圣费尔南多谷 1977年
♪ The emotions – “best of my love” ♪
不 不 不 到后面排队去 老兄
No, no, no. Get– Get–Back of the line, man.
-你会让我进去吧 -不 不 不
– You’re gonna let me in, right? – No, no, no.
我这是做生意 后面去
I got business to run here. Back of the–
-Maurice -Jack Jackie Jack
– Yo, Maurice. – Jack. Jackie Jack.
杰基杰克 最近怎么样
Jackie Jack. Jackie Jack. Jack, how you doing?
And Miss Lovely Amber Waves. Mwah.
-你好 莫里斯 -你好啊
– Hi, Maurice. – Como estas?
I’ve been pissed you haven’t been around.
Uh, we were on vacation.
Don’t you ever stay away from my club that long again, okay?
-没问题 -不为别的
– You got it. – And not for nothing, honey…
你是全国最辣的妞 我爱死你了
…but you are the sexiest bitch in the entire county. I love you.
You’re such a charmer.
卡座帮你们准备好了 在那边
Listen. I got your booth set up over there.
来点蛤蜊 马上送过来
Some clams, I’m gonna send right over.
听着 杰克 我准备好了
Listen, Jack. I’m ready,
I’m available.
让我演个电影吧 一定有票房♥
You put me in a movie, okay? We’re talking box office.
-好 好 -票房♥啊 杰克 奇奇
– Yeah, yeah, yeah. – Box office, Jack. Chi-Chi?
奇奇 杰克和安珀那桌
Chi-chi, listen. Jack and Amber’s table.
给他们来份蛤蜊 快点
Take them over an order of clams. Let’s go.
Okay, how’s it going here?
听着 宝贝 等下咱俩得合个照
Listen, baby. Me and you, we’ll take a picture later on, okay?
爱你哟 宝贝
I love you, baby.
How’s it going?
嘿 我们刚才到处找你
Hey, we were looking for you before, man.
Where were you, seriously?
-我就在这 -说正经的 老兄
– Yeah. Okay, I was here. – Seriously, man.
我爱你 贝卡 爱死你了 贝卡
I love you, Beck. I love you, Beck.
嘿 莫里斯 看我的牛仔装
Hey, Maurice. Hey, cowboy.
-牛仔 这是牛仔装 -牛仔装
– Cow–? That’s a cowboy? – Cowboy.
-这是 -这就对了
– That’s– – There you go.
-你觉得好看吗 还不错吧 -不错
– You like it? It’s nice, right? – Yeah.
要是你也喜欢 就是真的不错
If you like it, it’s okay.
我很喜欢 老兄
I love it, man.
-不错 -那就好
– Okay. – All right.
-真挺酷的 -谢了 老兄
– Cool. Real cool. – Thanks, man.
-莫里斯招待的 -谢谢
– Compliments of Maurice. – Oh, thank you.
-给我来杯玛格丽特好吗 -我要七喜
– Can I get a margarita, please? – Uh, 7-Up.
-嗨 溜冰女 -嗨
– Hi, Rollergirl. – Hi.
Did you call that girl today?
I forgot.
If you don’t do it tomorrow, it’ll be the weekend,
you’ll never be able to see her.
What’s the matter down there?
-我想上厕所 -去吧
– I gotta go pee. – Well, go then.
What’s happening?
♪ Boney m – “Sunny” ♪
-嘿 杰克 -小比尔
– Hey, Jack. – Little Bill.
-嗨 -嗨 安珀 你好啊
– Hi. – Hi, Amber. How are you?
咱们的计划怎么样 后天还拍吗
Uh, how’s our schedule? Are we still on for day after tomorrow?
More like the day after the day after tomorrow.
杰克 别这样 我得给洛基 斯科蒂
Jack, come on. I gotta call Rocky, Scotty,
还得给科特打电♥话♥ 我得通知他们
Kurt. I gotta call those guys.
I wanna keep a small group on this one.
小团队 知道吧
A small crew. Know what I mean?
-低调点吗 -没错
– A low-key deal? – Exactly.
我是说 抱歉 咱们剧本有了吗
I mean, do–? I’m sorry. Do we–? Do we have a script?
-你好啊 -挺好
– So how you doing? – Fine.
-你多大了 -我有工作许可 证件都齐
– How old are you? – I have a work permit. I have all the papers–
不 不是问这个 你在这工作多久了
No, it’s nothing like that. You been working here long?
A month.
-莫里斯雇的你 -对
– Maurice give you the job? – Yeah.
你家在附近吗 卡诺加或里西达附近
You from around here? I mean, uh, Canoga? Reseda?
不是 你知道托兰斯吗
Um, no. You know where Torrance is?
知道 你怎么过来
Yeah. How do you get here?
Take the bus.
-你想成为什么样的人 -什么
– So, what do you wanna be? – Excuse me?
我是说 你大老远从托兰斯
Well, I mean, you take the bus from Torrance
to come here to Reseda to do this job.
Can’t you get a job like this in Torrance?
-能 但是我不想 -好吧
– Yeah, but I don’t want to. – Oh, okay.
…you want 5 or 10?
如果你想看我打飞机 那就是10块
Well, if you just wanna see me jack off, it’s 10.
要只想看看 只就5块
But if you just wanna look at it, it’s only 5.
-男人们付钱看你那儿是吗 -是啊
– Guys pay you to watch you, do they? – Yeah.
-你今晚弄过了吗 -好几次
– You already done it tonight? – Couple times.
-你还能来一次 -要是你想看的话
– And you can do it again? – If you want.
If you got 10 bucks.
My name is Jack.
艾迪 艾迪·亚当斯
Eddie. Eddie Adams.
-托兰斯的艾迪·亚当斯 -没错
– Eddie Adams from Torrance. – Yup.
-杰克·霍纳 电影制♥作♥人 -真的吗
– Jack Horner, filmmaker. – Really?
没错 我拍
Yeah. I make, uh,
成♥人♥电♥影♥ 异国风情的那种
adult films, exotic pictures.
啊 我知道你 我在杂♥志♥上看过你
Ah, I know who you are. I read about you in a magazine.
Inside Amber, Amanda’s Ride. You made those.
-没错 -拍得很棒
– Right. – Those are great.
So now you know…
-我不是在吹牛 -是
– …I’m not full of doggy doo-doo. – Heh, yeah.
Wanna come back to the table
and, uh, you know, have a drink with me?
我很想去 但是我得干活
Uh, I’d love to, but I gotta work.
你工作赚钱 是为了付房♥租吗
You have to work, get money, you know, pay the rent.
差不多吧 但不全是
Well, yea– I mean, no.
我要赚钱 但是我不用付房♥租
I need money, but I don’t pay rent.
I still live at home.
你多大了 艾迪
How old are you, Eddie?
Seventeen-year-old piece of gold.
-是啊 -为什么不过来一起坐坐呢
– Heh, yeah, right. – Why don’t you come to the table?
I got some people I’d like you to meet.
I do know you. I know who you are.
I mean, I’d love to come to your table for a drink.
显然 你不是满口
Obviously, you’re not full of, um–
-狗屎 -是
– Doggy doo-doo. – Yeah.
但是我不能扔下莫里斯给我的工作 抱歉
But I just couldn’t walk out on Maurice. I’m really sorry.
我有种感觉 你牛仔裤里面
I got a feeling, beneath those jeans there’s
something wonderful just waiting to get out.
-嘿 伙计们 -比尔 玩得怎么样
– Hey, guys. – Bill. What’s up?
不怎么样 你们准备做什么
Not a lot. What are you guys up to?
不知道 可能就直接回家吧
Don’t know, probably just go home.
-回头见 -你还在这干嘛呢
– I’ll see you guys later. – What are you still doing here?
-我能在你那过夜吗 -我半个小时到
– Can I sleep at your place? – Half-hour, I’ll be there.
-再见 莫里斯 -晚安
– Bye, Maurice. – Good night.
听着 是我该谢谢你
Hey, listen. Thank you.
爱你 保重
Love you, mamità. Take care.
这个人随时都可以进来 知道吗
This is the man that you let in anytime, you understand?
All right.
-马上 -明天见
– Luego. – Hasta mañana.
帮你弄点鸡蛋吃吗 美人
Fix you some eggs, beauty?
不了 我要睡了 晚安
No. I’m going to sleep. Good night.
晚安 亲爱的 睡个美容觉
Good night, honey-tits. Sleep beautiful.

汤姆吗 嗨 是我
