凯瑟琳·赫本 & 加里·格兰特
霍华德·霍克斯 制片作品
《 育 婴 奇 谭 》
编剧:达德利·尼科尔斯 & 黑格·怀尔德
史岱文森 (纽约)
早上好 斯瓦露小姐
Good morning, Miss Swallow.

– 怎么啦? – 赫胥黎博士正在想问题
– Why, what’s the matter? – Dr. Huxley is thinking.
艾丽丝 我想这个一定属于尾巴
Alice, I think this one must belong in the tail.
你昨天在尾巴上试过了 不匹配
You tried it in the tail yesterday and it didn’t fit.
是的 没错 我试过了 对吗?
Yes, that’s right. I did, didn’t I?
戴维 探险队从犹他州发给你的电报
David, it’s a telegram for you from Utah. It’s from the expedition.
探险队 打开 我马上下来
The expedition! Open it. I’ll be right down.
戴维 他们找到了 他们找到了 戴维
David, they found it! They found it, David!
Not the intercostal clavicle?
已经在路上 明天就会到了
It’s on its way. It’ll be here tomorrow.
想想吧 教授
Just think of it, Professor.
The very last bone we needed to complete the brontosaurus.
四年辛苦的工作后 肋间锁骨明天就要到了
The intercostal clavicle is arriving tomorrow after four years’ hard work.
– 恭喜你 孩子 – 很棒吧? 真不敢相信
– Congratulations, my boy. – Isn’t it great? I can hardly believe it!
住手 真的 戴维 任何事情都要讲场合
Stop it. Really, David, there’s a time and place for everything.
What will Prof. LaTouche think?
After all, you’re getting married tomorrow.
– 是的 我知道我们– – 没错 我们明天就要结婚了
– Yes, I know we are– – Right, we’re getting married tomorrow.
两件重要的事情发生在同一天 这是不是很奇怪?
Isn’t that odd? Two important things happening on the same day.
I think the occasion calls for a celebration.
放心 我们会庆祝的
Don’t worry, we’ll celebrate.
我们结婚后 直接出发度蜜月
We’re going away directly after we’re married.
度蜜月? 你在想什么 戴维? 就在接到这封电报之后?
Going away? What are you thinking of, David? After receiving this telegram?
我们结婚后 直接回这里来…
As soon as we’re married, we’re coming directly back here…
– 你继续你的工作 – 艾丽丝
– and you’re going on with your work. – Alice.
戴维 必须坚决 任何事都不能影响你的工作
Now, once and for all, David, nothing must interfere with your work.
Our marriage must entail no domestic entanglements of any kind.
– 你是说– – 我是说任何种类的 戴维
– You mean– – I mean of any kind, David.
艾丽丝 我希望…. 你是说孩子 所有的事情?
Alice, I was sort of hoping…. You mean children, all that sort of thing?
没错 这就是我们的孩子
Exactly. This will be our child.
是的 戴维 我把我们的婚姻 看成是对你的工作的贡献
Yes, David, I see our marriage purely as a dedication to your work.
艾丽丝 每个人都必须度蜜月的–
Alice, everybody has to have a honeymoon and–
We haven’t time.
You have an appointment this afternoon.
– 有吗? 什么预约? – 跟皮伯蒂先生打高尔夫
– Have I? What for? – To play golf with Mr. Peabody.
What Peabody?
亚历山大·皮伯蒂 他代表着卡莱顿·兰德姆夫人
The Alexander Peabody who represents Mrs. Carleton Random.
Now let me think.
她可能要捐赠一百万美元给博物馆 帮助完成这项工作
Who may donate $1 million to the museum to complete all this.
噢 是的 那个皮伯蒂先生
Oh, sure! That Mr. Peabody.
一百万美元 那个很白的皮伯蒂先生
$1 million. That’s pretty white of Mr. Peabody.
You haven’t got it yet.
我提醒你 那很大程度上取决于他对你的印象
Let me remind you that a lot depends on the impression you make on him.
放心 我收到这个后 感觉一切都好了
Don’t worry. After I’ve received this, I feel good for anything.
我去会会他 我要使劲拍他的马屁
I’ll wow him, I’ll knock him for a loop.
戴维 别说俚语 记住你的身份
David, no slang. Remember who and what you are.
– 噢 好的 – 去吧 你不能让他等你
– That’s right. – Go on. You mustn’t keep him waiting.
– 再见 艾丽丝 我是说 教授 – 别忘了你的高尔夫俱乐部
– Goodbye, Alice. I mean, Professor. – Don’t forget your golf clubs.
记住 让皮伯蒂先生赢
Remember, let Mr. Peabody win.
是的 艾丽丝 我会的
Yes, Alice. I will.
噢 天呐 失陪了
Oh, dear. Excuse me.
我难以言表 皮伯蒂先生…
I can’t tell you, Mr. Peabody…
how much this endowment would mean to the museum…
and to me personally.
If you could just give me some assurance….
如果你能给我保证 你会…
If you could give me some assurance that you’d…
在捐赠那一百万美元之前 首先考虑我们 我会感激不尽
consider us first before you donate that million to anyone else, I’d appreciate it.
赫胥黎博士 你似乎有一些误会
Dr. Huxley, you seem to be under some misapprehension.
I haven’t got $1 million.
我仅代表可能的捐赠人 卡莱顿·兰德姆夫人…
I represent the possible donor, Mrs. Carleton Random…
whose legal advisor I happen to be.
是的 当然 我忘了
Yes, of course. I forgot.
皮伯蒂先生 我想…
Mr. Peabody, then I wonder…
如果你能在夫人面前替我们美言几句 那就太好了
if you could use your influence with Mrs. Random, that would be nice.
赫胥黎博士 我打高尔夫的时候 只谈高尔夫…
Dr. Huxley, when I play golf, I only talk golf…
– 然后就只打球 – 是的 当然 很抱歉
– and then only between shots. – Yes, of course. I’m sorry.
我们可以打完球后再讨论这个吗 同时喝点威士忌或苏打水?
Couldn’t we continue this discussion over a whisky and soda after our game?
是的 我们可以
Yes, we could.
同时 我相信你的球打偏了
Meantime, I believe you hooked your ball.
Yes, I did.
我马上来 皮伯蒂先生
I’ll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody.
Yes. All right.
瞧啊 你不能….
Look! You can’t….
那是我的球 等等
That’s my ball. Just a minute!
Here’s hoping.
我说 等等 请原谅
I say, just a minute. I beg your pardon.
噢 天呐
Oh, dear.
– 你不该那样做 知道吧 – 不该做什么?
– You shouldn’t do that, you know. – What shouldn’t I do?
别人打球时 你不该说话
Talk while someone’s shooting.
不管怎样 我原谅你 因为我打了个好球
Anyway, I forgive you because I got a good shot.
– 你不明白 – 就在旗杆旁边
– You don’t understand. – It’s right next to the pin.
That has nothing to do with it.
– 你打完了吗? – 我刚开球
– You playing through? – I’ve just teed off.
你一定是个新人 你应该去那边
You must be a stranger here. You should be over there.
这是第18跑道 如果打中这球 我就要破我的记录了
This is the 18th fairway and I’m on the green. If I sink this, I’ll beat my record.
Be there in a minute!
What kind of ball are you playing?
– 职业高尔夫球协会 – 我打克劳福莱
– PGA. – I’m playing a CrowFlight.
I like a PGA better.
I’m trying to prove that you’re playing my ball.
职业高尔夫协会有两个黑点 克劳福莱有个圆圈
A PGA has two black dots, and a CrowFlight has a circle.
I’m not superstitious.
– 这跟它没关系 – 别说了 把旗杆拿走
– That has nothing to do with it. – Stop talking and take out the pin.
噢 天呐 这真傻
Oh, my, this is so silly.
看见了吗? 是圆圈
See? It’s a circle.
当然了 如果是方型的还能滚吗?
Of course. Do you think it would roll if it were square?
我是说球上的记号♥ 这证明是克劳福莱的 这是我的球
I have reference to a mark on the ball. That proves it’s a CrowFlight. That’s mine.
这有什么要紧的 反正只是游戏
What does it matter? It’s only a game, anyway.
小姐 你似乎没意识到…
Young lady, you don’t seem to realize…
you’ve placed me in a very embarrassing position.
是吗? 对不起
Really? I’m sorry.
纽约市最重要的律师 在第一跑道等着我
The most important lawyer in New York is waiting for me on the first fairway.
Then it’s silly of you to be fooling around on the 18th green.
You don’t mind if I take this with me?
Not at all.
你打完后 叫球僮把它放到我包里
Tell the caddy master to put it in my bag when you’re finished.
赫胥黎 快点
Huxley, come on!
好的 我马上就来 皮伯蒂先生
Yes, I’ll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody!
嘿 先生 我想那是你的车
Hey, mister, I think that’s your car.
我马上就来 皮伯蒂先生
I’ll be with you in a minute, Mr. Peabody!
What do you think you’re doing?
I’m trying to un-park my car.
– 噢 你好 – 这是我的车
– Oh, hello. – This is my car!
很好 你能把它开走吗?
Good. Would you mind moving it out of the way?
– 不 这是我的车 – 是的 我明白
– No. This is my car. – Yes, I understand that.
如果你把它往后倒四英尺 我就可以出去了
If you move it back four feet, I’ll be able to get out.
我想你搞错了 或许这辆车是你的
I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake. Maybe this is yours.
What did you say?
我说如果你把它往后倒四英尺 我就可以出去了
I said if you move it back about four feet, I’ll be able to get out.
我很赶时间的 我动不了
I’m in a terrible hurry, and I can’t budge.
– 你要我把你的车开走? – 你很介意吗?
– You want me to move your car? – Would you mind terribly?
– 是的 我介意 但是– – 那太好了
– Yes, I will, but– – That would be awfully kind.
– 小心开车 – 好的 我会小心的
– Take it very easy. – Yes, I’ll go slowly.
