Hey! slow down you screwy borrowed of mind…
老兄 这东西真重 -放下来
oh, boy, this thing is heavy. – hey, hey! put it down.
I forgot the keys.
I’ll be right back.
Hey, lucky penny.
谢了 把你屁♥股♥挪开
Thanks. now move your butt.
把你左边抬高一点 好 我来 我弄好了
Okay, just upon your left. yeah. I got… no, I got, I got mine.
You got it?
他的名字就在嘴边 我认识那条狗
It’s on tipping my tongue. I know that dog.
我告诉你们乔伊 波比
I’m telling you, you joey. bobby
你们看着我 你们不懂
you guys looking at me like, you don’t know.
I’m telling you…
我认识这条狗 真的在哪里见过
…i know this dog. I’ve seen him somewhere.
今晚当你睡觉的时候 你就会想起来
You remember it tonight, when you’re perching.
好吧 也许会的
All right, that’s… that’s will happen.
告诉你个好消息 -真的吗
I’ve got some good news! – really?
I do. I just booked you,on the tonight show’s “main guest”!
没错 我是说
That’s right. that, I mean…
如果还没找到波特 这没任何意义
…which means just absolutely nothing, if bolt is still missing.
这甚至不算个好消息 今晚的节目
It’s not even a good news, like whatever, so up tonight show.
谁在乎呢 我是不在乎
Who cares? I don’t care.
宝贝儿 没事的
It’s okay, baby.
他肯定怕极了 -怕? 他可是bolt
he must be so scared. – scared? this is bolt we’re talking about.
He’s not scared of anything.
I bet bolt would want you to the tonight show.

It is…
我只是 或许不会
I just… or maybe not.
亲爱的 波特如此爱你 而你就在这里
Bolt loves you very much sweety. and you’re here.
He couldn’t have gone far.
欢迎来到俄亥俄州 无限惊喜等着你
假如你有超能力 我觉得那会让你
So, if you got super powers, I guess that would make you, what…
成为某种超级狗狗 -这是机密
…like some kind a super dog? – that information is classified.
得了 你最强的超能力是什么
Oh, come on! like, what’s your best power?
你开始行动 用飞的吗 你会飞吗
You go to move. how about flying? can you fly?
别傻了 我不会飞
Don’t be silly, I can’t fly.
那好 如果你没有任何超能力
Okay, okay, fine. if you don’t have any powers,…
你啥能力都没有 你怎么对付我呢
…you don’t have any powers. what’s it to me?
我会超级吼 -超级吼 你搞笑吧
I have super bark. – a super bark? wow, you’re kidding me?
What exactly this one do with the super bark?
我真的不能说 这是绝对机密
I really can’t talk about it. it’s classified.
建议你闭上你的猫嘴 带我去见佩妮
I suggest you pipe down and take me to penny.
你真是非常依赖佩妮个人物 对吗 狗兄
You’re awfully attached to this penny character, huh wags?
她是我的伙伴 -拜托 她就是个普通人而已
she is my person. – oh, please. she’s a person.
如果你问我 唯一的好人是
And if you ask me, the only good person is a…
跟上 跳车
Tag and roll!
Tag and what?
What? what is this red liquid
coming from my paw?
那叫血 小英雄
It’s called blood, hero!
我需要它吗 -废话
do I need it? – yes.
So if you want it to keep inside your body where it belongs…
…you should stop jumping off trucks
doing eighty on the interstate!
通常我会更结实 一定是
Yeah, well, normally I’m attain more indestructible. must have been the…
塑料泡沫 就是那东西 削弱了我的力量
Styrofoam! that stuff, it weakens me!
你在干什么 把它丢掉 -没错 就是这样
what are you doing? put that down! – allright, that’s it.
I’ve had with you.
疯狗 把我放了 否则我要
Untie me, pooch or I’m gonna… I’m gonna… uhmm…
I’m gonna seriously wound you!
I’m gonna seriously wound you with this styrofoam!
你疯了吗 你根本不知道这泡沫的威力
Are you mad? you don’t know the power of styrofoam!
你试试看 小狗 我就要释放
Oh, you bet on that, baby. and I’m about to unleash it!
释放这泡沫的威力 -别
the power of the styrofoam! – no!
好吧 你赢了 我放了你
Alright, cat. okay, you win. I’ll untie you.
That’s a weird push to put a piano!
还有问题吗 臭猫 -没了没了
are we gonna have any more problems, cat? – no, no, no.
No more problems.
I’ll take you to penny.
Ah! what is that?
什么 -这啊
what? – that!
Okay, you have two seconds to tell me
你对我做了什么手脚 臭猫
what you’ve implanted in me, cat!
施毒 寄生虫 施毒
Poison? a parasite? poison?
等等 我刚才好像说过了 对吗
wait, I just said that, didn’t i?
看到没 我已经”伦无语次”了
See, I’m all discombobulated!
I can’t think straight!
难以置信 你是饿了
Oh, I don’t believe this. you’re hungry!
解药在哪 -好好 好啦
where is the antidote? – okay, okay! alright!
There’s your antidote…
好了 谁要汉堡
Alright! who wants burgers?
Watch this!
去吧 用你的狗脸 挺可爱的
Go on, use the dog face. this gonna be beatiful.
你知道的 行乞 摆出狗脸来
You know, beg. do the dog face!
什么 狗脸 什么意思
What? the dog face? what is that mean?
Taking same tie to the one dog on earth,
he doesn’t know how to beg.
好吧 如果你要食物
Okay. if you want the food…
解药 就得照着我说的做
…the antidote, you’re gonna have to do exactly what I say.
不可能 你堕落又龌龊
No, not likely. you’re a degenerate creature of darkness.
是啊 是啊 我同意 但你只能这么做
Yeah, yeah, granted but that’s it.
All I’m asking you to do is just tilt your head a little.
你能做到 对吗 来吧
You could do that, can’t you? come on.
再斜点 -太蠢了
more, more… – this is stupid.
不 不 来吧 求你 再试试 就快成功了
No, no. come on. work with on this. please, you’re almost there.
Oh, boy!
好了 试试另一边
Okay, try the other way.
就这样 抬头 低点 现在 微笑 停止
There you go! head up! down. now, a little smile. loose the smile.
垂下左耳 再换一遍 好了 这边比较好
Drop your left ear. your other left. okay, the other way was better.
现在都垂下来 就这样别动
Now, drop them both. hold it, right there.
And ever so slightly, look up.
成功了 宝贝
Soup is on, baby!
Here you go.
看看你 小家伙
Oh, look at you, you little guy!
Here you stupid cat!
真的发生了 你怎么啦
…what really happened. and what is that matter to you?
因为我有困难了 -爱上里奇了吗
because I’m involved. – with rich?
是詹姆士 -如果你和詹姆士是恋人
with james. – if you and james are romantic…
我想了解全部实情 -什么 你是
…i wanna know all about it. – what? are you…
Come undone!
You gonna get something if you’ll stop that leaking!
拉里冲啊 冲啊 停下
Go larry, go larry, go larry! stop!
我们只做过一次 这是场灾难
We did only once. it was a disaster.
它真的有用 它真的能释放血清素
It really does help and it really releases the serotonin and…
老兄 这次得按我的方式来
Hey, man! this time we’ll do it my way!
你好啊 小狗
Well, hello puppy.
Did you come for some of grandma’s butter bean dumplings?
You wait right there.
看看你 十足的小演员啊
Look at you. you’re quite a little actor, huh?
I haven’t eating like this in ages.
看啊 我胃都胀了 太棒了
Hey, look! my stomach distended. how great is that!
别上瘾了 我们要继续赶路
Yeah, well. don’t get used to it. we gotta keep moving.
但这里是个金矿 你怎么啦
But this place is a gold mine. what’s wrong with you?
每周都有新房♥车 新人 给我们带来新鲜食物
Every week, new rvs bring us, new suckers who bring us new food.
看看周围 多完美啊
Look around! it’s perfect.
是我眼睛在骗我吗 眼前一切是真的吗
In my eyes deceive me? is this some apparition I see before real?
可能吗 我的英雄啊
Oh, could it be? my hero!
我的天啊 我的天啊
Oh, my gosh! oh, my gosh! oh, my gosh!
