嘿 金洁就干这个
Hey, Ginger bags groceries.
好吧 金洁和我完全是两路人
Well, Ginger and I are completely different people.
没错 她基因好
Yeah, she got the good genes.
与基因无关 你不能什么事都怪在基因上
It’s not genetic. You can’t always blame everything on your genes.
如果你可以努力工作 而不是和…
If you’re prepared to work hard and not settle…
-什么 你是指奥吉吗 -她指的是我
-What, you mean Augie? -She means me.
噢 为了喝杯烂柠檬泡的斯特里马提尼
Oh. Who do I have to sleep with around here
to get a Stoli martini with twist of lemon?

That’s what I…
什么…什么…天啊 我记不起来了
What…? What…? Oh, Christ, I can’t remember.
奇立告诉我 你过去有些不错的藏车
So Chili was telling me that you used to have a really nice collection of cars.
噢 是的 我丈夫收藏的
Oh, yes, my husband did.
He used to collect vintage Bentleys and Mercedes.
-哇 那些都是豪车 -是的 的确
-Wow, those are expensive cars. -Yes, they are.
You know, having wealth is nothing to be ashamed of.
-我们很热衷于公益事业 -是啊 用别人的钱
-We were very civic-minded. -Yeah, with other people’s money.
This guy lost every penny of Ginger’s money.
I tried to bring my sister and her husband in on a good thing.
I mean, what do I know about financial schemes?
知道我现在一毛钱都没有了 你一定很高兴吧
You’ll be very happy to know that I lost every cent of my own money.
失去了所有的房♥子 家具
You know, every home, every stick of furniture,
貂皮大衣 戒指 银行账户
every fur, every ring and every bank account,
可就连这样 政♥府♥还是不肯妥协
and still it wasn’t enough to placate the government.
她丈夫是个老滑头 我在那待过一周
Her husband was a slick operator. I was there a week,
-我知道他和她闺蜜有一腿 -我真的要学习
-I knew he was hitting on her girlfriend. -I really need to study.
-我需要安静点 好吗 -好的
-I need some peace, okay? -Okay.
如果你把这里弄得像个酒吧一样 我永远都不可能成功的
I’m not gonna make it if you turn this place into a nightclub.
-我没法 我完全没法 -好的 好的 好的
-I can’t. I just can’t. -All right, all right, all right.
所有人出去 我姐姐还有功课要做
Everybody out. The girl’s got homework.
什么 主擂还没开始呢
What? Main event’s not on yet.
-出去 -我现在不能走
-Out. -I’m not leaving now.
她说得没错 奇立
You know, she’s right about you, Chili.
-你喝酒 然后就变成个混♥蛋♥ -那她呢 她也喝酒
-You drink, you become a jerk. -What about her? She’s drink…
混♥蛋♥ 过来 嘿
Jerk? Come here. Heh.
对不起 我开不起宾利
I’m sorry I don’t drive a Bentley.
-我们去酒吧 -再见 欢迎过来
-Let’s go to the bar. -Bye. Thank you for coming.
Good night.
-天啊 真是一团糟 -对不起
-Jesus, it’s a mess. -Oh, I’m sorry.
金洁 我真的…我不知道…不知道我究竟怎么了
Ginger, I’m really… I don’t… I don’t know what came over me.
不过我也跟你说过的 你挑男人的品位有待提高
But I have told you before, your taste in men leaves a lot to be desired.
是的 我知道这些不是你的菜
Yeah, I know these are not your kind of guys.
天啊 你就不能见些体面的男人吗
I mean, God, don’t you wanna meet some decent man?
You know, someone who can take you out of this…
什么 这个深渊
What? This hole?
Yeah, I know what you think of it here.
我想说 你有两个孩子呀
I mean, you’ve got two kids.
You can do better than Chili and his drunken loser friends.
如果我有更好的选择 我会选的
If I thought I could do better, I would.
不过目前为止 没人把我的房♥门拆掉
So far no one’s beating my door down.
他很性感 而且他不偷不抢
You know, he’s sexy and he doesn’t steal.
好啦 好啦 你非要揭我伤疤吗
Okay, okay. Do you always have to make those stupid sarcastic digs?
我好害怕 豪尔
I’m scared, Hal.
Paula said the reason Howard is leaving Global innovations
is he’s not comfortable with some business practices from a legal standpoint.
-天啊 霍华德·特拉斯卡是个孬种 -不 不…
-Oh, God. Howard Trask is such a pussy. -No, no…
What do you think I have lawyers for?
He told her he didn’t wanna wind up in jail.
监狱 这也太能扯了
Jail? Jesus. Isn’t that a bit dramatic?
如果我现在退出 我们会损失很多钱
If I back out now, I hate to tell you how much money we’d lose.
就像多米诺骨牌 一波未平一波又起
It’s like a domino effect. One thing would follow the other.
交给我来处理 好吗
Hey, let me deal with it, okay?
Is there anything you want that you don’t have?
Is there?
那就别担心了 让我宠着你吧
So stop worrying and let me spoil you.
好吧 霍华德就是个神经的没断奶的男人
No, I agree. I mean, Howard always was a prissy mama’s boy.
是啊 没断奶 好词
Yeah, mama’s boy. That’s the perfect phrase.
好的 22号♥周二早上9点怎么样
Okay, how about Tuesday the 22nd at 9?
9点不行 下午可以吗
I can’t make 9. How about the afternoon?
好的 2点 3点
All right, 2, 3?
22号♥不行 21号♥怎么样
I can’t make the 22nd. How about the 21st?
-21号♥已经预订满了 -晚安
-We have nothing open on the 21st. -Good night.
Well, he wants me in a week.
差个一两天没关系的 24号♥怎么样
Well, another day or two won’t matter. How about the 24th?
-可以 等等 不行 -那就安排在9点了
-Fine. Oh, wait, no. -Go for 9?
That’s my colonoscopy prep day.
That’s always very special.
Why don’t you think about it and call me?
Before you go, can you call Dr. Girsback
告诉他我看了X光检查结果 我们可以谈谈
and tell him I read the x-rays and we can talk later?
-当然 -不着急 不着急
-Sure. -No, no, no.
When you’re done, when you’re done.
先忙完你手头的事 谢谢
When you’re finished. Thank you.
Are you feeling more comfortable in the job?
我希望你能满意 我已经尽力让一切正常了
I hope you’re pleased, because I am determined to make it work.
-和我上课的时间刚好 -电脑学的怎么样了
-It fits in perfectly with my class. -Are you getting better on the computer?
Well, I’m sure I’m the worst student there,
不过有个女孩一直帮我 所以…
but another girl helps me, so…
I’m glad you’re relaxing more into this job.
-一直在努力 -我想说 我喜欢你在身边
-I’m trying. -Heh, I must say, I like having you around.
-谢谢 -不知你注意到没有
-Thank you. -Since you started working here,
你在这工作以后 我开始戴更鲜艳的领带了
have you noticed I’ve been wearing more colorful neckties? Heh, heh.
-I… -Since you… I’m just… just joking.
Can I…? Can I make a confession?
医生 你要忏悔不应该找我吧
I don’t know that I should be the one to hear a confession, doctor.
哈哈 好吧…呃
Ha, ha, ha. Well… Ah.
The way you dress,
I sometimes find very…
是吗 我不觉得我穿得很挑逗
Really? I don’t think I dress in the slightest provocatively.
要是我说我觉得你很迷人 你会生气吗
Does it upset you if I tell you that I, um, find you attractive?
-弗雷克医生 这都哪跟哪啊 -我不喜欢拐弯抹角的
-Dr. Flicker, where is all this talk leading? -Well, I’m not the kind of person
who likes to beat around the bush. I find you a very alluring woman.
我很荣幸 但是我希望这不是你雇佣我的原因
I’m flattered, but I certainly hope that’s not why you hired me.
A certain elegance in a woman has always been enticing to me.
-我不想听下去了 -别生气
-I shouldn’t be hearing this. -No, don’t be upset.
-我没生气 我能拿一下大衣吗 -别生气
-I’m not upset. Can I just grab my coat? -Don’t be upset.
真的 如果你能了解我 你不会再紧闭心门的
Really, I think if you get to know me, you’d come out of your shell more.
I’m not in a shell.
-你嗑过一氧化二氮吗 -没有
-Have you ever gotten high on nitrous oxide? -No.
It would remove your inhibitions.
我没有压抑自己 我很放松
I don’t really have any inhibitions. I’m light
-等等 -停下 弗雷克医生
-Stop. -Oh, Dr. Flicker.
-别对人这么冷漠 -我不冷漠
-Stop being standoffish. -I’m not standoffish.
你应该感到自豪 你征服了我
You should be proud. You’ve made a conquest.
停下 弗雷克医生
Oh, Dr. Flicker.
This is so embarrassing.
I am never coming back here.
I don’t have to put myself through this nonsense.
I gotta take a deep breath.
看看你都做了什么 我没法呼吸了
Oh, now look what you’ve done. I can’t breathe.
天哪 我吸不上气了
Oh, God, I can’t breathe.
经历了这种事 发抖是正常的
I don’t blame you for being shaken up.
换我我就告发那个牙医 要是我告诉我男朋友
I’d have that dentist reported. If I told my boyfriend that story,
he would go to the guy’s office and break every bone in his body.
你可以起诉他 这是骚扰
You can sue him. That’s harassment.
No, I’m never going into another courtroom.
我明白 不能怪你
Ugh. I don’t blame you.
我男朋友是个律师 他给我讲过很多法庭里的事
My boyfriend’s a lawyer. He’s got court stories.
