只要你有钱 在监狱里也什么都能搞到
I guess you can get anything in prison if you got juice.
真够狠的 是吧 把自己勒死
That’s some way to go, huh? Strangle yourself to death?
不 不是被勒死
No, it wasn’t strangulation.
上吊而死 脖子会断掉
When you hang yourself, your neck breaks.
他死了我不会伤心 他对不起很多人
I wouldn’t feel sorry for him. He hurt a lot of people.
-是吗 -嗯 包括我 奥吉 还有她
-Oh, yeah? -Yeah, including me and Augie and her.
很多人不知道 以为他勒死了自己
A lot of people are under the misapprehension you strangle,
-但他脖子断了 -好吧 我们知道了
-but your neck snaps. -Okay, we got it.
他是个坏蛋 你明白吗
He was a bad guy, you know?
He lived like a big shot on other people’s money.
-他还背着她偷腥 -不会吧
-And he played around behind her back. -No.
-茉莉 开始放松运动 -好的
-Jasmine, go and start your cooldown. -Oh, good.
-嘿 茉莉 -嗯
-Hey, Jas. -Yeah?
I know you don’t wanna go to the Yankee game tonight.
你知道 其他的比赛我都喜欢看 除了棒球
I’d go to any sporting event with you, you know, but I just never got baseball.
我想邀请梅拉尼 她是棒球迷
I thought I’d ask Melanie. She’s a fan.
好的 她肯定会很开心
Oh, sure. God, she’ll be thrilled.
-嘿 梅拉尼 -嗯
-Hey, Mel? -Yeah?
-你是棒球迷吧 -嗯 我是 怎么了
-You like baseball, right? -Yeah. I love baseball. Why?
I got two season tickets behind the Yankee dugout for tonight.
没人陪我去看 你能去吗
I don’t have anybody else to go with me. Are you free?
当然了 只要你愿意邀请我
Absolutely, if you’re sure there’s nobody else.

-哦 你能去太好了 -好的 谢谢了
-No, no, you’ll do just fine. -All right, thanks.
-这就是你家 不错嘛 -嗯
-This is where you live? Nice. -Yeah.
-嗯 帮我拿一下买♥♥的东西 -嗯
-Hey, grab the groceries for me. -Yeah.
-这给我来拿 -拿着
-I can get this one. -Get them.
-拿好了 好的 -好了
-You got it? All right. -I got it.
哦 哦
Oh! Oh.
-哦 不 -没事的
-Oh, no. -That’s okay, don’t worry.
-不准再喝伏特加了 -我家没有伏特加
-No more vodka for you. -I didn’t have any vodka.
-我家没有伏特加 -别骗我了
-I didn’t have no vodka. -I know about you.
嘿 嘿 过来 来 来我这
Hey, hey, come here, come here, come here.
-拿楼上去 -什么事
-Take it upstairs? -Yes?
-没错 -好的
-Yeah. -All right.
Eddie wants your phone number.
-为什么 -我猜他想打给你
-Why? -I think he wants to call you.
想约你出去 吃个饭什么的
I think he wants to ask you out, you know, for dinner.
-我最近很忙 -拜托 他人很棒 你自己看就知道
-Look, I’m busy at the moment. -Come on. He’s a terrific guy. Look at him.
好吧 他为什么不自己找我要呢
Well, why doesn’t he ask me himself?
他有点害羞 明白吗 他觉得自己太矮
Because he’s shy, you know? He thinks he’s short.
听着 我要专心学业 好吗
Look, I’m concentrating on school, okay?
-还要找份工作 -正好呀
-And getting a job. -That’s perfect.
Right, he knows this dentist.
不 我对前台这种工作没兴趣
No, I have no interest in being a receptionist.
那你想做什么 经营银行
What did you have in mind, running a bank?
-你非要揪着这个话题不放吗 -我还想知道你打算
-Is this what you wanted to talk about? -And how long you’re planning
-在金洁这待多久 -噢 等我的生活步入正轨就搬走
-on staying with Ginger. -Oh, right. It’s just till I find my feet.
We have a lot of big plans.
别担心 我不会让你们的大计划泡汤的
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna ruin any of your big plans.
No one wants to get out of here as fast as I do.
我知道相比你以前的生活 一定落差很大
I’m sure this is a big comedown from what you’re used to.
没有 很好…我很感谢她的帮助
It’s fine. It’s… I’m grateful for her help.
So you don’t want Eddie to call you?
不 我现在不想谈恋爱
No, I’m not ready to go out at the moment.
Ginger said you had a nervous breakdown.
She tends to be quite dramatic.
她说你一个人走在路上 自言自语
Said you were in the street, talking to yourself.
听着 我觉得这和你一点关系都没有
You know, I don’t think that this is any of your business.
不 既然我要娶她 我们之间就没有秘密
No, but since I’m marrying her, we don’t have any secrets between us.
-奇立找你做什么 -噢 没什么
-What did Chili want? -Oh, nothing.
他那木讷的哥们想约我出去 又没勇气开口
His retarded boyfriend wanted a date, but he was too shy to ask.
-你觉得奇立怎样 -他很着急搬过来和你住一起
-What do you think of Chili? -He’s very anxious to move in with you.
是的 我知道 他对我有点着迷
Yeah, I know. He’s got the hots for me.
Can I speak frankly?
-你讨厌他 -是的
-You hate him? -Yeah.
I could tell you two didn’t hit it off.
他简直是另一个奥吉 失败的家伙
He’s another version of Augie. He’s a loser.
嘿 你听见艾迪说有个牙医需要人手吗
Hey, didn’t I hear Eddie say he knows a dentist looking for help?
别说了 天啊 那活太不体面了
Oh, forget it! Jesus, it’s too menial!
I’d go nuts.
I wanna go back to school.
我想拿文凭 你懂的 然后做点有意义的事
I wanna get my degree and become, you know, something substantial.
I can’t just do some mindless job.
呃 还逼我去麦德逊大道卖♥♥鞋子
Ugh. I was forced to take a job selling shoes on Madison Avenue.
Oh, so humiliating.
Friends I’d had at dinner parties at our apartment came in
可我现在得服侍她们 天啊 你知道那是什么心情吗
and I waited on them. I mean, do you have any idea what that’s like?
前一分钟 你是女主人
You know, one minute, you’re hosting women
后一分钟 你在测量她们的鞋码 给她们穿鞋
and the next, you’re measuring their shoe size and fitting them.
Erica Bishop came into the store.
她看到我了 觉得太尴尬了
She saw me and was so embarrassed for me,
就溜走了 以为我没看到她
she slipped out thinking I didn’t see her.
我看见你了 艾丽卡
I saw you, Erica!
Are you okay?
嘿 你很有品位
Hey, you got great taste.
Maybe you could do something in fashion.
或者设计之类的 对吧
Or designing. Yeah?
是啊 没错 对
Yeah, that’s true. Yeah.
Everyone used to say I’d make a good interior decorator.
你可以上课 不过你也知道 那得花钱
There’s courses, but, you know, they cost money.
不一定 伊芙·罗根是在网上拿到设计师执照的
No, Eve Logan got her decorator’s license online.
On a computer?
我想你也可以 不过…
I guess you could, but…
是啊 可我对电脑一窍不通
Yeah, I’m so computer illiterate.
But I could take a class in computers.
等我会用电脑了 我就可以上网学习设计师课程了
And then when I can handle a computer, then I can study decorating online.
-听起来好复杂 -为什么你总不支持我
-That sounds too complicated. -Why is your reaction always negative?
I’m just saying.
You know, first you gotta learn computers,
and then go for a decorator’s license online.
You’re afraid I’ll stay here too long.
不 因为…
No, you know…
Just all those courses, they cost money.
你在这工作 主要负责接听电♥话♥ 安排我的就诊预约
You’ll work out here. It’s mostly phones and keeping my appointments straight.
这些是流程卡片 我解释过了
There’s the follow-up cards, which I explained,
and the notices for cleanings.
Any questions?
Tell Dr. Flicker it’s an emergency.
-拜托 拜托了 -喂
-Come on, come on. -Yes?
噢 什么
Oh. What?
好的 要取消预约
Yes, a cancellation.
哦 你想取消预约
Oh, you want to cancel.
-什么时候 -拜托你
-When? -Please.
等等 等下 你说24号♥
Wait, wait, wait. You said the 24th.
My husband has an abscess.
Can you just put someone on who speaks better English?
The software interface is what provides you, the user,
控制硬件设施 也就是电脑
the ability to control the hardware, the computer.
好的 这就是操作…
Okay, that’s the operating…
The operating system gives you that ability.
I need an appointment in two weeks.
Is the 10th good for you?
10号♥ 可以
The 10th. Yes, fine.
噢 最好是12号♥
Oh, better make it the 12th.
-哦 我们12号♥有安排了 -好的
-Oh, we’re all booked on the 12th. -Okay.
Make it the 14th.
-14号♥ -噢 不
-The 14th? -Oh, no.
Is 3 good on the 9th?
