Suppose Mr Bond isn’t ready to give it to you?
你累了 邦德先生 我们试试其它的
You are a tiresome little man. Let’s try another approach.
这是个选美比赛? 邦德先生
It’s a beauty contest, Mr Bond.
You’re supposed to pick the winner.
对不起 你是理查班恩吗? -不 我是彼德杜尔
Excuse me. Are you Richard Burton? – No, I’m Peter O’Toole.
Then you’re the finest man that ever breathed.
上帝保佑你 长官 -谢谢!
God bless you, sir. – Thank you.
你改变了我的计划 连小姐
You’ve changed my plans, Miss Lynd.
你和邦德都休想离开 除非我拿到了支票
But neither you nor Bond will leave here till I get that cheque!
Mr. Tremble?
Never trust a rich spy.
西维 你是呆子 老千组织本来相信你会赢那牌局
Le Chiffre, you’re a fool. Smersh believed you could win at baccarat.
我只需要24小时 -太晚了
All I need is 24 hours! – It’s too late.
爸 我早想进去看看了 所有的女孩都希望进去
Oh, Daddy, I do so long to meet him. All the girls do. He really turns me on.
Did that finishing school teach you to talk like that?
不是 我只是教她们学乖 爸
No, I taught them. Be a pet, Daddy.
作个好女孩 去看卫兵换班
Be a good girl. Now run along and watch the Changing of the Guard.
I bet Mummy would have taken me in.
Mummy took everyone in.
放手 放我下来
Put me down! Put me down!!
那是在做什么? -大概在拍广♥告♥
What is it, a film? – It must be a commercial.
没时间看风景了 钱班霓 马特被绑♥架♥了
No time for window-gazing, Moneypenny. Mata’s been kidnapped.
但詹姆斯阁下 -你注意到了那不明飞行物
But, Sir James… – A UFO. Clever of you to notice it.
可以用喷射战机阻止 控制中心
There’s a squadron of our jets tracking it down. Control?
那是餐厅 -控制中心
That’s the canteen. – Control!
和所有航管站连络 一定要查明它在何处降落
Contact all operatives immediately. We must find out where it lands.
等一下 空中巡罗队说追丢了
Hold on. Air Ministry. They’ve lost it.
为什么追丢了? 不是跟在后面吗
What do you mean, you’ve lost it? You were on its tail.
我明白了 当然一定有比它快的飞机
Well, you must have one plane fast enough… I see.
They stopped building those last week.
Come in.
I wonder if you’d care to help us.
请你等一下再来 -是 快请进
Could you come back… – Yes. Do please come in, Sister.
It’s our annual collection for needy girls.
Your receipt?
This department has always been very helpful to needy girls.
奇怪 以前没听说过有收据
That’s strange. We’ve never had a receipt before.
他们带你的女儿去皇家赌场 麦克利修女
“They’re taking your daughter to Casino Royale. Sister McTarry.”
请接首相 紧急
The Prime Minister, urgently.
Daddy’ll come after me.
我们也希望如此 -你逃不了的
That’s what we’re hoping. – You won’t get away with this.
往门走去 邦德小姐 你是老千组织的囚徒
Move to the door, Mata Bond. You are a prisoner of Smersh.
We already have most of your father’s agents here.
You will complete the set.
看来像老千俱乐部 -主管想见你
Looks like a Smersh convention. – Monsieur le directeur wishes to see you.
和你的女儿有关 -4B计划必须采行
It is about your daughter. – Tactic 4B if necessary.
I will tell him you are here.
站住 退后
Hold it! Back up.
Face the curtains!
你们现在正进入诺瓦博士的 老千大楼
You are now entering the Smersh headquarters of Dr Noah.
Tactic 33A.
Operation James Bond completed.
诺瓦博士 你为何不出来见我?
Dr Noah, I presume. Why don’t you come out and face me?
Because you are going to come in and face me.
这是历史上值得记念的一天 詹姆斯阁下
This is an historic day in our saga, Sir James.
The day Smersh finally eliminated the original James Bond.
他的世界将就此没落 -这非常了不起
His world will soon follow. – This is all very impressive.
你看了我千百个复♥制♥人其中之一 就会觉的更了不起
You might be even more impressed to meet one of my 1,000 doubles.
Waiting for the moment when I command them to take over the world.
太不可思议 我可以近一点看吗
It’s fantastic. May I take a closer look?
It’s quite perfect.
老天 是我侄子 -吉米·邦德!
Good Lord! It’s my nephew. – Jimmy Bond?
他不是在加勒比海任职吗? 这是什么玩笑?
This explains the Caribbean assignment. Is this some kind of a joke?
他不能说话 -我在时他都说不出话来
He can’t speak! – Never could in my presence.
这是心理障碍 他小时候就如此
Psychological block he’s had since childhood,
based on hero worship.
他是诺瓦博士吗? -我的晚辈是老千的头头?
He’s Dr. Noah? – My nephew the head of Smersh?
我被炸过 被欺负和戏弄过
I have been bombed, bullied and baited
out of retirement to deal with you?
他会是瘾君子吗? -我来处理就好
Do you suppose he’s a junkie? – Leave this to me.
吉米 身为你的伯父 我坚持
Now, Jimmy, as your uncle I really must insist…
是什么? -他放了一块隐形玻璃在这里
What is it? – He’s put a sheet of glass between us.
I never should have let Nellie send him to progressive school.
What’s that?
诺瓦博士的病菌 吉米 你不会发动细菌战吧?
Dr Noah’s bacillus? Now, Jimmy, even you wouldn’t release germ warfare.
小心这些胶囊 诺瓦博士病菌具高传染力
Handle these capsules with care. Dr. Noah’s bacillus is highly contagious.
如果被散入空气中 会使所有女人变的美丽
When distributed in the atmosphere it will make all women beautiful
and destroy all men over 4ft 6in
Please handle these capsules with care.
So that’s your plan, huh?
世界充满着美丽的女人 也充满着比你矮的男人
A world full of beautiful women and all men shorter than yourself.
晚安! 这一切只是用来补偿你的性无能?
Good evening. All this just to make up for your feeling of sexual inferiority?
I’m beginning to think you’re a trifle neurotic.
也许你可以解释 我为什么被你们绑♥架♥至此
Maybe you can explain. Why was I abducted from the roulette table…
…and subiected to this, whatever it is?
Because, of all Uncle James’s 007s,
you’re the most beautiful and desirable.
Do you treat all the girls you desire this way?
对! 我脱了她们衣服然后绑起来
Yes! I undress them and tie them up.
I learned that in the Boy Scouts.
我问你一个问题 你觉的我看起来有男性魅力吗
Let me ask you a question. Do I appear menacing to you at all?
你笑什么? -没什么 我只是在想…
What are you laughing at? – Nothing. I just think…
你有没有在镜子里看过你自己? 我想你应该去看看
Did you see yourself in the mirror lately? I think you should.
你是一个可怜的 荒唐的
You are a wretched, grotesque,
可笑的 微不足道的小怪物
ridiculous, insignificant little monster.
你是说你认为詹姆斯伯父 比我更有魅力吗?
Are you saying to me that you find Uncle James more attractive than I am?
Uncle James? He’s a real man. Wow!
你知不知道任何他所能作的 我都作的比他好?
Do you realise that anything Uncle James can do I can do better?
That will be the day.
你疯了 完全疯了
You’re crazy. You are absolutely crazy.
人们都认为爱因斯坦是疯子 -没人说爱因斯坦是疯子
They called Einstein crazy. – No one ever called Einstein crazy.
如果他有了这东西 -人们尊敬爱因斯坦
They would have if he behaved like this. – People respected Einstein.
Einstein could never have conceived of something like this.
这看来像阿斯匹林 味道像阿斯匹林
It looks like an aspirin, it tastes like an aspirin,
but it’s not an aspirin.
是氰化物 -这药丸里面有400个小丸
It’s cyanide. – This pill contains 400 tiny time pills.
他们进入人体后发生小爆♥炸♥ 可以形成连锁反应
They go off in the body, forming a chain reaction,
and turn the person into a walking atomic bomb.
爱因斯坦的炸♥弹♥原始粗俗 这是最精密的
Einstein’s bomb was crude. This is brilliant.
It’s crude to tie up women.
In a week it’ll be April Fools’ Day, my birthday.
All world leaders will be assassinated
and my doubles will take their places.
In five days’ time I’ll be ruler of the Earth.
你想不想成为我的合伙统治者? -有何不可?
How would you like to be my co-ruler? – Why not?
为什么有何不可? 你不是恨我吗 -我不知道
Why not? You hate me. – I don’t know.
我在想 邦德家族中的天才
I’m beginning to wonder if the real genius of the Bond family
is not right here in the room with me now.
你为何不把我放了 -我会的
Why don’t you unlock me? – Yes, I will.
我立刻放了你 然后我们疯狂一下
I’ll unlock you immediately and we’ll run amok.
如果你太累 我们慢慢的疯狂
If you’re too tired, we’ll walk amok.
I’m so sorry for all the things I said.
并非有意 谢谢你 请别介意
I didn’t really mean it. You’re forgiven.
来 将这穿上 滑进这里
The dress. Here. Slip into this.
谢谢! 等一下 小心一点
Thank you. Just a moment. Be careful.
Yes. I don’t want to damage any of your parts.
