But how? – How? By playing baccarat.
西维 我怎么办呢?
But Le Chiffre, what about me?
What’s going to happen to me?
谢谢! 欢迎光临法国 邦德先生
Thank you. And welcome to France, Monsieur Bond.
我们不想我们的谈话被听见 上车吧
We don’t want our little talk to be overheard. Get in the car.
嗯 没什么好谈的 对吗?
Well, there’s nothing to talk about, is there?
也许对 也许不对
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
重要的是 你不要把自己卷入
The point is you must not allow yourself to become involved.
别忘了 这里有很多人都会监视你
Don’t forget there are many people here who loathe and despise you.
我必须警告你 邦德 我的指示是
I have to warn you, Bond, my instructions are
that you play your game with Le Chiffre and leave immediately.
No one can be such a perverse idiot as to assault a customs official.
It must be deliberate.
也可能是他有本领 长官
It may just be natural talent, sir.
I have to warn Vesper.
你是说邦德007情报员 长官 -对! 对!
You mean James Bond 007, sir. – Yes, yes, yes.
贝丝 邦德007情报员 贝丝在吗?
Vesper? James Bond 007? Vesper, are you there!
哈罗! 我在
Hello, Sir James. Yes, I’m here.
我不能看到你 你的图象消失
I can’t see you. Your picture’s gone.
不 没有 我刚好在洗澡
No, it hasn’t. I was just getting into the bath.
贝丝 你认为坦傅是双重间谍吗
Vesper, do you think Tremble could be a double agent?
他做特务已经够麻烦了 把他留给我吧
He has enough trouble being a single agent. Leave him to me.
好 完毕
Right. Over and out.
Mr Bond?
打不中 邦德先生
Missed, Mr Bond.

I am Miss Goodthighs.
I can see that.
You’ve got your cork still in your bottle.
没错 你要怎么做?
So I have. What are you going to do about it?
Stick your arm out.
The management of the Hotel Tropical send their compliments
and hope you will enjoy your stay with us.
I see.
你的裤子很性感 詹姆斯
Very sexy pants you’re wearing, James.
是 这是最流行的前双O型
Yes, they’re the new double-O-fronts.
Tell me, Miss Goodthighs,
how much did you tip the porter to let you in here?
对他们好一点而已 -多好?
I just showed him a little kindness. – How much?
略施小惠而已 他83岁了
Not too much. He’s 83.
It’s a good year.
What can I do for you?
The question should be what can I do for you?
你有何建议? -有这个建议
Have you got any suggestions? – This, for one.
告诉我你的事 詹姆斯
Tell me about yourself, James.
Well, I’ve had some pretty wild times in my life.
你可以移过一点吗? 你刚躺在我的零钱上
Could you move over a bit? You’re lying on my loose change.
詹姆斯 我需要你
James, I need you.
是 是 是 嗯 我可以理解 亲爱的
Yes, yes, yes. Well, I can understand that, my dear.
我要多了解你一点 -当然好
I want to know you better. – You’re absolutely right.
这香槟酒真烈 奇怪
My goodness, this is strong shampoo.
This really is.
我想清洗一下 我会很快的
I think I’d better freshen up a bit quick.
五分钟后就回来 如果没回来就别等我了
I’ll be back in five minutes. If I’m not, start without me.
Evelyn! Evelyn!
Evelyn! Evelyn!
Evelyn! Evelyn!
爱佛林 醒醒 起来 爱佛林 你怎么了?
Evelyn, wake up! Evelyn, what’s the matter?
醒醒 你被下药了 -什么?
Wake up! You were drugged. – What?
你被下药了 -对 我知道我被下药
You were drugged. – Yes, I know I was drugged.
我吃了解药 然后…
I put the antidote pill in. And then…
Hey, I thought those antidote pills were supposed to give me 24-hour protection.
I’ve got to get Sir James Bond…
There is no time for that.
看看你 你甚至还戴着眼镜
Look at you! You’re wearing your glasses
and you know you’re not supposed to.
James Bond doesn’t wear glasses.
对 我只是想在我高♥潮♥时能看得清
Yes, but I… It’s just that I like to see who I’m shooting.
现在离牌局还有几小时而已 快进去洗澡
There are only a few hours left before the game. Now, get freshened up.
Here, what about Miss Goodthighs?
别再想了 我会关照那个妖精 要把精神放在牌局上
Don’t worry. I took care of her. Now concentrate on the game.
贝丝 我对那牌局有一点看法
Vesper, I’ve given this game a lot of thought.
When I go into that casino tonight,
我要坐在西维的正对面 看着他的眼 然后说
I’m going to sit down opposite Le Chiffre, look him in the eye and say…
No cards.
庄家九点 -不可思议 他从未输过
Neuf àla banque. – It’s amazing! He never loses.
庄家赢 游戏结束了
La banque gagne. La partie est termin.
肃静! 请别说话
Quiet. Absolute silence, please.
这个实验 我需要一位年青女士的帮忙
For this experiment, I require the assistance of a young lady.
你 夫人 看着我的眼
You, madam. Look me in the eyes!
你们 任何一位都可以 和往常一样看着我的赌码
And you, Georges, keep your eyes on my chips.
I present you with the levitation of the Princess Ayisha,
an illusion taught to me by an ancient vegetarian
in the mountain fastnesses of Tibet.
她不会感到痛楚 我的助手会
She feels no pain. My assistants will enshroud her
in this perfectly ordinary paisley shawl.
Now will you all place your hands on the table?
Now let’s get the show off the ground.
把手放好 夫人 你还在浮升
Keep your hand in place, madam, and continue to ascend into thin air.
不要把视线离开她 都不可以
Don’t take your eyes from her, not one of you.
It is by your perfect concentration
that the young lady remains floating in thin air.
对不起 女士 让你久等了
Excuse me, madam. Sorry to keep you hanging around.
先生 你要存款吗?
Monsieur. You wish to make a deposit?
是的 -多少钱?
Yes. – How much?
十万英磅现票 -十万!
100,000 pounds sterling. – One hundred thou…
You can keep the case with my compliments.
谢谢你! 先生 请教大名 先生
Thank you, monsieur. Could we have the name, please?
邦德 詹姆斯·邦德
Bond. James Bond.
James B…
詹姆斯·邦德? -是的! 詹姆斯·邦德
James Bond? – Yes, James Bond.
是 詹姆斯·邦德
Yes. James Bond.
I wonder if you’d be kind enough to sign my autograph book.
不是我要的 是我小妹要的
It’s not for me, you understand. It’s my little sister.
I wonder if you’d be kind enough
我想你可以在那十万英磅赌码上 盖上你的印♥章♥了
to put your autograph on that receipt for the 100,000 sterling.
当然 邦德先生
But of course, Mr Bond.
不是我要的 是给其它人的
It’s not for me, it’s for somebody else.
现在有什么事? -我要带你见见酒店的经理
Now what happens? – We go to the casino director’s office.
哪一个指给我看 指给我就可以
Point me. Just point me.
怎么回事? -没什么
What’s the matter? – Nothing.
只是跟白金汉会所有点不一样 没什么
Just a bit different from the Buckingham Club, that’s all.
Bond has arrived.
邦德到了 所有人员加强警戒
Bond is here. All staff on the alert.
Come in.
你好 哈罗 真高兴再见到你
Ah! Hello. How nice to see you again.
我为你们介绍 -我们见过面了
May I introduce… – We have met.
史密特钟斯先生 邦德先生
Mr Slymington-Jones, Mr James Bond.
你好 请尽兴地玩
How do you do? Do make yourself comfortable.
I see you’ve put a tiger in your office.
对 我买♥♥了很多只 除了你看到的那只
Yes. I have several actually. That one that you so cleverly spotted,
the head on the wall over there,
还有你快要踏到的那一只 小心
and the one you’re about to trip over. Do be careful.

The man in the white coat is Le Chiffre.
别怕 这是单向的镜子
Don’t be afraid. It’s a one-way mirror.
往哪边? -那边
Which way? – That way.
停止发牌 -停止发牌
No card. – No card.
Neuf àla banque.
邦德先生 你可以在这里看见西维
