赌博游乐委员会开始调查 坦吉乐的高层主管…
A Gaming Control Board investigation of Tangiers executive…
山姆罗斯坦的赌博游乐执照 还没核发下来…
Sam Rothstein’s application for a gaming license is underway.
罗斯坦负责管理坦吉乐赌场的运作 并也是赌城黑♥手♥党♥老大…
Rothstein, who heads the Tangiers casino operation and is a boyhood friend…
of Las Vegas mob boss Nicky Santoro…
他有可能会失去 在赌场工作的权力…
could lose his ability to work in the casino….
我得见见清洁工 在小巴黎如何?
I gotta meet Clean Face right away. What about the Chez Paris?
You gotta make a reservation. It’s all booked up.
NICKY: No, it’s okay.
不可能啦,绝对客满 而且很难进去
It’s impossible. It’s booked up, and it’s very difficult to get in.
没关系,我走后门 九点见
It’s okay, I’ll use the service entrance. I’ll see you at nine.

All right.
州政♥府♥赌博游乐处官员 与坦吉乐高层…
The battle between state gaming officials and Tangiers casino boss…
Sam “Ace” Rothstein is heating up.
今晚,看看艾斯罗斯坦如何 尝试取得州立执照…
Tonight, a look at Ace Rothstein’s attempt to get state licensing…
虽然面对警方的指控 怀疑罗斯坦与犯罪集团有勾结
despite law-enforcement allegations of Rothstein’s organized crime connections.
山姆罗斯坦与黑道人物 尼奇山多罗之间的友谊…
Will Sam Rothstein’s friendship with organized crime figure, Nicky Santoro…
是否会阻碍罗斯坦 管理坦吉乐赌场呢?
keep Rothstein from running the Tangiers casino?
而州政♥府♥的赌博游乐法规 是否会因儿时友谊而受到威胁呢?
And can the integrity of state gaming laws be jeopardized by a boyhood friendship?
SAM: Why don’t you take it easy on that stuff?
Come on. Let me help you down.
We’re talking about some stuff.
NEWSCASTER: At 6:00, will a boyhood friendship…
会让罗斯坦失去坦吉乐 老大的位子?
unseat Rothstein as the Tangiers casino boss?
Exclusive on the KBBO special news report.
Go down. Just go downstairs.
你不能让这影响你,艾斯 别管这些了
You can’t let this concern you, Ace. Don’t worry about that stuff.
It’s just a political witch hunt.
SAM: Do you want something to drink?
-查理,你还要吗? -好啊
-Charlie, you want a refill? -Yeah, that would be great.
我什么都不要 嗨,克拉克先生,我一直在找你
I don’t want nothing. Hi, Mr. Clark. I’ve been trying to reach you.
-你比总统还难找 -最近比较忙
-You’re tougher to get than the President. -I’ve been busy.
是吗?但你至少也该 回我个电♥话♥吧
Yeah? At least you could return my phone calls, though.
Listen, Nicky, we talked about this.
我也跟你解释过 你可能会有亏损
And I explained to you that you might have to take some kind of loss.
I think I want my money back.
What are you gonna do, strong-arm me?
I think you’ve gotten the wrong impression about me.
I think, in all fairness…
I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do.
Tomorrow morning I’ll get up nice and early, take a walk to the bank…
走进去看看 若还没把我的钱准备好的话…
and walk in and see, and if you don’t have my money for me…
I’ll crack your fucking head wide open in front of everybody.
And just about the time that I’m coming out of jail…
hopefully, you’ll be coming out of your coma.
知道吗? 我会再爆开你的头
And guess what? I’ll split your fucking head open again.
因为我是个傻子 我完全不在乎坐牢
‘Cause I’m fucking stupid. I don’t give a fuck about jail.
这就是我的职业 我会做的事
That’s my business. That’s what I do.
We know what you do.
你把人的钱骗走 然后大摇大摆的走开
You fuck people out of money and get away with it.
-你不能这样对我说话 -你这只爱尔兰肥猪!
You can’t talk to me like that. NICKY: You fat Irish prick!
你害我领不到我的钱 你最好把它弄出来,不然我要你好看
You put my money to sleep. Get it, or I’ll put your brain to sleep.
Never mind Sam. This is personal.
我明天早上一定到 你试试看啊,肥猪
I’ll be there in the morning. You can try me, fatso.
-你觉得他懂了吗? -你在干嘛?
-You think he got the point? -What are you doing?
他是个老实的生意人 他会去找联盟调查局的
He’s a square guy, for Christ’s sakes. He’s gonna run to the FBI.
That prick’s been dodging me for three weeks.
-You’re trying to tell me what to do?
-I’m not trying to tell you what to do.
You’re way out of line. Where’s your head?
我的脑? 你的种又去了哪儿?
Where’s my head? Where’s your fucking balls?
我有更大的计划 你知道我在说什么
I’m trying to put something big together. You know what I’m talking about.
如果你现在就这个样 我还怎么指望你啊?
If you’re acting like this now, how can I depend on you?
很多事都要改变了 你若要跟我一起…
A lot of things gonna change. If you wanna be there with me…
you’re gonna have to go my way.
你得体谅我的处境 我得对上千名员工负责
You got to understand my situation. I’m responsible for thousands of people.
SAM: I got $100 million a year going through the place.
It’s all over if I don’t get that license.
相信我,我若玩完了 很多人就会跟着完蛋
Believe me, if it goes bad for me, it’s gonna go bad for a lot of people.
Forget about your fucking license.
到时候我说的就是法律 你根本不需要什么执照
I plant my own flag out here, you ain’t gonna need a license.
我不知道为什么 但越和你说话…
I don’t know what it is, but the more I talk to you…
the more I feel like you just don’t want to go along with me.
-不,我不打算和你一起 -好
-No, I don’t want to come along with you. -All right.
I don’t want to be involved in anything you’re talking about, okay?
我只想好好经营赌场 我只要我的执照
I want to run a square joint. I just want my license.
I want everything quiet. That’s it!
这样叫安静? “我是老大”这样叫安静?
Quiet like this? “I’m the boss”? That’s quiet?
他们扭曲了意思 我根本控制不了
It’s taken out of context. I had no control.
Ronnie and Billy will tell you exactly what happened.
Back home that looks bad.
难看?每次只要你上电视 就会提到我,
Looks bad? Every time you’re on television, I get mentioned.
That looks bad.
What the fuck happened to you?
-你怎么了?整个失控? -我失控?
-What happened to you? You lost control? -I lost control?
You’re fucking walking around like John Barrymore.
穿粉红色的浴袍还拿烟盒? 是我失控?
A pink robe and a fucking cigarette holder? I lost control?
我本来不想提的,但你不尊重人 连你老婆都不例外
I don’t wanna bring this up, but you treat people with disrespect. Even your own wife.
My wife? What does she have to do with this?
她为了许多事不高兴 尤其是莱斯特戴蒙德那档
She was upset about a lot of things, especially that Lester Diamond incident.
你是她哭诉的对象? 你没告诉她那事你也有份?
You’re the shoulder to cry on? Did you tell her about your role in that?
No, that’s not the fucking point.
重点是,她不快乐 你也有问题
The point is, she’s upset, and you’ve got a problem.
我希望你不要干涉 我的私生活
I’d appreciate it if you’d stay out of my personal life.
You wouldn’t like it if I did it to you.
她来找我说话的 我该赶她出去吗?
She came to talk to me. Was I supposed to throw her out?
离她远一点 不关你的事
Stay away from her. It’s none of your business.
一周前就是我的事,现在就不是 你需要我时,我就得到
A week ago it was. Now it’s not. When you need me, you need me.
是啊,就像你需要我 帮你做担♥保♥一样
Right, the way you need me to vouch for you as a citizen.
我得去解决你刚刚对那人 所做的事情
I’m gonna have to straighten out what you did with this guy.
This guy’s gonna run to the FBl.
你的自尊比你的赌场还大 这就是你的问题
NICKY: Your head’s bigger than your casino. That’s your problem.
SAM: I knew what he wanted and I didn’t want any part of it.
He wanted to take over.
他想干掉盖吉 抽头,还有一切
He wanted to go after Gaggi, the skim, everything and everybody.
He also stopped asking permission from back home for every little thing.
一位赌场大亨与他老婆被杀了 调查员侦问了尼奇
A casino boss and his wife were killed. The bulls questioned Nicky.
一位西洛可的庄家 他们也询问尼奇
A dealer from the Scirocco. They questioned Nicky.
Stool pigeons wound up in the trunks of their cars.
They questioned Nicky.
A lawyer.
They questioned Nicky.
当一些拖欠高♥利♥贷♥的人 莫名的开始消失…
When some guys who didn’t pay their shylocks began disappearing…
Nicky’s name was in every newspaper.
尼奇因为一堆谋杀案调查被侦讯 但他们每次都放他走
Nicky was questioned in two dozen murders, but they always had to let him go.
There were never any witnesses.
条子把所有的不顺 都归昝于我
NICKY: The coppers blamed me for everything that went wrong.
小心点 你会好看的
Watch yourself. You’re gonna get runned over.
若有个家伙踩到香蕉皮跌倒 可能都要带我回局里
NICKY: If a guy tripped over a banana peel, they’d bring me in for it.
Be nice.
老大们也没好到哪儿去 他们抱怨事情运作不顺
NICKY: The bosses were no better. They complained because things don’t run smooth.
不过在我这行 真抱歉,事情本来就不会顺
In my line of work, things don’t run so smooth. I’m sorry.
I’m dealing with degenerate animals out here.
The bosses, what do they give a fuck?
They’re sitting on their asses drinking anisette.
Meanwhile, I’m the guy in the trenches.
那些王八♥老♥大们 真以为天下的午餐都是免费的
Fucking bosses think it’s a fucking free lunch out here.
法兰克,他们在沙漠里 找到一个家伙的头
Frankie, they found a guy’s head in the desert.
You know about that?
I heard.
