你身姿挺拔 知道吗 站得很直
You have really good posture, you know? You stand up very straight.
You know, people think that ’cause they’re in a hotel…
that they can really just kind of act like slobs.
这样不礼貌 如果你想知道我的观点
It’s bad manners, if you ask me.
But then, if I were guilty of it, yeah.
Which part of Mexico are you from?
-巴拉圭 -巴拉圭
-Paraguay. -Paraguay.
天啊 好吧 那是…
Boy, okay. That’s kind of over…
-什么 -在瓜地马拉附近 我想
-Excuse me. -Under Guatemala, I think.
不好意思 伊内兹
Sorry, Inez.
These towels are still warm.
我猜是刚从烘衣机里取出来 看
I guess that’s from the dryer. See?
-抱歉 -不用了 我们马上退房♥
-Sorry. -No. We’re just checking out.
-0号♥和2号♥ -杂种
-0 and 2. -Son of a bitch!
好发型 分到边上
That’s a good haircut there. Parted on the side.
-谢谢 -那是我朋友需要的发型
-Thank you. -That’s what my friend needs to get.
鲍勃 剪个那样的
Bob, get one like this.
-他们距成功仅差一步 -来 你先来
-They’re one out away from a win. -Here, you go first.
May I speak to you for a moment, please?
关于我的大♥麻♥田的 我不想让别人听到
It’s about my marijuana crop. I don’t want everyone to hear this.
-我不想再重新排队 -我弟弟进监狱了
-I don’t want to lose my place in line. -My brother is in jail.
啥 等等 你弟弟…为啥
What? Wait a second. Your brother’s… Why?
-大♥麻♥ -什么麻
-The weed. -What weed?
我家后院里 的大♥麻♥
The weed from my back… from my back yard.
他们逮他个正着 正式起诉罪名是什么
They got him by the balls. What’s the official charge?
They say he’s a drug dealer.
太不公正了 他们说他是个毒贩子
That’s so unfair. They say he’s a drug dealer?
You and I both know he’s not a drug dealer.
-他不是毒贩子 -我知道 迪格南 我知道
-He’s not a drug dealer. -I know, Dignan. I know.
好吧 鲍勃 想隐藏身份吗
Well? Well, Bob, what about hiding our identities?
抱歉伙计 我们得另找时间了
I’m sorry, guys. We’re gonna have to take a rain check.
苍天啊 太好了 坐在洗衣房♥里…
God, this is great, sitting here in the laundry room…
你做着英语词汇联♥系♥ 我们分享墨西哥烹调心得
you working on your vocabulary and we’re sharing these tamales.
这 这实在是 多令人喜出望外啊
It’s… It’s just, how unexpected.
这是啥 伊内兹
What is that, Inez?
Does that open?
唔 你拍这张照片时还是个小女孩
Wow, you were just a little girl when this was taken.
A little girl in Paraguay.
我能留着吗 给我好吗
May I keep this? May I have it?
She’s my sister.
She looks just like you.
Can I keep it anyway?
-抱歉 我们走错房♥间了 -不 这是…
-I’m sorry. We’re in the wrong room. -No, man, this is…
不 好吧 我想我们误会了
No. Okay, I guess there’s been a mistake made.
212 你说英语吗 我们有朋友
212? Do you speak English? We have a friend.
What the…
Thought you guys went to get your hair cut.
No, we didn’t.
好吧 姑娘们 这是我朋友迪哥…
Well, gang, this is my friend Dig…
我是杰瑞 这是科尼利厄斯 安东尼 怎么回事
My name’s Jerry, and this is Cornelius. Anthony, what’s going on?
我在开派对 我做了些香蕉台克利酒
I’m having a party in here. I made some banana daiquiris.
-你要吗 -要 我想来杯
-Do you want one? -Yeah, I guess I’ll have one.
过来 过来
Come on in here, man.
这是伊内兹 那个是罗基
This is Inez, and that’s Rocky right there.
来 鲍勃 关门 进来 伙计
Come on, Bob. Shut the door. Get in here, man.
谁还需要什么 罗基的苏打水
Anybody else want anything? Soda for Rocky.
来 鲍勃 给你一杯
Come on, Bob, let me get you one.
安东尼 我得跟你谈谈
Anthony, I’ve got to talk to you!
抱歉 这貌似是个愉快的夜晚…
Look, I’m sorry. This seems like a nice soiree…
but I’ve got a family situation.
I don’t care what you think.
迪格南不愿意处理 出来一会儿
Dignan does not want to deal with it. Please come outside for a minute!
鲍勃 我是说我们分♥析♥一下这情况好吗
Bob, I’m just saying we gotta analyze the situation, okay?
首先 他们要把他扣留多久
First of all, how long are they gonna hold him?
不知道 我只知道菲尔说他们逮住他了
I don’t know. All I know is that Phil says they got him,
that he’s in jail.
好 我建议他请律师
Okay, I’ve made a suggestion that he needs to hire an attorney.
别激怒我 伙计
You are pushing your luck, man.
-迪格南 他说的有道理 -我是老大
-Hey, Dignan, he does have a point. -I’m the leader.
-你要我扔下我兄弟 -嗯
-You think I should abandon my brother? -Yeah.
I’m saying let’s keep it… Let’s keep it very simple, okay?
We’ll make some calls, figure out what’s going on…
如果他四十八小时内没出来我们就回去 好吗
and if he’s not out in 48 hours, then we’II go back, okay?
-啥 -可以吗
-What? -Is that okay?
And I wasn’t trying to antagonize you by saying that stuff.
It’s just you were gonna fly off half-cocked.
-别指手画脚的 -这是集体决定
-Don’t tell me what I was gonna do. -It’s a team decision.
啥 说啥…什么意思
What? What did you… What does that mean?
我 我不知道该说什么好
l… I don’t know what to say.
-我说 -不
-What I’m talking? -No.
Your skin feels like silk.
Like silk?
-什么锦缎 -你的皮肤这样光滑柔软
-What silk? -Your skin, it feels so soft and silky.
-柔软 -锦缎
-It’s soft. -Silk?
砂纸 锦缎
Sandpaper. Silk.
-锦缎 新词汇 -真柔软
-Silk. A new word. -It’s very soft.
I don’t know it in Spanish.
Can I kiss you?
马可 马可
Marco! Marco!
没有救生员值班 你自己担当游泳的风险
No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk.
好吧 我们…我们会小心的 杰瑞 谢谢你
Okay, we’ll… We’ll be very careful, Jerry. Thank you.
介意我插一脚吗 开玩笑啦
You guys mind if I take a dip? Hey, I’m kidding.
I’m not that insensitive.
另外 我没带游泳用具 水温怎么样
Besides, I didn’t bring my trunks, anyway. How’s the water down there?
我要给你写东西 好吗 我想要你拿着这个
I’m gonna give you something, okay? I want you to hold onto this.
那么 谢谢你聆听我们老掉牙的战争故事
Well, thank you for listening to our old war stories.
I hope they didn’t bore you too terribly.
-好吧 晚安了 -再见 杰瑞
-Well, anyway, good evening. -Bye, Jerry.
是这样 是块儿表 好吗
Anyways, the watch, okay?
It has an alarm on it…
and will go off and make a sound when we’re supposed to meet.
你按这个按钮 按这里 看到了吗
You do that by this little button. You can just press that. See?
It’s pretty simple.
-我得走了 -很高兴遇见你 伊内兹
-I have to go. -I’m very glad I met you, Inez.
我也是 我得走了
Me too. I have to go.
Son of a bitch!
鲍勃走了 他偷了那辆车
Bob’s gone! He stole his car!
懦夫 小杂种
That little coward! That son of a bitch!
杂种 伙计
Son of a bitch, man.
He flew the coop while we were sleepin’.
-他一点性格都没有 伙计 -也许他上商店去了
-He has no character, man. -Maybe he went up to the store.
不是 他把他的东西带走了 他走远了
No, man, he took his stuff. He’s long gone.
嘿 打扫卫生 伊内兹在吗
Hi, housekeeping? Could I speak to Inez, please?
I thought she gets in at 9:00.
哦 好吧 我没有表
Oh, it… Okay. See, I don’t have my watch on.
She has it.
告诉我 和她共事感觉如何
Tell me something. What’s it like working with her?
我打赌她很擅长…好的 再见
I bet she’s really great at… Okay. Bye.
我们会抓住他 我们会抓住他 伙计 别担心
We’ll get him. We’II get him, man. Don’t worry about that.
And we’ll blow up his car or do something, I guarantee you that.
What makes me furious is thinking about the look on Bob’s fat face…
when he drives away today thinking that he’s pulled one over on us.
-告诉你些别的…-迪格南 拜托
-I’ll tell you another thing… -Dignan, please.
If our paths cross again,
you’re gonna see a side of me you haven’t seen yet…
a sick, sadistic side… because I’m furious at Bob.
-拜托 迪格南 -拜托啥
-Come on, Dignan! -Come on what?
