A film so delicate you can almost break it off in your hand, this is a stunning biography of Ruan Lingyu, China’s first real movie star, a woman who lived a “colorful” life and was dead before she was 30. Director Stanley Kwan deftly mixes his narrative with actual film clips, re-creations of lost films, interviews with survivors, and his own conversations with his cast. The result is a kaleidoscope of emotion and tragedy. Maggie Cheung is nothing less than astonishing as Ruan, and she is ably supported by Tony Leung (of Anna’s the lover).

这是一部非常精致的电影,你几乎可以用手把它拍下来。这是一部关于阮玲玉的精彩传记。阮玲玉是中国第一位真正的电影明星,她过着“多姿多彩”的生活,30岁前就去世了。导演关锦鹏巧妙地将自己的叙述与真实的电影片段、遗失电影的再创作、对幸存者的采访以及他自己与演员的对话结合起来。结果是情绪和悲剧的万花筒。张曼玉和阮一样令人惊讶,她得到了梁朝伟(Tony Leung)的大力支持。

movie star电影明星
actual film【机】实际薄膜
nothing less than简直,全然
ably干练的; 能干地
