You can’t even keep that fucking light straight.
Just hurry up.
是 女士 我们已经尽全力做了 老大
Yes, ma’am. We’s doin’ the best we can. We really are, boss.
快点 我想回家了
Hurry up. l want to go home.
Just keep your tits on…
and l’ll let you pull the rope when the time comes.
l plan to.
l know.
欧内斯特 听我说 今晚就是舞会之夜了是不是
Ernest, tonight’s prom night, right?
l didn’t know you were interested in going.
你这是什么意思 我也是这学校的学生嘛是不是
What do you mean? l’m a student here, aren’t l?
-这我不清楚 你是么 -我当然是啦
-l don’t know. Are you? -Sure l am.
我可是热情高涨啊 我也想帮忙出力
l’ve got so much spirit, l want to be on the committee.
晚了 要是一周前我还可以让你来负责场地布置
lt’s too late. l could’ve used you a week ago for decorating.
不 欧内斯特 我没晚 我这时间刚刚好
No, l’m not late, Ernest. l’m right on time.
l want to collect the ballots…
for the king and queen and voting.
-你考虑一下如何啊 -行 好吧
-Think we can arrange that? -Yeah, okay.
Can you be here at 6:30?
不行 我6点半可来不了
No, can’t be here at 6:30.
我8点到这里 怎么样 8点来的话我没问题
l’ll be here at 8:00. How’s 8:00? 8:00’s fine with me.
-那也行 好吧 -我们到时候见
-That’ll do. Okay. -We’ll see you then.
-再见 弗莱迪 不用太着急 -我无论如何都会来的
-See you, Freddy. Take it easy. -l’ll take it anyway l can get it.
嘿 海伦
Hey, Helen!
-干吗呀 -你听说汤米·罗斯的事了么
-What? -Did you hear about Tommy Ross?
-什么 -你听说汤米·罗斯的事了么
-What? -Did you hear about Tommy Ross?
-什么事 -他要带嘉莉·怀特去参加舞会
-What? -He’s taking Carrie White to the prom.
-不是吧 -是真的
-No! -Yeah.
什么时候的事啊 他怎么能这样 那苏怎么办
When djd that happen? He can’t do that. Where’s Sue?
-反正他邀请她了 -她穿什么去啊
-He asked her. -What’s she gonna wear?
嘉莉·怀特 穿麻袋片去么
Who Carrie? A sackcloth?
You gotta keep those stars coming faster.
They’re coming.
怎么回事 我听说汤米·罗斯要带嘉莉参加舞会
What’s this l hear about Tommy taking Carrie to the prom?
不管你听别人是怎么说的 这是真的
Whatever you heard, it’s true.
他干吗要这么做 大家现在都议论纷纷呢
Why is he doing it? Everybody is talking about it.
是我要求他的 因为我觉得我对嘉莉有愧
l asked him to because l thought l owed it to Carrie.
-这样的话大家会怎么想呢 -他们会明白的
-Where’s that put everybody else? -They’ve gotta deal with it.
-你说什么 -没什么
-What do you mean? -Just something.
-你不能来参加舞会的 -哦 我会来的
-You’re not going to the prom. -Oh, l’ll be here.
你会来 你是说你会来参加舞会
You’ll be here? You’re going to the prom?
行了别说了 我会告诉你的 你也有份的 别着急
Shut up. l’ll tell you later. You’re gonna be in on it. Don’t worry.
我也有份 什么啊 快点 告诉我吧 告诉我
l’m gonna be in on it? What? Come on, tell me.
-等一下再和你说 -我现在就想知道 克丽丝
-l’ll tell you later. -l want to know now.
Just wait.
给我点提示好不好 我不会告诉别人的 我发誓
Can’t you give me a hint? l won’t tell anybody. l promise.
我一个字都不会说的 我发誓 我是你最好的朋友呀
l won’t say a word, l promise. l’m your best friend.
-快告诉我吧 -好吧
-Come on. -OK.
-要参加舞会你就得租一套燕尾服 -我只有10块钱
-You gotta rent a tuxedo for the prom! -l only got $10.
10块钱你就能租一套礼服了 不然你就不像样子
Ten bucks you can rent a tuxedo! You don’t have to look great.
看看 这衣服帅么
Does this look nice?
看他简直都美若天仙了 你也能
He looks beautiful. You can look good.
You can make a good impression for once in your life.
-要和我约会么 -我觉得别扭
-Would you go out with me? -Not with ruffles.
你觉得穿礼服别扭 你开玩笑 是不是
You don’t have to get ruffles. You always gotta make a joke, right?
-我确实不喜欢 -有什么可觉得别扭的
-l don’t like ruffles. -You don’t have to get ruffles!
看看怎么样 我是不是像条鲨鱼
Look. Don’t l look sharp?
你穿着挺好的 我穿礼服就不好看
lt looks good on you. l don’t look right in a tuxedo.
-你怎么知道 你穿过礼服么 -我没长能穿礼服的身材
-Do you know? Ever put on a tuxedo? -l don’t have a tuxedo body.
-我肯定这家店肯定有适合你穿的礼服 -我穿着不好看
-l know they have tuxedos here for you. -l wouldn’t look right.
l know just the tuxedo for him.
What do you think?
我很喜欢 帅极了
l like it. lt’s terrific.
你看 没啥别扭的吧
Look. No ruffles at all.
红色 我应该想到会是红色的
Red. l might have known it would be red.
是粉红色 妈妈
lt’s pink, Mama.
看看这是汤米给我的 妈妈 是不是很漂亮
Look what Tommy gave me. Aren’t they beautiful?
l can see your dirty pillows.
Everyone will.
乳♥房♥♥ 妈妈 应该叫它们乳♥房♥♥
Breasts, Mama. They’re called breasts.
And every woman has them.
Take off that dress!
我们一起烧掉它 然后做祷告祈求赦免
We’ll burn it together and pray for forgiveness.
不 妈妈
No, Mama.
-他不会来的 -他会来的
-He’s not coming. -He is coming.
别说了 我已经够紧张的了
Stop it. l’m nervous enough.
不 他不会来的
No, he’s not coming.
He’s not gonna come.
Go away!
住手 妈妈 别再伤害自己了
Stop it, Mama! Stop hurting yourself!
我是对的 他会嘲笑你的 他们都会嘲笑你的
l’m right. He’s gonna laugh at you. They’re all gonna laugh at you!
-他们不会嘲笑我的 -现在还不晚 留下来 和我在一起
-They’re not gonna laugh at me. -lt’s not too late. Stay here with me.
l don’t want to stay with you.
我会去开门 然后告诉他你病了 快改变主意吧
l’ll answer the door and tell him you’re sick, you changed your mind.
坐下来 安静
Sit down and be quiet!
-我会告诉他的 说你改变主意了 -给我坐下
-l’ll tell him you changed your mind. -Sit down!
我走之前 你给我坐在那儿 什么也别说
Sit there and don’t say a word until l’m gone.
l’ll be home early.
我爱你 妈妈
l love you, Mama.
“Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”
Could we wait here a minute?
-你在害怕么 -嗯
Are you scared?
Maybe this was a mistake.
哦 不会的 情况不会那么糟的
Oh, no. lt’s not gonna be that bad.
他们都是好人 真的
They’re a good crowd. Really.
Don’t be so nervous.
另外 要是我自己一个人跳舞的话
Besides, l’d look awfully stupid
我看起来可尴尬死了 是不是
dancing by myself, wouldn’t I?
Come on.
罗斯 要是早知道你这么帅的话
Ross, if l knew you’d look this sharp…
我宁可带你来而不带 她叫什么来着
l would’ve taken you instead of what’s-her-name.
别理他们 他们要是欺负你的话
Don’t bother about them. lf they self-destruct…
l’ll dance with you.
你在哪里买♥♥的礼服 我好喜欢
Where did you buy that dress? l love it!
-我自己做的 -自己做的
-l made it. -Made it?
-舞会会场布置得不错吧 -是的
-Don’t the decorations look great? -Yeah.
l’m so nervous.
没关系的 和我们坐在一起吧
lt’s okay. You can sit with us.
What time is it?
-8点整 -我得走了
-8:00. -Gotta go.
-你去哪儿 -出去一下
-Where are you going? -Just out.
-什么 -一会儿见
-What? -See you later.

Would you like to dance?
-我们能不能再坐一会儿 -哦 当然
-Could we sit here for a minute? -Sure.
Anything you want.
嗨 柯林斯小姐
Hi, Miss Collins.
-你真漂亮 -你也是
-You look so pretty. -You too.
You look beautiful!
谢谢 我知道我没那么好看 不过还是谢谢您的夸奖
Thank you. l know l don’t, not really. But thank you anyway.
May l sit down?
-请坐这里吧 -谢谢
-Have a chair. -Thank you.
l’m gonna talk to some people.
l remember my prom.
l had a date with the captain of the basketball team.
He was 6 feet 7 inches tall.
So l bought a pair of three-inch spike heels…
