

[noun] a short period of intense activity of a specified kind
[名词] 特定类型的短期剧烈活动


Bout 既是一个比熟词 about 少一个字母 a 的单词,也是一个与熟词 boat 十分形似的单词。

该词源自中古英语 bought (弯道),原是英语方言表示耕地等的“一个来回”。等到了16世纪70年代后, bout 开始用来表示任何类型的运动中的“一轮、一个回合”。


  • 这位勤奋努力的选手是前重量级冠军,预计会轻松拿下这场比赛。
    The industrious player is a former heavyweight champion and is expected to win the bout easily.

除此之外, bout 现在主要泛指“一阵、一场、一段、一通”,尤指某个不好的事情在一小段时间内剧烈活动或大量发生,既包括疯狂饮酒,也可以指疾病、不愉快情绪等的“发作”,比如:

  • 狂饮一通后,他透露了这个秘密。
    After a drinking bout, he divulged the secret.
  • 她丈夫的英年早逝使她悲痛万分。现在她动不动就会突然抑郁症发作。
    Her husband’s early demise anguished her deeply. Now she is prone to sudden bouts of depression.


He felt weak and shivery, as though he were recovering from a bad bout of flu; he also felt the beginnings of shame.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第三本《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)。


  • Despite a recent bout of weakness, the dollar still looks strong.
  • The main charge by Onaruto and Hashimoto was that sumo is frequently rigged. And they stunned readers by naming names and admitting that they themselves had helped fix bouts.


  1. Boxing bout (拳击比赛) – A scheduled match or contest in the sport of boxing.
    • Example: The boxing bout between the two champions drew a large crowd.
  2. Title bout (争夺冠军的比赛) – A match or contest where the winner will be awarded a championship title.
    • Example: The title bout between the reigning champion and the challenger was highly anticipated.
  3. Rematch bout (复赛比赛) – A second match between two opponents who have previously competed against each other.
    • Example: After a controversial decision in their first bout, they agreed to a rematch.
  4. Wrestling bout (摔跤比赛) – A match or contest in the sport of wrestling.
    • Example: The wrestling bout showcased the strength and technique of the athletes.
  5. Title bout contender (争夺冠军的候选人) – A participant or competitor who is in contention for a championship title.
    • Example: The young boxer has proven himself as a title bout contender with impressive victories.
  6. Fighter’s bout strategy (拳击手的比赛策略) – The planned approach or tactics employed by a fighter in a bout.
    • Example: The fighter’s bout strategy focused on using quick footwork and counterpunching.
  7. Marathon bout (持久的较量) – A lengthy or extended contest or competition.
    • Example: The tennis match turned into a marathon bout, lasting over five hours.
  8. Intense bout of competition (激烈的竞争) – A period of highly competitive and intense rivalry or contest.
    • Example: The two companies engaged in an intense bout of competition for market dominance.
  9. One-sided bout (一边倒的比赛) – A match or contest where one participant clearly dominates the other.
    • Example: The tennis player’s skill and precision made it a one-sided bout.
  10. Grudge bout (积怨之战) – A match or contest between opponents who have a longstanding resentment or rivalry.
    • Example: The grudge bout between the two fighters ended with a knockout in the first round.
  11. Final bout (最终比赛) – The last match or contest in a series or tournament.
    • Example: The final bout of the championship determined the ultimate winner.
  12. Hard-fought bout (艰苦的比赛) – A match or contest that involves intense effort, determination, and struggle.
    • Example: The tennis player won the hard-fought bout after several sets of intense play.
  13. Prolonged bout of illness (长期的疾病) – An extended period of illness or disease.
    • Example: The patient experienced a prolonged bout of flu, requiring weeks of rest and treatment.
  14. Bout of laughter (一阵笑声) – A period of uncontrollable laughter or amusement.
    • Example: The comedian’s jokes triggered a bout of laughter in the audience.
  15. Bout of insomnia (失眠发作) – A period of sleeplessness or the inability to fall asleep.
    • Example: Stressful situations can sometimes lead to a bout of insomnia.
  16. Bout of nostalgia (怀旧之情) – A period of longing or sentimental reminiscence about the past.
    • Example: Looking through old photographs triggered a bout of nostalgia.
  17. Bout of creativity (创造力爆发) – A period of heightened creative inspiration or productivity.
    • Example: The artist experienced a bout of creativity and produced several impressive artworks.
  18. Bout of bad luck (倒霉的时期) – A period characterized by a series of unfortunate events or circumstances.
    • Example: The gambler went through a bout of bad luck, losing every bet he placed.
  19. Bout of anger (一阵愤怒) – A sudden and intense episode of anger or rage.
    • Example: The argument with her colleague led to a bout of anger and frustration.
  20. Bout of rain (一阵雨) – A short period of rainfall.
    • Example: We had a brief bout of rain, but it cleared up quickly.
  21. Bout of flu (一场流感) – A short-term episode of influenza or flu-like symptoms.
    • Example: He was absent from work due to a bout of flu.
  22. Bout of exercise (一段锻炼时间) – A period of dedicated physical activity or workout.
    • Example: She engaged in a rigorous bout of exercise to improve her fitness.


spell: a short period
stint: a person’s fixed or allotted period of work
flurry: a sudden short period of commotion or excitement

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
