嘿 尼克尔斯大夫 我来向你道别
Hey, Dr. Nichols, I was just coming down to say good-bye.
安东尼 我帮你整理行李吧
Anthony, I came to help you with your bags.
不用了 我自己能拿下去
That’s okay. I can take ’em down myself. I got ’em.
那是 什么
What’s… What’s this?
What’s going on?
是这样 我朋友迪格南
Well, see, my friend Dignan
didn’t realize this was a voluntary hospital…
and he got this whole escape thing worked out.
He just got so excited about the thing…
I didn’t have the heart to tell him…
no, that…
Look how excited he is.
我只能这么做了 尼克尔斯大夫 我得爬出去
I gotta do it this way, Dr. Nichols. I gotta climb out.
这是二楼 没关系的
It’s only one floor down.
好吧 你动作能利索些吗
Okay. But can you do it fast?
你知道 这看上去不体面
You know, this doesn’t look good.
None of this looks good at all.
多谢你了 尼克尔斯大夫
Well, thanks very much, Dr. Nichols.
你真的帮了大忙了 你真是华佗再世
You’ve really been a great help. You’ve been a great doctor.
哦 谢谢
Well, thank you.
Can you hand me my bag, please?
See ya.
嘿 安东尼 别老逞英雄
Hey, Anthony, don’t try to save everybody, okay?
好吧 知道了
Okay, I won’t.
再见了 费利西亚
See ya later, Felicia.
嘿 安东尼 谢谢你为我做的一切
Hey, Anthony. Thanks for everything.
-再见了 保重 -再见 巴巴拉
-Good-bye. Take care. -Bye, Barbara.
-回见 克里斯 -谢谢你了 安东尼
-See ya, Chris. -Thanks, Anthony.
快点儿 有问题吗 野 爽
Come on. Any problems? Yes! Wonderful.
等等 等等 你把谁骗去帮你了
Wait, wait. Who’d you get to do that?
你贿赂了看护 行啊你
Did you bribe the janitor? Smart.
-司机 我们几点能到 -7:30
-Driver, what’s our E.T.A.? -7:30.
好 一切尽在掌控中 这是我们未来几个月的安排
Good. We’re on schedule. Here’s our agenda for the next few months.
You’ll find everything is in order.
精确安排 看起来不错
Practice job. Looks good.
那是我们回来的第一步计划 浏览一遍
That’s our first move when we get back. Look it over.
I’ll brief you on the way.
This is what I was trying to do.
实际行动 劫上一票
The practice job, a heist.
You and I both respond to goals.
-那就是亨利先生 -信上的那个家伙
-It all leads to Mr. Henry. -The guy from the letters.
言之有理 事情很棘手
Exactly. This is rough.
我要做的是 让咱俩按部就班地行事…
You and I respond to structure…
and that’s what’s important.
“The next 50.”
这么说 你头回在精神病院 里过得很愉快喽
So, did you enjoy your first visit to the nuthouse?
小声点儿 要知道 其他人不乐意听…
Come on. Be sensitive to the fact that other people…
are not comfortable talking about emotional disturbances.
你了解我的 我是无所谓 但其他人就…
You know I am. I’m fine with that. But other people…
别多想了 你回归社会了 你没问题了
Put it behind you. You’re out. You’re better.
-有道理 -这是新的开始
-You’re right. -And so it begins.
现在 我们得塑形了…
Now, we should also get on a fitness regime
仰卧起坐 骑单车 打沙袋…
sit-ups, hitting the bags…
我在沙漠那会儿 一天跑十公里
I was running ten miles a day when I was in the desert.
真的 对心脑血管有好处
Were you really? That’s good cardiovascular.
从什么时候起 你对健身这么狂热啦 迪格南
When did you get so avid about the fitness thing, Dignan?
啥 我怎么狂热了
What? What do you mean by avid?
I’ve never known you to be all that athletic.
You’ve never known me to be all that athletic?
-听起来奇怪吗 -我没说你不是型男
-Does it sound weird? -Not that you’re not a good athlete.
-怎么 讨论这很奇怪吗 -不奇怪
-Does it sound weird to talk about it? -It doesn’t sound weird.
I’m not saying it’s the top priority,
but I think it’s a good goal.
-我知道 确实是个好目标 -来 戴上手套
-I think it’s a really good goal. -Here, put these on.
-很明显 我们很速度 -没错 来去匆匆
-Obviously, good quickness. -Yeah, in and out pretty fast.
-快速 有效 -高效
-Real fast, and good intensity. -High intensity.
神效 因为我 简直神速
Great, ’cause I was like really fast.
我们有备而来 我想那是你的风格
The preparation was good. I think that’s your specialty.
谢谢 如果这话由我来说的话
If I said that, it would sound like bragging.
就显得像吹牛 好吧 说些不足之处
Okay, criticisms.
-不足嘛 -我只想到一点 做得不够彻底
-Criticisms. -I’ve only one: not very thorough.
-还留了些值钱的东西 -我不觉得那是个错误
-Left a lot of valuables. -I don’t think that was a mistake.
That was one of the limitations of this job.
还是那句 干得不错
By the way, great job in there.
-It was nice working with you, ’cause… -Thank you.
下一步计划 亨利先生
Next order of business: Mr. Henry.
You’re probably wondering
我什么时候把你介绍给亨利先生 我跟你说了
when I’m going to introduce you to Mr. Henry.
答案是 很快啦 实际上…
In answer to that question, very soon. In fact, judging from how well that…
这么来 得这么来
Here you go. You gotta do that.
Judging from how well that job went today…
including the coins and earrings…
这么说吧 呃…
was, to say the least…
你连耳环都拿了 迪格南 拿了吗
You took the earrings, Dignan? You took ’em?
呃 是我的错 到今天了
Well, it’s my fault.
安东尼 你什么时候能吸取教训
Ultimately, Anthony, when are you gonna learn?
伙计 你更像个爷们儿了 我该学你吗
Man, you got another ball! Should I play your game?
我知道你还记着那份列表 因为你签过
I know you remember the list, ’cause you signed it.
“The things Dignan’s not supposed to touch.”
I can’t be sorting through all that shit in the middle of a burglary.
听着 我不在乎 知道吗
Hey, I don’t care, okay?
I bought the earrings for my mother’s birthday.
我出门 亲自挑选的
I went down, I picked ’em out myself.
不对啊 那房♥子里所有值钱的东西都在那份列表上
Hey, one thing is, every valuable item in the house was on that list.
或许我们该抢你家 你有想过吗
Maybe we should’ve robbed your house. Did you ever think of that?
I bet that never crossed your mind.
怎么了 怎么了 拜托 迪格南
What? What? Come on, Dignan!
You know there’s nothing to steal from my mom and Craig.
你好 格雷斯
Hey, Grace!
You’re supposed to be in Arizona.
你现在见了人不打招呼了么 来
What, you don’t say hi anymore? Come on.
Is this the… Are you the pilot?
不是 我是安东尼 我是格雷斯的哥哥
No, I’m Anthony. I’m Grace’s brother.
能让我们单独呆会儿吗 伯尼斯
Will you excuse us for a minute, Bernice?
-你确定 -嗯
-Are you sure? -Yeah.
You told her…
你跟你的朋友伯尼斯说 我是飞行员
You told your friend Bernice I’m some kind of jet pilot?
我该怎么说 人们把你关进精神病院了
What was I supposed to say, they stuck you in an insane asylum?
那不是精神病院 格雷斯
It wasn’t an insane asylum, Grace.
I explained it was for exhaustion.
嗯 劳累过度
Yes, exhaustion.
你这辈子从没工作过哪怕一天 你怎么就劳累过度了
You haven’t worked a day in your life. How could you be exhausted?
好吧 坐下 好吗
Okay, sit down. Okay?
我今天上这儿来不是为了跟你吵架 知道吗
I didn’t come up here today to argue with you, okay?
-I got some friends waiting for me… -Who?
-一个伙伴 -迪格南
-Some associates. -Dignan?
是的 迪格南 但是…
Yeah, Dignan, but also…
迪格南哪儿有问题 格雷斯 我以为你喜欢他的
What’s wrong with Dignan, Grace? I thought you liked Dignan.
-我确实挺喜欢他 -那你为什么叹气
-I do like Dignan. -Then why did you sigh?
But he’s a liar.
鲍勃·梅普尔索普 有潜力的逃亡司机 上
Bob Mapplethorpe, potential getaway driver, go!
-上 -我疑惑了
-Go. -There’s an air of mystery about me.
别把事情想复杂了 能用上你就是因为你有车
Don’t complicate it. Your strength is you have a car you can provide.
别荒废你的才华 再来一次 准备好了 上
Sell yourself. Start over. You ready? Go.
好吧 好吧 我担着风险
Okay. All right. I’m a risk taker.
I’m growin’ an entire crop of marijuana plants in my parents’ back yard.
等等 你在你爹妈的后院里种了一片大♥麻♥
Wait a second. You’re growing an entire crop of marijuana in your back yard?
迪格南 听着 我真的不善于利用自己 知道吗
Dignan, look. I’m just not that good at this selling yourself stuff, okay?
