It’s five and 20 minutes past 11:00. It’s the 14th of March and…
我说转到第六频道 佛载
I said channel six, Fordyce.
Well, nobody’s perfect.
真是不可思议 我以前从未看过这种东西
But it’s absolutely amazing! I’ve never seen anything like this.
It’s just as if we’re in the same room.
It’s a two-way television and radio wristwatch.
It’s an American idea. They got it from one of their comic strips.
不可思议 -茶来了
Good heavens. – Ah! Tea.
Three lumps.
It’s an incredible thing, this.
你都是穿那一面 先生
Which side do you dress, sir?
I usually dress away from the window.
It’s just some protective clothing, sir.
Let me help you out of your hampering things.
这是经过精心设计的 先生
And it is of course Sanforized, sir,
免熨的 有装巧克力和饼干的口袋
non-iron, and also available in chocolate, oyster or clerical grey.
当然也有双层的保护层 -是的?
It’s hand-reefed and double-charvered. – Is it?
这好像有一点紧 -毒胶囊隔间?
It’s a little tight around the… – Poison capsule compartment?
I’m sure we can let it out above the switchblade and Geiger counter.
你尽力而为 佛载 你的呼叫器放在这里
Do what you can, Fordyce. Your intercom button’s in here
with midget transmitters for short-range contacts.
这里有一个红外线照相机 肩膀有个录音机
There’s an infrared camera, a tape recorder in the shoulder padding,
a Beretta in the buttonhole,
扣子缝 佛载 下摆有一只钢笔手♥枪♥
Buttonhole, Forydize. And a cute little mini-gun in the gusset.
是的 有一件事
Yes. Just one thing.
What happens if I suddenly need to go somewhere?
在这里 长官? 你会发现安全指南在左边领子
In this, sir? You’ll find safety instructions under the left lapel.
别担心 在这里的都是高手
Don’t worry. You’re in very good hands here.
这都不会伤害你到的 长官
Now this won’t hurt a bit, sir.
Who g-gave you these orders?
国际母亲援助 东柏林
International Mothers’ Help, East Berlin.
只有这些了 哈利 这是我们唯一的线索
There it is, Hadley. Our only clue.
The voice of a beautiful woman.
我们已经查过了 长官
We’ve checked it out, sir.
It’s a Smersh cover operation, sir.
It supplies baby-sitters and au pair girls
to some of the most important families.
Then it must be infiltrated by someone absolutely reliable.
我希望你不是在想我 -我想到了马特
I hope you weren’t thinking of me. – I was thinking of Mata.
不是马特·海利吧! 长官
You can’t mean Mata Hari, sir.
不 她女儿 马特邦德
No, her daughter Mata Bond.
马特邦德? 长官
Mata Bond, sir?
Her mother gave her that name
because I happen to be the child’s sort of godfather.
我就知道你认识马特·海利 她真是太棒了
And to think that you knew Mata Hari! She really was one of the greats.
对 是很棒的舞蹈家 但是个很不好的谍报员
Yes. Great little dancer, terrible spy.
然而这个小马特可能不是好舞蹈家 而是好情报员
Whereas young Mata is a terrible dancer. Might be a great little spy.
不可思议 真是不可思议 使我又想起了过去
It’s uncanny. Quite uncanny. What memories it brings back.
巴黎 柏林 维也纳 那些晚上我们狂舞
Paris, Berlin, Vienna. How madly we danced through the night.
我打扮成一个匈牙利的轻骑兵… -你在说什么?
I was disguised as a Hungarian hussar… – What are you going on about?
你是你母亲的最美好回忆 每一寸都是美丽的
You’re the very image of your mother and every bit as beautiful.
You knew my mum?
I am Sir James Bond.
爸爸 -我的孩子
Daddy! – My child.
要蛇蛋吗? -不 谢谢你 不适合我
Snake’s egg? – No, thanks. They don’t agree with me.
你是个万人迷 是不是
Well, you’re a charmer, aren’t you?
You dump me in an orphanage when I’m three,
现在 因为你需要我…
and now, because you need me…
当时我的处境很困难 因为我的事业正是如日中天
It really was very difficult. My career was at its height…
那真是痛苦难忘的经历 我可以告诉你
It was a traumatic experience, I can tell you,
You know, it’s no joke being the illegitimate daughter
of Mata Hari and James Bond.
Still, you do get my monthly paychecks?
Your monthly paychecks went on analysts’ fees.
所以我才到这里来 我必须要离开那一切
That’s why I came here. I had to get away from it all.
对不起 我都不知情 但你在这里似乎很愉快
I had no idea. Well, I must say, you seem to be very comfortable here.
这里很疯狂 你要来一口吗?
It’s crazy. You want a drag?
不 谢谢你 我戒掉了 这些人是谁?
No, thank you. I’m trying to give that up. Who are all these people?
是庙里的高僧 弗雷德 你们离开吧!
They’re the high priests of the temple. OK, Fred. Hop it.
真是有意思 把你看成女神了
Extraordinary performance. They seem to treat you like a goddess.
Well, I am the Celestial Virgin of the Sacred Altar.
偶像崇拜之类的事 对吗? -对 要茶吗?
Figuratively speaking, of course. – Of course. Some tea.
来杯茶 好极了
A cup of tea. Splendid.
是罂粟子作成的 喝两杯你就会灵魂出窍
It’s made from poppy seeds. Two cups of this and you’re stoned out of your mind.
Thank you.
你如果不是我爸 我想我会喜欢你
You know, if you weren’t my dad, I think I could fancy you.
嗯 你真好 亲爱的
Well, that’s very good of you, my dear.
好像有一点热了 你不觉得吗?
Rather warm in here, don’t you think?
凉快点 查理
Cool it, Charlie.
So you want me to go to Berlin, huh?
马特 你记得那间费马的房♥子吗
Now, Mata. You remember the old house on the Feldmannstrasse?
Where Mum had her dancing school.
It’s become International Mothers’ Help.
但那只是实际功能的伪装 它是…
But that’s just a cover for its real function. It is…
Does he speak English?
查理 你会说英语吗?
Hey, Charlie. Speak English?
不会 -好
No. – Good.
It is a training centre for what are commonly referred to as spies.
You are eminently suited to infiltrate the organisation.
在伦敦进行二周讲习后 你就到柏林去
Two weeks’ briefing in London and you’re off to Berlin.
你要我去当间谍 和妈一样
You want me to be a spy like Mum, huh?
好啊 -家族传统 亲爱的
Well! – Family tradition, my dear.
Do I get an exploding briefcase and a secret transmitter?
That won’t be necessary.
I have to have some equipment.
Your mother wiped out three divisions of infantry and five of cavalry and…
嗯 坦白说 她的装备比你少很多
Well, frankly, she had much less equipment than you have.
If you have any problems, contact London immediately.
Are there any questions?
嗯 我有一个问题
Well, I have got one question.
How do I get to Berlin?
噢 亲爱的! 我真糊涂
Oh, dear! Silly me.
去那里? -柏林
Where to? – Berlin.
东柏林还是西柏林? -当然是西柏林
East or West? – West, of course.
Well, that’s all right, then.
替我跟爸说再见 -好 祝旅途愉快 祝好运
Say goodbye to Dad for me. – Yes. Have a good trip. Jolly good luck.
躲开 你这疯子! 你想干嘛?
Get out of it, you lunatic! What are you trying to do?
快点! 走 躲开 别挡路! 走吧
Come on! Move. Get out of it. Get out the way! Go on.
总共492英镑52先令 -你等一下
That’ll be 492 pounds, 52 shillings – You’ll have to wait.
我以前像这样被抓过 我还没有吃晚饭
I’ve been caught like that before. I haven’t had my dinner yet.
我没有零钱 -又来了
I don’t have any change. – Here we go.
Do you have a finished?
我的晚餐怎样 唉?
What about my dinner then, eh?
这算是什么自♥由♥? 你看到了吗?
What a liberty. Did you see that?
这里有餐厅 先生
Any fish and chip shops round here, mensch?
你是谁? 有什么事?
Who are you? What do you want?
I’m here to enrol as a student.
What are your qualifications?
我是马特·海利的女儿 -马特·海利!
I am the daughter of Mata Hari. – Mata Hari!
你是个骗子 -是吗?
You are a liar. – Am I?
Well, what about this, then?
My little Mata Hari!
I told you she’d come back!
静一下! 否则我把你关掉
Silence! Or I will switch you off.
不要那个! 就不要那个
Not that! Anything but that.
You’re even more fascinating than your mother.
你一定是巴雷夫蔓 妈的老师
You must be Frau Hoffner, Mum’s teacher.
我很荣幸 -你一定是波罗
I had that honour. – You must be Polo.
她记得我 她的小波罗 我的小马特她记得我
She remembers me, her little Polo. She remembers me.
欢迎回到家里 -非常欢迎
