传过去 传过网
Set it up! Over!
当前比分 15比14 这边的队发球
Game point: 1 5-1 4. This team serves.
好 发球
Come on!
往嘉莉那边打 她肯定接不到
Hit it to Carrie. She’ll blow it.
别搞砸了 嘉莉 接住球
Don’t blow it, Carrie. Hit it!
嘉莉 又是你 你又搞砸了
Carrie, you blew it again!
-有她在 哪个队都赢不了 -瞧她那蠢样儿吧
-Can’t win a game with her on the team. -Look at her.
You eat shit!
救命啊 帮帮我
Help me! Help me!
嘉莉 来用棉条啊
Have a tampon, Carrie.
诺玛 看看嘉莉 她来事了
Hey, Norma. Carrie’s got her period.
帮帮我啊 救命啊
Help me! Help me!
Clean it up.
嘿 垫上这个吧
Hey! Plug it up!
怎么了这是 你们这是在做赛前动员么
What is going on? ls this a pep rally?
苏 你在干吗
Sue, what are you doing?
嘉莉 刚刚来事了
Carrie just got her period.
谁来事了 你在干吗
Who’s got her period? What are you doing?
好了好了 别这样
Come on. Stop it!
放松 平静下来 听我说
Relax. Calm down. Listen to me.
lt’s okay.
站起来 把自己弄干净
You’re going to stand up and take care of yourself.
坚强点 站起来把自己弄干净 快点
Grow up. Stand up and take care of yourself. Do it!
Did you see that?
你们给我走 马上给我出去
Get out of here right now.
嘉莉 对不起
Carrie. l’m sorry.
我不知道你的事 对不起
l didn’t know. Okay? l’m sorry.
振作点 你不知道这是怎么回事么
Come on. Don’t you know?
听我说 我会解释给你听的
Listen. l’m going to talk to you about it.
冷静 放松
Calm down. Relax.
看见啦 她们都走了
See? They’re all gone.
没事的 会没事的
lt’s going to be okay.
How come they’re so much money?
我参加自己的高中舞会 还要交这么多钱么
For my own high school prom, l have to pay that much money?
Could l have two tickets?
她现在才来月经 年纪够大的啊
lsn’t she a bit old for her…?
Her first period.
莫蒂 直到半个小时以前我才知道 她以前对这种事情一无所知
Morty, until a half-hour ago, l don’t think she knew there was such a thing.
真是难以置信 现在这年代 一个高中女生 竟然不知道这些
Hard to believe in this day a girl in high school wouldn’t know something.
-常识 -她就是不知道
-Facts. -She didn’t.
我们都知道 她有那样一个母亲 这也就不足为奇了
That shouldn’t surprise us, knowing that mother of hers.
-可我们无权干涉一个人的信仰 -这我知道
-We can’t interfere with people’s beliefs. -I know.
-那其他那些姑娘 -嘉莉总是她们欺负的对象
-As for the girls… -Carrie’s always been their scapegoat.
-你采取些措施吧 -我会的
-You’ll have to do something. -l will.
事实上 莫利 我能理解她们的感觉
The thing is, Morty, l knew how they felt.
这事儿让我对她也有点不耐烦 你知道我的意思吧
The whole thing made me want to shake her too. You know what l mean?
-老天 只不过是来月经而已嘛 -还是让她回家吧
-lt was just a period, for God’s sake. -We’ll send her home.
芬琪小姐 请让嘉茜·瑞特进来吧
Miss Finch, send in Cassie Wright.
lt’s Carrie White.
-请进吧 嘉茜 -是嘉莉
-Come in, Cassie. -Carrie.
芬琪小姐 请你拿张请假条来好么
Miss Finch, would you bring in a dismissal slip?
Take the rest of the day…
你先回家吧 好好休息一下 嘉茜
and go home, take care of yourself, Cassie.
We’re all sorry about this incident.
lt’s Carrie.
Thank you.
Would you like to go to the infirmary?
-到那里躺一会儿 -我想嘉莉可以回家的
-Lie down for a while. -Carrie can go home.
想坐车回家么 我们可以帮你叫辆出租车
Would you like a ride? We could call you a cab.
l’m sure she can walk home.
You’re dismissed from gym for a week.
待在自习室就行 好不好
Take study hall instead, okay?
发生这种事情我们很抱歉 嘉茜
We’re sorry about this incident, Cassie.
lt’s Carrie!
讨厌鬼嘉莉 讨厌鬼嘉莉
Creepy Carrie! Creepy Carrie!
两年前 你是不是在芝加哥
Were you in Chjcago two years ago?
-芝加哥 -是的 比尔 芝加哥
-Chjcago? -Yes, Bjll, Chjcago.
对 我那时是住在芝加哥
Yes, l was ljvjng jn Chjcago.
你知道这事的 我告诉过你 不是么
You knew that. l told you that.
不 你没有 是我自己发现的
No, you djdn’t. l found out.
-哦 怀特夫人 -您好么 史奈尔夫人
-Mrs. White. -How have you been, Mrs. Snell?
-挺好的 -医生先生呢
-Fine. -And the doctor?
-那您女儿呢 -苏也很好
-And your daughter? -Sue is fine.
-怀特夫人 请进吧 -哦 谢谢您
-Won’t you come in, Mrs. White? -How kind of you.
-嘉莉和苏有时在同一班上课吧 -是啊
-Carrie is in some of Sue’s classes. -Yes.
找个时间 可以让她去您家拜访一下
Perhaps sometime she might like to visit.
史奈尔夫人 我奉上帝的旨意来到这里
l’m here on the Lord’s work, Mrs. Snell.
来向您宣扬上帝的福音 以基♥督♥的圣血之名 我们得到救赎了
Spreading the gospel of God’s salvation through Christ’s blood.
哦 是的 当然了
Yes, of course.
我要告诉您一些事情 您和医生先生肯定都会感兴趣的
l have something here l know will interest the doctor and you.
通过基♥督♥的十字圣架 孩子们也会被引上救赎之路的
The Teenager’s Path to Salvatjon Through the Cross of Jesus.
l don’t think Sue would be interested.
现今的世上 孩子们都在罪恶的荒原上踯躅迷失
The children are wandering through the wilderness of sin these days.
My Sue is a good girl.
史奈尔夫人 现在的人们匮乏信仰啊
These are godless times.
l’ll drink to that.
We’ll all read these.
不好意思 您先请坐
Excuse me. Please sit down.
喂 贝蒂啊 我一会儿打给你好么
Hello. Betty, can l call you back?
-玛格丽特·怀特在我这里呢 -不会吧 你在搪塞我吧
-Margaret White is here. -I can’t believe this.
-怀特 等我把她打发走再给你电♥话♥ -等等 你说真的
-White. Let me get rid of her and l’ll call you back. -Are you saying…
我给您带来一些东西 史奈尔夫人 我想您会受益匪浅的
l have something here that l think you might profit from.
怀特夫人 我愿意给您捐5
Mrs. White, l’d like to contribute five…
Ten dollars.
l see.
我为您祈祷 早日找到我主耶稣
l pray you find Jesus.
Wasn’t that Carrie White’s mother?
-我没听见你回来了 -她来干吗
-l didn’t hear you come in. -What’d she want?

Thank you.
l know you’re listening.
Come on downstairs.
Who was that?
Who called?
You’re a woman now.
你为什么不告诉我啊 妈妈
Why didn’t you tell me, Mama?
“And God made Eve from the rib of Adam.
“夏娃由于软弱 将黑乌鸦带到了世上”
And Eve was weak and loosed the raven on the world.
“乌鸦其名 叫做罪恶”
The raven was called sin.”
-Say it. “The raven was called sin.” -Why didn’t you tell me, Mama?
快说”乌鸦其名 叫做罪恶”
Say it! “The raven was called sin.”
-不要 妈妈 -“乌鸦其名 叫做罪恶”
No, Mama. “The raven was called sin.”
“And first sin was intercourse. First sin was intercourse.”
-我没罪 妈妈 -快说
-l didn’t sin. -Say it!
妈妈 我没罪
l didn’t sin, Mama!
“The first sin was intercourse.”
“And the first sin was intercourse.”
我当时吓死了 我还以为我要死了
l was so scared. l thought l was dying.
其他的女孩子都嘲笑我 朝我扔东西
And the girls laughed at me and threw things at me.
“And Eve was weak.” Say it! “Eve was weak.”
-快说 女人 -不要 妈妈
-Say it, woman! -No, Mama!
“Eve was weak.”
“And the Lord visited Eve with a curse.
And the curse was the curse of blood.”
你应该早告诉我的 妈妈 你应该告诉我的
You should’ve told me, Mama. You should’ve told me.
哦 上帝啊 拯救这个满身罪污的女人吧
Oh, Lord! Help this sinning woman
