我在旧金山长大 我了解加州 我喜欢挑战
I grew up in San Francisco. I know California. I like challenges.
You from out here?
纽约 公园大道
New York. Park Avenue.
You know, when my husband passed away,
I mean, naturally I was very upset,
so I decided to come out here and start a new life for myself.
What did he do?
He was a surgeon.
Hm. God, that must be incredibly stressful.
不 他得了心脏病 是心脏病夺去了他的生命
No, I mean, he had a heart attack. I’m sure that’s what gave it to him.
You have children?
不 没有 当时真的没有时间
No, no. No, there really wasn’t time.
那你呢 你做什么工作 我猜你肯定是艺术圈的
And what about you? Hm? What do you do? I guessed you were in the arts.
-我猜对了吗 -很接近了
-Am I right? -Well, you’re close.
I am an interior designer.
I really have hit the jackpot.
-真的 -我能遇见你这么迷人的女士
-Really? -I meet this exotic creature,
魅力十足 优雅还是单身
not only is she charming and elegant and single,
-而且我刚刚买♥♥了新房♥子 -真的
-but I just bought a new house. -Really?
我看上那房♥子很久了 就在马林
One I’ve been looking at it for years. It’s in Marin.
-面朝港湾 我梦想中的家 -真美
-Overlooking the Bay. My dream house. -Beautiful.
然后我遇见了这么可爱的女人 而她正好是一名室内设计师
And I meet this lovely woman, and she turns out to be an interior designer.
命中注定 不得不信
Written in the stars. You have to look at it.
-我也愿意相信 -也许你能帮我做室内设计
-I would love to. -Maybe you can help me with it.
这是我头一回见到别人的第一次就上♥床♥ 你知道吗
I never slept with anyone the first night before, you know?
-Yeah, that… -But dancing with you
让我浑身燥热 你懂得…
got me all hot and bothered, so, you know…
Well, you were so sexy.
I mean, I knew right away that you were gonna be good in bed.
-我早就知道 -你知道
-I knew it. -Did you?
-只是没告诉你 -呵呵
-I said to myself, you know… -Heh.
You know, I thought for sure we were gonna get caught.
我不在乎 我…
I didn’t care. I mean, I…
我等不了了 我不可能…我必须得到你
I couldn’t wait. There’s no way I was… I had to have you right then and there.
You know…
-你知道什么吸引了我吗 -什么
-You know what clinched it for me? -What?
Because you were so smooth.
-真的 -一点没错
-Really? -Yeah. Oh, yeah.
-那…我…-但你知道 我…
-Well, that’s… I just… -But, you know, I…
我不希望你觉得我很放荡 我不是那样的人
I don’t want you to think I’m just easy, because I’m not.
不 我…知道我怎么想的吗 我觉得你是个风趣的人
No, I… You know what I think? You’re a fun-loving person.
-我确实是 -那就是了
-I am. -That’s… Yeah.
-没错 -我也是这样的人
-Yeah. -And that’s what I am.
-看出来了 -这…
-I can see that. -That’s…
-我天生就很随和 -是啊
-I’m easygoing by nature. -Yeah.
That’s what I… I bring music to people’s lives.
你很贴心 你知道吗
You’re very sweet, you know?
I never had a sweet guy before.
-I hope I… -Never.
I hope I didn’t get you in trouble with your boyfriend.
不会 我们没有订婚什么的 所以…
No. You know, it’s not like we’re engaged, so…
-我很自♥由♥ 做我想做的事 -那就好
-You know, I’m free. I’m free. -I’m glad to hear that.
天啊 我还是回去好了
Oh, God, I’d better get back.
My lunch hour’s almost over.
But we… You know what? We have time, though.
-干嘛 -我们去后座吧
-For what? -Let’s go in the back seat.
-又来一次 -来吧
-Again? -Yeah, come on.
-你是啥做的 -只是…
-Jesus, what are you? -It’s just…
-你是不是有那什么性瘾症 -为你倾泻 来吧
-Are you one of those sex addicts? -I am for you. Come on.
-是吗 我也觉得 -再来一次
-Ha, ha. Are you? I thought so. -Just one more.
Nobody’s around. Not many people.
-咱得快点 -车窗都是有色玻璃 没问题的
-We gotta make this quick. I got tinted windows. It’s perfect.
-几点了 -七点半
-What time is it? -Seven thirty.
-该我了 -明明该我 -昨天他说会给我打电♥话♥的
-My turn. -It’s my turn! -God, he told me he’d call me yesterday.
I wanna play with it!
Can’t you two stop fighting for a second?
-头好疼 -你把家里电♥话♥
-I’ve got a throbbing headache. -You gave him both here
-和你手♥机♥都给他了 -当然了 我都给他了
-and your cell number? -Of course I gave him both numbers.
Unless he’s been delayed in Washington.
-可他还是能打电♥话♥来的啊 -也许是他发现你说谎
-Still, he could have phoned. -Don’t think he figured you were lying
-然后一走了之了呢 -你能不能别提我撒谎了
-and bailed out? -Look, could you stop saying I was lying?
好吧 我确实编造了些事实 省略了些细节
God. Okay, I may have dressed up a few facts, omitted a few unpleasant details,
但是总体上 我的情感 想法 我的幽默…
but in the main, I mean, my feelings, my ideas, my humor…
这不就是我吗 我靠
I mean, isn’t that who I am? Christ.
所有人都在改变自己 不是吗 我需要你的许可吗
People reinvent themselves, don’t they? Do I have your permission?
多吃点药吧 你喝多了
You better take more of those pills. You’re shot.
你能不能…马修 把音乐关了行吗 马修
Oh, Jesus. Would you please…? Matthew, turn off that pounding. Please, Matthew.
Can’t stand it.
-嘿 -嘿
-Hey. -Hey.
-你周日下午是不是去参加派对了 -谁说的
-Were you at a party Sunday afternoon? -Who says?
我有个朋友是酒保 他在派对上看见你了
I got a friend who’s a bartender. He saw you at a party.
-然后呢 -然后你和一个男人跳舞了
-So? -So you were dancing with a guy.
-那又怎样 -我叫她和我一起去的 不行吗
-So what? -I asked her to come with me, okay?
I was nervous about going to a party where I didn’t know anyone.
是吗 所以你和那个男的在角落
Is that so? So the two of you were in the corner
-玩亲亲吗 -饶了我吧
-playing kissy-face. -Give me a break.
你说不舒服 所以周日不去打棒球的
You told me we couldn’t go to the ballpark on Sunday because you weren’t feeling good.
别把我当做你的财产 听到你的电♥话♥我就头疼
Hey, don’t treat me like property. I had a headache when you called.
And then I decided to keep my sister company at a party.
I don’t buy that.
Since when am I taking orders from you?
Can you please not fight in here?
我受不了了 镇静剂不知道为什么不起作用了
I don’t think I can take it. For some reason, my Xanax isn’t kicking in.
Who’s this guy you’re fooling around with?
我告诉你 我不喜欢你逼问我任何事情 好吗
I told you, I didn’t like you rushing me into anything, okay?
-是她让你找其他男人的吗 -不 是我自己想的
-Is seeing other guys her idea? -No, it’s my idea.
我不这样认为 她一直觉得我和你前夫一样没用 对吧
I don’t think it is. She thinks I’m a bum, like your first husband, right?
-你告诉过我 -拜托 饶了我吧
-You told me. -Guys, give me a break.
我完全有权住在这里 而不是你
By all rights, I should be living here. Not you.
What do you mean by all rights?
Didn’t you want a guy here for the kids?
-这样他们就有父亲了 -我需要冷静下
-So they grow up with a father? -I need to clear my head.
我们都在谈婚论嫁了 现在她却带你去派对
We’re talking about getting married. Now she’s taking you to parties
and telling you I’m not good enough for you.
-如果我抓到你 -给她点空间
-If I catch you -Give her some space,
-with somebody else… -Get out!
你别插手 好吗 跟你没关系
You keep out of this, okay? It’s got nothing to do with you.
你走开 奇立 你这个酒鬼 可能是你的电♥话♥
You beat it, Chili. You’ve been drinking. Hey, maybe that’s for you.
金洁 她不可靠 我才可靠
Ginger, she’s not somebody you can count on. I am.
别接 我不想让他觉得我在等电♥话♥
Don’t pick it up. I don’t want him to think I’m waiting for him to call.
-到底发生什么事了 -埃尔打来的
-What the hell’s going on? -It’s Al.
喂 给我 就是那个家伙 埃尔
Hey, give me that. That’s the guy, Al.
-你好 对 但…走开 -给我
Hi. Yeah, but you’re calling at a… get off! -Give me that.
你再打过来 我就打爆你的猪头
You call here again, I’m gonna bust you in your fat fucking face!
喂 不要 不要 给我 给我
Hello. No! No! Give me that. Give me that.
你搞什么鬼 喝醉的混♥蛋♥
Look what you did, you drunken asshole!
你说得对 他和奥吉一样糟
You were right, he’s no better than Augie!
-别拉她去派对找男人 -滚出去
-Don’t drag her to parties to meet men. -Get out!
我没有拉她去见男人 但如果她有脑的话
I didn’t drag her out to meet men, but if she has a brain,
迟早会甩掉你 找个值得托付的男人
she’ll dump you in the garbage and find someone she deserves for once.
-你♥他♥妈♥的什么时候搬走 -滚
-When the hell are you moving out? -Get out!
抱歉我不是出身名门 但我也不做小偷
I’m sorry I don’t come from Park Avenue, but I don’t steal people’s money.
-我不是撒谎的囚犯 -再不滚出去我就叫警♥察♥了
-I am not some lying jailbird! -Get out or I’ll call the cops, okay?
她不在乎你 她是个骗子
She doesn’t care about you. She’s a phony!
-滚 -她并不在乎你
-Get out! -She didn’t care about you
-有需要才想起你 -滚
-until she fucking needed you! -Get out!
-我手♥机♥响了 -好的
-That’s my cell phone. -Okay.
在哪儿 天啊 孩子们刚拿去玩了
Where is it? Oh, God, the kids were playing with it.
Oh, where is my goddamned cell phone?
