

[adjective] not genuine or true; fake
[形容词] 不是真的或真实的;伪造的


Bogus 一词最早出现于19世纪初,指一种用来制造假币的机器。没有人确切知道这个单词是如何来的,但有说法认为该词源自臭名昭著的意大利人骗子鲍格才(Borghese)。


从制造假币的机器出发, bogus 先是作名词指“假币、伪币”,随后用作形容词表示“假的、假冒的、冒牌的、伪造的”,适用于形容任何可能假冒他人或试图欺骗他人的事物或行为,比如:

  • 假钞/冒牌医生/伪造的合同
    a bogus bill/doctor/contract
  • 那个马屁精制作了一些伪造的文件来支持她的申请。
    The toady produced some bogus documents to support her application.


You in the West have been sold the idea that the only options in the Arab world are between authoritarian regimes and Islamic jihadists. That’s obviously bogus.

出自埃及人、原国际原子能机构总干事、2005年诺贝尔和平奖获得者巴拉迪·穆罕默德巴拉迪(Mohamed ElBaradei)。


  • People who obligingly click on links or open attachments in bogus e-mails are the single biggest security weakness.
  • In the first — and perhaps last — such case to reach the courtroom, Ms. Alaburda, 37, argued that the school reported a higher percentage of its graduates landed jobs after graduation than was actually the case, and that she relied on the bogus data to choose to attend the school.


  • 定义:Bogus 是一个形容词,用于描述虚假的、欺骗性的或伪造的事物。它表示缺乏真实性、可信度或合法性的特征。
  • 例句
    1. He tried to sell me a bogus watch that turned out to be a cheap imitation.(他试图卖给我一只伪造的手表,结果证明它是廉价的仿制品。)
    2. The company was caught producing bogus financial statements to deceive investors.(该公司被发现制造虚假的财务报表以欺骗投资者。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 伪造的、欺骗性的
    • They were arrested for distributing bogus passports.(他们因分发伪造护照而被逮捕。)
    • The product was advertised as a miracle cure, but it turned out to be a bogus treatment.(该产品被宣传为神奇的治疗方法,但实际上是伪造的。)
  2. 虚假的、假冒的
    • She received a bogus email claiming she had won a lottery prize.(她收到了一封虚假的电子邮件,声称她赢得了彩票奖品。)
    • The company was accused of selling bogus designer handbags.(该公司被指控销售假冒的名牌手袋。)
  3. 不真实的、可疑的
    • His story sounded completely bogus, and no one believed him.(他的故事听起来完全不真实,没有人相信他。)
    • The witness provided bogus information that misled the investigation.(证人提供了虚假的信息,误导了调查。)

总之,bogus 是一个形容词,用于描述虚假的、欺骗性的或伪造的事物。它表示缺乏真实性、可信度或合法性的特征。可以用来形容伪造的、欺骗性的对象,或者表示某事物不真实、可疑或虚假。


  1. Bogus claim (虚假索赔)
  2. Bogus document (伪造文件)
  3. Bogus product (假冒产品)
  4. Bogus rumor (虚假传闻)
  5. Bogus website (假冒网站)
  6. Bogus identity (伪造身份)
  7. Bogus check (假支票)
  8. Bogus story (虚假故事)
  9. Bogus advertisement (虚假广告)
  10. Bogus prescription (伪造处方)



英 [ˈbəʊɡəs] 美 [ˈboʊɡəs]

英语单词 bogus 表示“伪造的东西”,在19世纪开始出现在美国新闻报纸上。没有人知道这个词的确切来源。

美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的一份新闻报刊认为,该词是从意大利臭名昭著的骗子鲍格才( Borghese )的名字演变而来的。他行骗有术,手段高明,擅长开空头支票,到银行或商店里去兑换现金,然后赶紧离开。 Borghese 由于开了一大把不值分文的支票、汇票和其他票据而在整个南部和西部出了名。从他的大名 Borghese 也就逐渐成了“冒牌的”或“伪造的”的同义词,后来拼写形式缩写为 bogus 。

  • 假钞/冒牌医生/伪造的合同
    bogus bill/doctor/contract
  • 那个马屁精制作了一些伪造的文件来支持她的申请。
    The toady produced some bogus documents to support her application.


spurious: not being what it purports to be; false or fake
counterfeit: made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud
fraudulent: obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception
