I mean, come on.
-你看到了什么 -嗯
-Did you see something? -Yeah.
On the street, by accident.
I saw Hal kissing that brunette who was at the party.
你看到豪尔和瑞琳恩接吻 瑞琳恩
You saw Hal kiss Raylene? Raylene?
You know her name too?
天啊 她真是有魅力
My God, she gets around.
哦 有人介绍 你没什么可担心的
Oh, we were introduced. Come on, you got nothing to worry about.
-嗯 -没人能够取代你
-Yeah. -Nobody could ever take your place.
说实话 我根本没觉得她会看上你
Yeah, believe me, I wasn’t thinking she’d look at you. Heh.
-谁都看不上我 是吧 -没错
-Nobody would ever look at me, right? -That’s right.
-就你能看上我 -是的 我就走眼了那么一次
-You looked at me. -Yeah, once. It was a mistake.
-好吧 听着 -什么
-All right, listen. -What?
You think Hal’s banging her?
When Jasmine don’t wanna know something,
she’s got a habit of looking the other way.
谢谢你的礼物 大家都说漂亮
Thank you for my present. I got so many comments.
大家伙玩得都很开心 那个钢琴师…
I think everyone enjoyed themselves and that piano player was…
真不错 我要了他的名片
he was fantastic. I got his card.
你和瑞琳恩聊什么呢 那么热火朝天
What were you, uh, talking to Raylene so intensely about?
哦 她丈夫想买♥♥一架私人飞机
Oh, uh, her husband is thinking about getting his own plane.
I was just weighing the pros and cons for her of a Challenger versus a, uh…
-墨西哥湾 -嗯 就是那个
-Gulf stream? -Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-她真漂亮 -嗯
-She’s so pretty. -Yeah.
比尔要出城几周 她一个人待在家
Bill’s out of town for a couple weeks and she’ll be all alone.
我们可以邀请她出去吃晚饭 或是来家里做客
I thought maybe we could take her out to dinner or have her over here.
-好的 -嗯
-Yeah. -Great.

-太傻了 金洁 -怎么了
-This is silly, Ginger. -Why?
-今天是周日 -那又怎么了
-It’s Sunday. -So?
他今天休息 他想和你过二人世界
It’s his day off. He wants to spend it alone with you.
He’s alone with me plenty.
如果我嫁给奇立 你早晚都要见到他的
If I’m gonna marry Chili, you’re gonna meet him sooner than later.
我告诉他 我们要带你转一转的
I told him we’d show you the town.
-他肯定不想让我去当电灯泡 -别说了行吗
-Well, he won’t want your sister around. -Will you stop it?
This city is so beautifully European.
Have you ever been abroad?
-去过吗 -没有
-At all? -No.
We used to sail from Saint-Tropez to Cannes
and up the coast to Monaco.
-这里让我想起了地中海 -奇立来了
-It reminds me of the Mediterranean. -There’s Chili.
-哪个是他 -那个
-Which one? -There.
-和他一起来的是谁 -我也不知道
-Who’s that with him? -I don’t know.
-奇立 -嗨
-Chili. -Hi.
-嗨 嘿 -你今天真美
-Hi, hey. -You look beautiful.
哦 谢谢
Oh, thanks. Yeah.
-你真香 -你们来晚了
-You smell good too. -You’re late.
-我是艾迪 很高兴认识你 -嗨 我是金洁
-Eddie. Nice to meet you. -Hi. Ginger.
This is Jasmine.
-茉莉 嗨 我是艾迪 -他是艾迪
-Jasmine, hi. I’m Eddie. -This is Eddie.
很高兴认识你 艾迪 我是茉莉
Nice to meet you. Eddie. I’m Jasmine.
嗨 金洁常提起你
Hi. Ginger told me about you.
哦 希望她没说我坏话
Oh, all good, I hope.
你知道的 我要搬去和你妹妹一起住了
You know, I gotta tell you, I was all set to move in with your sister.
但是后来她说得过段时间 因为她姐姐来了
Then she tells me that we gotta postpone because her sister’s in town.
-他开玩笑的 -哦 希望我没妨碍你们
-He’s joking. -Well, I hope I didn’t inconvenience you.
It was an emergency.
-没有 -天有不测风云是吧 艾迪
-No. -Things happen. Right, Eddie?
他们都告诉我了 谁都有可能倒霉
They’ve told me about it. Could’ve happened to anybody.
她说你从来没来过这里 谁也不认识
She told me you never been here, don’t know anybody,
所以我就把他带来了 来个相亲
so I brought along this sad excuse for a blind date.
-我是短时间他能找到的最佳人选了 -他和我一起工作
-I’m the best he could do on short notice. -He works with me.
I gotta get a beer.
-你们要啤酒吗 -我能给你点杯酒吗
-You want a beer? -Can I buy you a drink?
-谢谢 不过我有酒了 -而我快要饿死了
-No, I have a drink, but thank you. -Meanwhile, I’m dropping dead of hunger.
This place has the best clams.
你爱吃蛤吗 茉莉
You like clams, Jasmine?
不用了 我不饿
No, no, no. I’m not hungry.
你喝的是什么 我闻闻 这是什么
What the hell are you drinking? Let me see. What is this?
-是伏特加吗 -是马蒂尼
-Is it vodka? -Martini.
This place has the best clams in the city.
不 最棒的蛤在曼帝洛
No, the best are at Manero’s.
你个小傻瓜 那里的跟这没法比
You’re nuts. They don’t even compare.
这里风景优美 蛤又新鲜 这是最重要的
This place is good too. They’re fresh. That’s the thing with clams.
如果吃了坏的蛤 简直让你生不如死
You get a bad clam, you’ll wish you were never born.
-你做什么 茉莉 -我都说了 她才刚来
-So, what do you do, Jasmine? -I told you, she just got here.
-正在找工作 -是吗
-She’s looking for a job. -Yeah?
我认识一个牙医 他正找人帮忙
I know a dentist who’s looking for help.
不 其实我想
No, I’m actually thinking
-继续读书 嗯 -读书
-of going back to school. Hm. -School?
Heh. To study what?
不知道 我这辈子最大的遗憾
I don’t know. I mean, the biggest mistake I made
was leaving college in my last year and not completing my education.
What would you be?
An anthropologist.
是吗 天天挖化石
Really? Like digging up old fossils?
That’s an archaeologist.
Ginger told me the whole story.
肯定很难受 是吧 前一秒还在高处 下一秒…
That must be terrible, right? One minute you’re on top of the world, the next…
-那个人却是个骗子 -是啊
-guy turns out to be a crook. -Heh, heh. Yeah.
Her husband, he owned racehorses.
-是真的吗 -是的
-Is that so? -Yeah.
是的 有过一两年
Oh, yes, yes, for a year or two,
Hal became quite obsessed with thoroughbreds.
So, what are you gonna study in college?
Let me guess.
护士 嗯
A nurse. Huh?
Is that how I impress you?
-护士 -你不喜欢护士
-A nurse? -You got something against nurses?
-我妹妹就是护士 -护士床技都很不错
-My sister’s a nurse. -Nurses are very hot to go to bed with.
Because they have extensive knowledge of how the human body works.
-别对我妹妹抱有幻想 -我只是说 我很了解护士
-Careful what you accuse my sister of. -I’m just saying, I know good nurses.
奇立 我们说点别的吧
Chili, why don’t you change the subject?
你说你会好好表现的 但你没有
You think you’re being charming, but you’re not.
You always stare into space like that?
I had a friend who used to do that all the time,
但他脑袋有点不正常 他有癫痫
but there was something wrong with him. He was epileptic.
I’m not epileptic.
如果服务员来了 我想再来一杯斯多利马蒂尼
If you see the waitress, I’d like another Stoli martini.
-你要学什么专业 -天啊 别说了
-What are you gonna study? -Jesus. Leave her alone.
-你都问了三遍了 -那又怎么 她还没回答
-It’s like the third time you asked. -So? She hasn’t answered.
不知道 我想好了一定会通知你的
I don’t know, but I’ll be sure to keep you informed.
哦 好吧 抱歉 我不说了
Oh, okay, sorry. I’ll back off.
不好意思 我不是故意发火的
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be curt.
I just don’t know what I’m gonna do with the rest of my life.
-你想做什么 -我们带她去领略一下风景吧
-What do you wanna do? -Why don’t we take her to see the sights?
然后去我家 她喜欢喝伏特加
Then back to my place. She likes vodka.
My buddy’s just back from Russia.
-给我带了几瓶上好的伏特加 -好主意
-Brought me this incredible vodka. -Great idea.
-你们会喜欢我家的 -嗯 我们走吧
-You’re gonna love my place. -Yeah, let’s go.
-尝尝这瓶伏特加 你们肯定会喜欢的 -好吧
-Wait till you try this vodka. You’ll love it. -All right, man.
I wish my apartment had a garden.
-我们竟然忘了带她去恶魔岛 -谢谢
-You know what we didn’t do. We didn’t take her inside Alcatraz. -Thank you.
那里很值得一看 茉莉
They got tours in there, Jasmine.
Ginger said your ex-husband did time?
要是他没上吊 确实还要蹲不少年
He’d still be doing time if he didn’t hang himself in his cell.
-是吗 用裤腰带上吊的 -肯定是裤腰带 或是床单
-Really? Like with a belt? -Well, it had to be a belt. Or a bedsheet.
-可能是床单 -都不是
-Could be a bedsheet. -No.
He managed to get a piece of rope.
Plain rope.
