Everybody’s talking about it and making a big deal out of it. It’s in all the papers.
What are you gonna do?
That’s no good.
Tell him to take care of things a little better.
I’ll tell him, Remo.
NICKY: Fucking bosses smoking their Di Nobilis…
and eating trip’ and fucking soffrit’, fried pigs’ guts…
而我若想私下找人谈话 我还得坐在公车站
while if I wanna talk private, I gotta go to a fucking bus stop.
-他们在乎个屁?只要我拿钱回去 -他们在抱怨了
-What do they care? Long as I send money. -They’re complaining.
让他们抱怨,是我在这儿 活都是我在做
Let them complain. I’m the one who’s here. I do all the work.
-有人不喜欢,就去他的 -你决定罗
NICKY: Somebody don’t like it, fuck them. FRANK: It’s up to you.
他们他妈的想打仗? 我准备好了
NICKY: They want a fucking war? I’m ready.
我只要干掉那五个 其他的自然会水到渠成
If I take care of five of those guys, the rest will fall into place.
NICKY: Peek-a-boo, you fucks, you.
I see you, you motherfuckers.
问题是,尼奇不只是 让自己更受注目,还连累到我
SAM: Nicky was not only bringing heat on himself, but on me, too.
联邦调查局盯着他的每一步 但他不在乎
The FBI watched every move he made, but he just didn’t care.
NICKY: If they’re gonna watch me, I’m gonna watch them back.
或许花了很多钱 但谁在乎?
I spent a few bucks. Top dollar. Who gives a shit?
我买♥♥了最先进的反窃听装置 向卖♥♥给中♥央♥调查局的那家买♥♥的
I got the latest anti-bugging equipment from the same places that sell to the CIA.
我有所有的警♥察♥特殊频道对讲机 FBI的解干♥扰♥器♥、夜光照相机…
I had all the special police frequency radios, FBI de-scramblers, night-vision cameras….
So, the miserable sons of bitches never caught me doing anything I couldn’t handle.
我工作都快丢了 但他却玩得不亦乐乎
SAM: I got my job on the line, he’s having the time of his life.
全州的警♥察♥都在盯他 他却在打高尔夫球
He has every cop in the state watching him, and he’s out playing golf.
And at the worst possible time for me.
我的执照听证会要到了 我不想有一点点失败的机率
I had my license hearing coming up and I didn’t want to leave anything to chance.
若不能在赌城工作 那我要去哪儿?
If I can’t work in Vegas, where am I gonna go?
你一直都很合作 从文件到帐簿
You’ve been very open with us with the books and papers.
That’ll mean a lot when you go before the commission.
-我只希望能有个公正的听证会 -你的诚实会为你赢的
-All I ask is a fair hearing. -This honesty will guarantee it.
We’ll move on to….
SAM: I want to hear about Kansas City.
What the fuck is this?
Where’s this fucking guy gonna land, in the fairway?
他们是探员,法兰克 来看看
They’re fucking agents, Frankie. Look at this.
SAM: The Feds were watching Nicky play golf for so long…
they ran out of gas.
还真是我需要的 就在委员会面前
Just what I needed, right in front of the control board.
$100, whoever hits the plane.
祸不单行,随后就看到派斯康 堪萨斯市的老二
SAM: If things weren’t bad enough… in comes Piscano, the Kansas City underboss.
在堪萨斯市收皮箱的那家超♥市♥ 就是他开的
He ran the grocery store in Kansas City where they brought the suitcases.
又在为皮箱的事吵了 你知道这代表什么吗?
Fighting over those suitcases again. You know what that means?
我又得去拉斯维加斯了 又要花我好几千
I gotta take another trip to Vegas. It’s gonna cost me another couple grand.
SAM: He ran it with his brother-in-law…
但他大多都在跟他姐夫与岳母 抱怨他去赌城的事
but he mostly complained about his trips to Vegas to his brother-in-law and mother.
你得表明态度 要不然他们当你是病猫
You gotta lay down the law, or they’ll make a fool out of you.
I write it all down. Every fucking nickel goes down.
-你是怎么了? -全都在这儿
-What’s the matter with you? -Everything’s here.
-你何时开始这样讲话? -抱歉
-Since when do you talk like that? -I’m sorry.
南斯要是找我麻烦 我就将他的眼挖出来
Nance gives me trouble, I’ll take the eyes out of his freaking head.
-又来了 -我没骂粗话
-Again. -I didn’t curse, I said, “freaking head.”
-够了 -抱歉
-That’s enough. -I’m sorry.
接下来发生的事 简直是出乎意料
SAM: What happens next, you can’t believe it.
谁会想到联邦调查局 会在里面装窃听器…
Who’d believe the FBI had a wire in the place…
looking for information about some old homicide…
为了一个不知在何时 也不知为何事被♥干♥掉的人
about some guy who was whacked out God knows when over God knows what?
你怎么阻止拿皮箱的人 拿走他想要的?
What prevents him with the suitcases from taking what he wants?
Nance brings back two suitcases from the Tangiers.
What about three or four?
我们没有人在计算室里看着 那是法律
We’ve got nobody in the room to watch. That’s the law.
We can’t even go into the count room to watch our money.
他有他的人在里面 他们搞不好根本是一伙的
He’s got his people in there. They could all be in on it together.
若我知道是葛林干的 我会埋了那王八蛋
I’ll find out. If it’s Green himself, I’ll bury that bastard.
我从就不相信他 我后脑都有眼睛
I never trusted him. I got eyes behind my head.
They trust that scumbag. I don’t.
I’ll hit the two of them in the head with a shovel.
MA: Take it easy.
妈,抱歉 但他们一直跟我玩阴的
Ma, I’m sorry. They’re beating me left and right.
-抱歉,我很生气 -我知道,可是够了
ARTIE: I’m sorry. I’m upset. I know, but that’s enough.
你也知道他们在对我做什么 我受不了了
You know what they’re doing to me. I can’t take this no more.
-冷静,别心脏病发 -我知道,我太气了
MA: Take it easy. You’ll get a heart attack. ARTIE: I know. I’m too upset.
SAM: The damn thing is, they hear all this stuff…
about Las Vegas, casinos, and suitcases…
and that’s it.
全都是从我口袋里掏 我得付钱
ARTIE: Everything’s coming out of my pocket. I gotta pay.
SAM: Would you believe this could happen?
ARTIE: I’m in this to make money, not lose it.
全国每个联邦调查局探员 都张大了耳朵
SAM: Every FBI man across the country had their ears open now.
ARTIE: If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself.
派司康这家伙 几乎搞砸了所有人的生活
SAM: Piscano, this guy, basically sunk the whole world.
MA: There are some that are good and some that are bad.
主席先生 委员会的同仁…
COUNSELOR: Members of the Commission…
Mr. Rothstein is pleased to be here today.
当那天终于来时 我已准备好了
SAM: When the day finally came, I was ready.
我自信满满的认为 我只需要呈上我的案件
I felt so confident that all I had to do was present my case.
我们拥有文件,其中一份是由 一位退休的联邦探员写的…
COUNSELOR: We have documents, one of which is a report by retired FBl agents…
上头清楚的记载罗斯坦先生 并未触犯任何法律
which completely absolves Mr. Rothstein from any wrongdoing.
-律师,在你继续前… -我要将这呈为…
-Counselor, before you continue… -I want to have this marked….
本委员会针对是否应 驳回罗斯坦的申请书在此动议
…this Commission acts on a motion denying the Rothstein application.
-驳回? -有人赞成驳回吗?
COUNSELOR: Denying? SENATOR: Do I hear a motion seconded?
Mr. Chairman, I second the motion.
Do I have a vote on the motion?
-Aye! -Aye!
The ayes have it. This hearing is adjourned.
-开什么玩笑 -什么叫结束?
-You have to be kidding. -Adjourned? What do you mean?
Senator, you promised me a hearing.
You didn’t even look at the FBl reports.
When you were my guest at the Tangiers Hotel,
didn’t you promise me a fair hearing?
SENATOR: I was never your guest.
SAM: Never my guest? I never comped you?
难道我一个月 没有最少招待你三次?
I don’t comp you at least three times a month?
I’d like to answer that at this time.
罗斯坦先生的反应很常见 他在撒谎
Mr. Rothstein is being very typical to this point. He’s lying.
我唯一一次去过坦吉乐 就是巴尼葛林斯坦那次晚宴
The only time I was at the Tangiers was a dinner with Barney Greenstein.
-我当时在场吗? -你四处周♥旋♥着
Was I at the dinner? SENATOR: You were wandering around.
-我在场吗? -你四处周♥旋♥
SAM: Was I at that dinner? SENATOR: You were wandering.
-你在室内 -我在室内?
SENATOR: You were in the building. SAM: I was in the building?
You know damn well I was there.
You swore I would have a fair hearing.
Did you not?
至少承认说我那天在场 这总可以了吧
Tell me I was at least at the dinner. Allow me that much.
-至少也得说我在场吧! -是,你在
SAM: Give me that much at least! SENATOR: Yes, you were.
多谢你没说我是骗子 你这个狗东西
Thanks for not calling me a liar, you son of a bitch.
一场例行的听证会 在昨晚成了一场闹剧…
A routine licensing hearing turned into bedlam yesterday…
当抢眼的坦吉乐高层 山姆“艾斯”罗斯坦…
when the flamboyant Tangiers Casino executive, Sam “Ace” Rothstein…
accused top gaming officials of corruption.
你在我的旅馆接受招待 并答应我会有公平的听证会
…promised me a fair hearing when you were comped at my hotel?
And you asked for copies of your bill to put on your expense account.
In a wild outburst that followed his gaming license denial…
-狗屁! -罗斯坦与好几名…
Bullshit! …Rothstein followed several…
错愕的委员到走道 并持续着他的指控…
stunned commissioners into the hallway where he continued his harangue…
until his own lawyers and friends urged him to leave.
你有过去,我也有过去 我的不见得比你的糟糕
You have a past. I have a past. My past is no worse than yours.
You guys think you have the right to pass judgment!
NEWSREADER: Long suspected of running Tangiers without a license…
昨天的听证会本是要决议 像罗斯坦如此背景的人…
yesterday’s hearing was to determine if someone with Rothstein’s history…
是否有资格正式在赌博游乐界 担任如此高的职位
was qualified to officially hold a top gaming post.
罗斯坦玩完了 王八伪君子!
REMO: Fucking hypocrites!
