this.
哥们 你这地方真不错
Boy, this is some place you got here.
-这里就像天堂 -没错
-I mean, this is unreal. -It is.
Reminds me of when I was a kid.
I used to be a lifeguard.
你要开公♥司♥ 真是好主意
Start your own construction company? That’s a great idea.
-我们有一笔钱 -赶紧跟他说说 奥吉
-We came into some money. -Tell him how, Augie.
-早都想想告诉你们 -怎么了
-We’ve been saving this story to tell you. -What?
哦 刚开始我很努力才攒了一万 一万二
Well, the first 10, 12,000, I really worked for.
You know, put away a little each week.
But he’s not telling you the big news.
-也就是我们来纽约的原因 -你说吧
-Why we’re in New York. -You tell them.
好吧 我来说
Okay, I will.
We always play the lottery,
但从来没有中过一百块以上的 是吧
and we never even get two numbers. Am I right?
-嗯哼 -但上周 我们中大奖了
-Uh-huh. -But last week, we hit it.
We got 200,000 bucks.
哦 太棒了
Oh, that’s fantastic.
-我都要乐晕了 -太棒了
-I thought I’d drop dead. -That’s great.
我从来都没摸过那么多钱 真的
I never held that kind of money in my hands. I mean, ever.
我们中奖的时候 他激动得发抖了
He was shaking when we won.
你还说我 你们应该看看她
Me? You had to see her.
我只好对她说 这是千载难逢的机会
I had to tell her, this is a once-in-a-lifetime.
-恭喜你们 -嗯
-Congratulations. -Yeah.
他想做生意 你们觉得呢
He wants to begin a business. What do you think?
如果你们需要 豪尔倒是可以帮你们
Well, if you like, I think Hal could probably help you do better.
你知道…我可不投机 我不会把这千载难逢的…
You know… you know, I’m no gambler. I mean, not with my one chance to…
嘿 别这样 我们不知道怎样赚钱 但他知道
Hey, come on. We don’t know the first thing about money, but he does.
首先 千万不要把钱给政♥府♥
First thing is how not to give half your money to the government.
我知道要交税 但我也没办法 是吧
Look, I know there’s taxes, but, I mean, what can I do?
-有办法的 -听到没 奥吉 听到没
-There are ways. -You see, Augie? You see?
试想一下我给了你一次低风险 高收益的投资机会
Suppose I put you in a venture that was low-risk, but very high-yield.
我指的可不是百分之六 或者七 而是百分之二十
I’m not talking about 6 or 7 percent. I’m talking about 20 percent.
-利润丰厚吧 -百分之二十
-Profitable enough? -20 percent?
He’s developing a group of hotels in the Caribbean.
你是说 我不自己做生意
You mean, not starting my own business.
不 而是投资豪尔的生意
No, we mean investing with Hal.
天啊 投资什么 就那些玩意
Jeez, investing what? You mean the whole thing?
你想让钱生钱 对不对
You need money to make money. Am I right?
Could you let them in on one of your…? The hotel deal or something.
It’d be great for them. Make a killing.
-好好听着 奥吉 -我在听着
-Pay attention, Augie. -I’m paying attention.
你会帮他们赚到钱的 是吧
You will make money for them, won’t you?
I make money, they make money.
天啊 他们太难对付了
God, they’re hard work.
Tomorrow I’m definitely taking the day off.
我的事情全耽误了 瑜伽 普拉提
I’ve neglected everything, my yoga, my Pilates.
I’ve got that luncheon to plan,
the fundraiser for the Central Park Conservancy.
我给他们租了辆豪华轿车 又雇了个司机
I’ve rented them a limo and a driver,
and I’ve suggested they go to the South Street Seaport.
Can you imagine if they lived here?
你做得很棒 送给你
Here, for doing your duty.
-生日快乐 -哦
-Happy birthday. -Oh.
我今晚送给你 这样你就明晚的聚会就可以带上它了
I’m giving it to you now so you can wear it to your party tomorrow night.
哦 亲爱的 太漂亮了
Oh, sweetheart, it’s beautiful.
作为一个庸俗的商人 我的品味还是不错的 是吧
Not bad taste for a philistine businessman, huh?
-我知道 这很奢侈 -哦 看啊
-I know, it’s so extravagant. -Oh, look at that.
-我坐在浴缸里 被他的礼物惊喜到了 -哈哈哈
-He surprised me in the tub, so to speak. -Ha, ha, ha.
Corsica’s a bore.
虽然气候不错 但和撒丁岛一样无聊
The weather’s nice, but it’s nothing like Sardinia.
今年你得去棕榈海滩 不准找借口
This year you are coming to Palm Beach, no excuses.
-嘿 茉莉 -怎么了
-Hey, Jasmine. -What?
-那个女人是谁 -哪个
-Who’s that woman? -Which?
-那个 -哦 那是瑞琳恩
-That one. -Oh, Raylene.
她是我朋友 我们关系很好
She’s a friend. I love Raylene.
We met in a yoga class.
-她很漂亮吧 -嗯
-Isn’t she pretty? -Yeah.
She runs a modeling agency.
-你们认识多久了 -几年了 怎么了
-How long have you known her? -Few years. Why?
-你信任他吗 -信任
-And you trust her? -Trust her?
我当然信任她 干嘛这么问
Of course I trust her. What kind of question is that?
She just seems so cozy all night with your husband.
我才不担心呢 豪尔和瑞琳恩都不是那种人
I wouldn’t worry. Hal’s not the roving type, nor is Raylene.
-她和我们关系很好 -不知道了
-She’s a very close friend. -I don’t know.
如果是我老公 我一定会紧盯着他们
If it was my husband, I’d keep an eye on him.
天啊 你真是个醋坛子
Goodness, you are a suspicious one.
Just relax.
I am relaxed.
你不该喝那么多 奥吉
You shouldn’t drink so much, Augie.
没人想听那些糟糕的波兰人笑话 知道吗
Nobody wants to hear those stupid Polish jokes, you know?
Oh, I had a drink?
-嗯 -嗯
-Yeah. -Yeah?
要我说 你才整个晚上都心不在焉的呢
Let me tell you, you were half in the bag the entire night, okay?
好吧 你爱说就说吧
Ok. Tell me about my drinking.
-让我来 -谁惹你了
-Give me that. -What’s eating you?
If you saw your friend’s wife kissing another guy,
你会告诉他吗 嘿
would you tell your friend? Hey.
-什么 -你会告诉你朋友吗
-What? -Would you tell your friend?
-我说了 -告诉他什么
-I’m talking. -Tell him what?
Are you listening to me?
如果你看到朋友的老婆和别的男人接吻 你会告诉他吗
If you saw your friend’s wife kissing another guy, would you tell your friend?
-你会告诉他吗 -嗯
-Would you tell him? -Yeah.
-我肯定要告诉他 -但是他知道了会出事怎么办
-Bet your ass I’d tell him. -But what if it causes trouble?
Or maybe a divorce?
如果你什么也不说 可能事情就这么过去了
If you don’t say anything, it could’ve been a passing thing.
他什么也不知道 继续开心地生活
He never knows and he lives on happy with his wife.
我会告诉他的 因为朋友应该这么做
You know, I would tell him, because that’s what a friend’s for.
朋友要互相支持 所以我会告诉他的
You gotta have his back. That’s why I’d tell him.
这太难张口了 奥吉
It’s a tough call, Augie. I don’t know.
-金洁 -怎么了
-Ginger. -What?
这是怎么回事 我们在玩猜谜游戏吗
What are we doing? Are we playing charades?
