I’m not going to verify that I was ever brought in to evaluate Britney Spears.
这里有份法庭文件 上面写着: “根据斯帕尔医生的声明”
So here is a court document that said, uh, “According to Dr. Spar’s declaration.”
好吧 再说一次 给我看看我签名的声明
Okay. Again, show me my signed declaration.
如果你给我看一份 上面有我签名的公共文件
If you show me a public document with my signature on it,
I will verify my signature.
除此之外 我不打算谈论
Other than that, I’m not gonna talk about
是否有人聘请我去见任何人 不仅仅是布兰妮斯皮尔斯
whether anybody ever retained me to see anybody, not just Britney Spears.
These are confidential evaluations.
But you think, for the most part,
that conservatorships are, um, mostly to help people?
The ones where I have been involved,
the person who’s filing for the conservatorship
believes that they are acting in the interests
of their proposed conservatee.
They’re trying to protect them from something.
Usually, most of the cases I’ve been involved in,
what they’re trying to protect them from
is a predatory individual after that person’s money.
I get a phone call from her father.
And he’s like, “I need you to come home right now.”
I said, “We’ll come home when we come home.”
他说:“不行 你现在就带她回家
And he said, “No, you need to bring her home now.”
“I’m the conservator of her estate.”
总是这样极端 你懂吗?
You know, he was always so extreme. You know?
让我向你解释一下 当我把车停在门口
Let me explain to you how fucking devastating it was
for me to pull up at the gates
还有四名保安 两名警官时
and there’s her father standing there,
four of the security, and two officers.
他们就站在那里 而她吓坏了
And they’re standing there, and she freaks out.
“他们在这里做什么? 他们为什么在这里?
“What are they doing here? Why are they here?”
我父亲为什么在我家? 警♥察♥为什么在这里?”
“Why is my father at my house? Who are these people? Why are the cops here?”
And she looks at me.
I’m supposed to be the one that protects her.
我试着让她冷静下来 但我做不到
And I’m trying to calm her down. I cannot.
我试着跟她解释: “他是你的监护人
I’m trying to explain to her, “He is your conservator.”
未经他的许可 我这就算是绑♥架♥了你 因为他就是你
“Without his permission, because he is you, I’ve kidnapped you.”
“And it’s that real.”
她只是看着 她不再讲话 她变得沉默
She just looks. She doesn’t talk anymore. She’s completely silent.
You know, they escort her into the house.
在那时 我才意识到:
That’s when the realization was,
“好吧 我觉得一切都变得不一样了”
“Okay, I don’t think things are gonna be the same.”
2008年9月 监护期:第七个月
据报道 随着2008年的继续 布兰妮已经谈妥了
As 2008 continued, Britney had reportedly negotiated
50-50 custody of her kids.
The amount of time she spent with them
was subject to the approval of her dad and conservator, Jamie.
Britney seemed to be recovering from the events
that led to her hospitalization.
It was deemed by Britney, Inc. that it was time to work,
and work she did.
It started with recording a new album,
随后 有人提出制♥作♥一部 讲述真♥相♥的纪录片的想法
and then the idea of a tell-all documentary was proposed.
这部融入音乐视频的影片 名为《郑重声明》
This MTV Film would be called For the Record.
This was a new time in Britney’s professional life,
and it meant those that worked with her would be carefully selected
by the conservatorship.
与其他创意人员和外部人员 一起经历很多这样的事
It was interesting going through a lot of this with other creatives
and people who were sort of from the outside.
I remember at one point talking amongst us
我们意识到 参与这个项目的每一个人
and realizing that, like, there wasn’t a single person that was involved with that project
没有一个不觉得 自己的情绪受到了影响
that didn’t come out feeling affected emotionally.
Like, not a single person.
如果我没有经历 这些正在经历的束缚
If I wasn’t under the restraints that I’m under right now,
没有那些律师、医生 还有每天分♥析♥我的人
with all the lawyers and doctors and people analyzing me every day
and all that kind of stuff,
如果没有那些事情 我就会觉得自♥由♥ 觉得做回了自己
like, if that wasn’t there, I’d feel so liberated and feel like myself.
It’s like… It’s bad.
I’m sad.
对她来说 最好的事 就是她现在正在做的事
The best thing for her is what she’s doing right now.
她游刃有余 她在自己的世界里
Let’s give her… She’s in her element. She’s in her world.
杰米斯皮尔斯 布兰妮的父亲
让她忙起来 好比我 我喜欢去钓鱼
And, uh, keeping her busy. You know, like me, I like to go fishing.
她喜欢唱歌♥跳舞 她喜欢工作
She likes to sing and dance. She likes to work.
Are they gonna bring something here or something?
-我不知道这是怎么回事 -你知道的 坏蛋
I have no idea what’s going on. – Yes, you do, brat.
-大家都知道我们在做什么吗? -是的
Does everybody know what we’re doing? – Yep.
-除了我 -除了你
Except me. – Except you.
Is that my car?
我那天也在场 我非常清楚地记得
I was there that day, and I remember,like with almost everything, there were these
two polar opposite feelings.
对她来说 开着自己的敞篷车
Like, it was so nice for her to get to drive her car
with the top down and just feel free for a minute.
但另一方面 我在想 这个女孩到底怎么了
But on the other hand, I’m thinking, like, what is going on with this girl
我们不得不安排… 30个人不得不安排这整件事
that we have to arrange… Thirty people have to arrange this whole thing
让她能开着自己的车 感受30分钟的自♥由♥?
to let her drive her car to feel free for 30 minutes?
Like, in what context?
Like… Like, how is that how she gets to feel free?
这整件事都乱套了 很抱歉
The whole thing is fucked up. I’m sorry.
Britney and I had become close.
我可以用其他摄像师 无法做到的方式来拍摄她
I could shoot her in a way that not all the other camera people could.
然后我们就发展出了 这种惺惺相惜的友谊
Um, and so then we just developed this sort of close-knit friendship.
There were times she’d ask me for help,
whether it was questions about legal issues
or, you know, stuff about conservatorships.
Um, and I would usually try and deflect these things
because if I didn’t have an answer,
I didn’t want to give her any wrong information.
Um, but I know that there were times that she did want to speak out
解决一些事情 但却做不到
and address things and wasn’t really able to.
凯文费德林打破沉默 我与布兰妮的生活
This People article came out.
他们采访了凯文 而且显然谈到了布兰妮
I think they had interviewed Kevin and obviously talked about Britney.
And there was stuff she didn’t really agree with.
And it’s like she wanted to respond to it.
她写了封信 并把信交给了我
And so, yeah, she wrote this letter and she gave it to me
and she was like, “Can you read this on TV?”
“布兰妮身上发生的事是一年前了 人们需要与时俱进
“What happened to Britney was a year ago and people need to get with the times.”
“And as for Kevin saying Britney divorced him,
她是被律师强迫的 因为她去纽约看望他时
she was forced to by her lawyers because she went to visit him in New York,
and he wouldn’t see her and the children.”
她的律师声称 如果她不提出离婚 他会提出来
“And her lawyer said if she doesn’t divorce him, he’s gonna do it himself.”
凯文试图扮演无辜的受害者 已经不重要
“So, Kevin trying to play the innocent victim is hardly irrelevant.”
“He left her and the babies.”
“Her going on the mend, partying two years ago,
has nothing to do with the situation now.”
她跟以前完全不一样了 他们之间的大部分争吵都是在那时
“She’s a different person, and most of their fighting was done back then
because of his problem waking and baking to marijuana at 5:00 in the morning.”
没有人谈论这些事情 因为没有人知道真♥相♥
“No one talks about these things because no one knows the truth.”
她被骗 并被陷害了
“She was lied to and set up.”
她的孩子被带走 而她确实情绪失控
“Her children were taken away and she did spin out of control,
在那种情况下 任何母亲都会情绪失控
which any mother would in those circumstances.”
今年 布兰妮被禁止 对任何正在发生的事发表意见
“This year, Britney’s been silenced to speak out about anything that’s going on.”
控制她生活的人 今年已经赚了300万美元
“The people controlling her life have made $3 million this year.”
她希望从全新的视角 看看她所处的境况
“She would love for new eyes to see her situation,
但如果她提出来 就会不断受到威胁
but if she brings it up, she’s constantly threatened
that the conservators will take her kids away.”
“So how long does this go on for?”
只要这些人一直有钱拿 她就不会有任何权利
“As long as the people are getting paid and she has no rights,
这种情况可能会持续一段时间 但并不意味着这是正确的
it could go on for a while, but it doesn’t make it right at all.”
布兰妮给了她哥哥 一套价值200万美元的公♥寓♥
“Britney’s given her brother a $2 million apartment,
给了她母亲路易斯安那州的一处房♥产 还给了她父亲一份演艺圈最好的工作
her mother an estate in Louisiana, and her father the best job in show business.”
她是乐于付出的人 希望能够得到应有的尊重”
“She’s a very giving person and would love to get the respect she deserves.”
