你是波特 那只超级狗 太了不起了
You’re bolt, the super dog. you’re fully awesome.
等等 你认识这只狗吗
Wait a minute. you know this dog?
当然认识 他太了不起了
oh, I do. he is fully awesome!
是 是 我们已经知道了
ah, yeah, yeah. we’ve established that.
你是谁 -我是雷诺
who are you? – I’m rhino.
雷诺 仓鼠吗
Rhino, the hamster?
我的祖先并非全为仓鼠 我有1.16%是狼
Well, you know, my ancestry isn’t all hamster. I’m 1,16% wolf…
还有黄獾的血统 还有一部分
…with a yellow wolverine and there is some between…
But that besides the point!
我们有一个传奇 超级狗波特
We have for us a legend. bolt, the super dog!
You can outrun speeding missiles,
And burn through solid metal with his heat vision.
最强悍的是 他可以用超级吼摧毁巨型建筑
And best of all, he can obliterate large structures with his super bark!
等等 你见过超级吼吗
Wait a minute, you’ve seen the super bark?
你一直在观察我吗 -是啊 一直关注你
have you been observing me? – oh, yeah. I watch you all the time.
令人难以相信 -这其实没什么
that’s incredible. – oh, it’s nothing, really.
但我一直是很警觉的啊 没人能躲过我的侦查
But I’m always so vigilant! no one can avoid my detection!
你是幽灵 -如果你这样说
you are a phantom. – ah, if you say so…
Oh, hey! check it out!
想想这个大胆的行动 怕了吧
Think again this bold action. scary, huh?
我们就像双胞胎 -是啊 是挺吓人的
it’s like, we’re twins. – yeah, scary.
佩妮在哪 -她被绿眼人绑♥架♥了
so, where is penny? – she was kidnapped by the green-eyed man.
绑♥架♥ 太可怕了 她一定身处
Kidnapped? this is terrible! she could be in grave…
身处险境 我知道 但我抓了这只猫
Grave danger. I know. but I’ve captured this cat.
An agent of the green-eyed man, I presume!
猜对了 她正要带我去找佩妮
You presumed correctly. she is taking me to penny.
你 你这个无♥耻♥之徒
You! you are a vile vermin.
你晚上怎么睡得着 佩妮是世上最好的人
How did you sleep at night? penny is the most wonderful person ever.
她爱着波特 波特又这么了不起 你却是个恶棍
She loves bolt and he is awesome. and you’re a monster!
How dare you destruct their relationship with your evil!
死吧 去死 -行了 行了
die! die! – ow! ow!
I can take her body.
去死吧 -冷静 雷诺 冷静
die! die! – easy, easy, rhino. easy.
你说得对 她得活着
You’re right, we need her alive.
没错 波特 我可以助你一臂之力
Yes. bolt, I can be a valuable addition to your team.
我听着呢 -我快如闪电
I’m listening. – I’m lightning quick.
反应灵敏 行踪隐秘
I have razor sharp reflexes and I’m a master of stealth.
还有 我能看着这只猫
Plus, I’ll keep the cat in check.
前路崎岖 -我有保护球
the road would be rough. – I have a ball.
背水一战 -我想我必须以柔克刚
there is no turning back. – I guess I have to roll with the punches.
愿意团结协作 -我保证
easy will be parley equation. – promise.
必须警告你 深入敌人腹地后将危机四伏
Gotta warn you, going into the belly of the beast, danger in every turn.
我把危险当早餐 -你饿吗
I eat danger for breakfast. – you’re hungry?
饿极了 -欢迎入队
starving. – welcome aboard.
Hey, can we talk for a second?
I don’t know what’s going on here
but I’m just a little bit concerned…
…about the numbers of lunatics on this trip.
我就能忍♥受一个 -他跟我们一起去
my limit is one. – he is coming with us.
But i…
走吧 犯人 我们在浪费时间
Move it prisoner, we’re losing daylight.
I agree.
Now, we need to find the best set of wheels.
我有个更好的点子 跟我来
I’ve got a better idea. follow me!
好了 我们要做的就是
Okay. so we do here is
we get the target with a quick fly over.
We just the trajectory in the land dead center.
我遗漏了什么吗 雷诺
Am I missing anything, rhino?
Just the knowledge that every minute spent in your company becomes…
…the new greatest minute of my life!
算了吧 你怎么不说 决不 我疯了才作这个
No, forget it! how do you say, “no way I’m doing this” in crazy?
冷静点 臭猫 有我呢 -这正是问题所在
calm down, cat. you’re with me. – that’s the problem.
Oh, would you be relax?
每次你在”魔盒”里这样表演时 真是帅极了!
Every time you get this on the “magic box”, it was awesome!
Magic what?
“魔盒”啊 人们盯着看的那个
You know, “magic box”, people stare at.
等等 就是有移♥动♥画面的魔盒吗
Wait a minute! is this the magic box that moving pictures on it?
没错 波特的画面是最棒的
Yeah and bolt’s pictures are the best.
波特的画面 当然 他是个前
Bolt’s pictures? of course! he’s a former…
不要 不要啊 等等等等
Oh, no! oh, no! no, wait, wait!
波特 伙计们 听我说完啊
bolt, guys! hear me out!
开始吧 快开始吧
let it begin! let it begin! let it begin!
等等 你可不是超级英雄
wait, you’re not a super he.
What are you doing?
米滕斯 抓住我的手掌 你不能死
Mittens, take my paw. I need you alive.
是啊 当然了 离我远点
Yeah, of course! stay away from me!
抓紧我的手掌 我会救你的
squeeze my paw, I’ll save you!
不 你不会 你不是真正的
no, you won’t. you’re not really a…
好痛 你这傻子
Ah! ouch! you moron!
住手 我正试着救他
stop it! I’m trying to help him.
救他 是啊 没错
help him? yeah, right.
波特别担心 我会阻止她的
Don’t worry bolt! I’ll stop her.
I can’t hold it.
放手啊 你这恶棍 -波特
let it go, you monster! – bolt!
在现实世界里会受伤 不是吗
The real world hurts, doesn’t it?
但你并不知道 对吧
But you wouldn’t know about that, would you?
臭猫你给我下来 我们没时间讨论这个
Get down here cat. we don’t have time for this.
I’ll get a ladder.
Look, genius.
you’re a part of a tv show.
知道那是什么吗 供人娱乐的电视
You know what that is? television. it’s an entertainment for people.
全是假的 不是像你认为的那样真实
It’s fake! nothing you think is real as real!
That’s has preposterous!
波特 好好想想吧
Think about it bolt.
Since you got lost,
你的能力就失效了 对吧
none of your powers are working, aren’t they?
你第一次会饥饿 会流血
For the first time, you’re hungry, you’re bleeding.
我是说 你真的以为你生来
I…I mean,do you really think you’re born with
birth mark in the exact shape of lightning bolt?
这是我超能力的象征 臭猫
It’s my mark of power, cat.
那只是在你身上画出来的标记 狗兄
It’s the mark of makeup body, dog!
无稽之谈 给我滚下来
You’re ridiculous. Get down here!
米滕斯 我发誓 用超级吼把你震下来
Mittens, so help me, I will super bark you out of that tree.
是啊 疯子 让我们看看你怎么做到
Yeah, gone nuts. let’s see how that works out for you.
You leave me no choice.
哇 超级吼 好怕怕哦
Oh, the super bark. scary, scary!
是啊 真是很有威力
Yeah, that’s really really super.
不是真的 这不是真的
It’s not true. this is not true.
哇 实在感觉不到”威力”
Wow! I don’t feel really “super”.
等下 没有 感觉不到
Wait! no, it didn’t.
好了 我有个主意 你可以消停了
Okay, okay. I get the idea, you can stop now.
够了 蠢狗我说真的
That’s enough! seriously dog
别叫了 我不是开玩笑
stop! I’m not kidding.
Would you stop?
好好 你是超级狗狗 波特 安静点 求你了
Okay, fine. you’re the super dog. bolt, be quiet, please.
波特 我们得闪了
Bolt, we gotta run!
波特 -给我过来
bolt! – come here.
Animal Control Officer
寻狗启示 波特
Lost dog bolt
he is white with a Lightning bolt on his side.
请帮忙寻回爱犬 寻得者重酬
reward! please help me get my friend back.
看看我们找到什么了 小姐 是bolt
Look who we found young lady! it’s bolt!
波特找到了 -波特
they found him! – bolt!
Isn’t that right you little puppy dog?
That is not bolt.
