没事 大人 有人受伤了吗? 没有
Yes, your honor. was anyone hurt?
Then will mr. kaufman begin?
大人 从建立Simon Dunne基金
Your honor, since its inception,the simon dunnert, counselor.
Was managed by mr. dunne and a board of trustees…
其中也包括了他的孙女—我的当事人Mina Dunne
Which included his granddaughter, my client mina dunne.
在他逝世后 董事会被解散了
Upon his death, that board was disbanded.
We wanna know why.
是这样 这是来自我的当事人的指令 大人
Well, it was on instructions from my client, your honor.
他为什么要这么做? 这些人都曾是他的朋友
Why would he do that? these people were his friends.
They were wonderful people who loved kids and music…
但他们对于管理一个一亿元的基金 是不称职的
But they weren’t qualiflled to managea 100milliondolrt, counselor.
那就是为什么他签署了 大人 你看
That’s why he signed your honor, please.
面向法庭说话 出庭律师
Address the court, counselor.
Simon Dunne签署了财产继承权指定
Simon dunne signed a power of appointment appointing…
Walter Arnell和Steven Delano为该基金的唯一保管人
Walter arnell and steven delanosole trustees ofge of him, gavin
他年纪大了 他是被欺骗的
He was old and he was taken advantage of.
你欺骗了他 Gavin!
You took advantage of him, gavin!
现在你是在指控一项罪名 Dunne小姐
Now you’re charging a crime, miss dunne…
这是遗嘱认证法♥院♥ 不是刑事法庭
And this is probate court, not criminal court.
考夫曼先生 你的当事人能理解吗? 她能理解 大人
Does your client understand? she does, your honor.
大人 我来这里不是要和理解
Your honor, i’m not here to debate everyone’s opinion…
Simon Dunne意图的人争辩的
About simon dunne’s intention.
I’m here to present some papers to the court…
Which are signed by mr. dunne.
它们都已经被确认过 进一步而言
They’ve all been notarized. and furthermore…
They direct the foundation to be administered…
In precisely the way in which mr. dunne…
Not his granddaughter, intended.
我可以呈证吗? 你拿到了些什么?
Please the court? what do you got?
Trust agreement…
Tax exemption…
Power of appointment.
Banek先生? 对不起
Mr. banek? sorry.
Mr. banek?
I made a mistake.
What mistake?
今天早上 在交通意外发生后 我们在公路旁
This morning, after the accident by the side of the road…
We were exchanging insurance information…
And i used the file folder…
来 你知道的 来 你知道 来
To, you know, to you know, to
不 我不知道
No, i don’t know.
To write my name on, and address.
And i gave it to him.
我想我那时候犯糊涂了 一定是事故造成的
I just wasn’t thinking clearly,i guess. must’ve bnor. thank you
Did you get his name?
我有他的 有 当然我有他的名字
Did i get his yes, of course i got his name.
Let’s call him.
如果我 如果记忆还保存的话 大人
As i if memory serves, your honor…
我相信他不会来的 你怎么知道?
I believe he’s not in. how do you know?
He made some reference to the fact that he was…
Feeling hurried because…
He had to be at an appointment of some sort.
打电♥话♥给他 留个言 好的 我会打的
Call him and leave a message. yes, of course. i will.
大人 我可以提个建议吗?
Your honor, may i make a suggestion?
我不忙 我理解
I’m in no hurry, and i know how bad…
一个人在车祸后的心情是很糟糕的 对吗?
A person feels after a a car crash, right?
是的 谢谢 特瑞
Yeah. thanks, terry.
不必了 小事一桩
No. don’t mention it.
那么 Gavin 当这个你并不知道名字的男人
So, gavin, when the man, whose name you don’t know…
Gets out of the meeting that you say he’s in…
Would you call him at the numberthat you think idonor. thank you
这样我们就有那些你向我们证明的文件了 用以证明
So that we can have the document youassure us gives magical power.
That the senior partners of your law firm…
能支配那笔Simon Dunne留给纽约的孩子们的钱?
Do control the money simon dunneleft to the childonor. thank you.
没有用的 他有副本的 他会把副本带来的
Doesn’t matter. he’ll have a copy. he’ll bring the copy in.
A piece of paper with an original signature on it…
Still has great magical power.
Without that piece of paper with the signature…
Miss dunne can sue that law firm for fraud…
And possibly send you and the othermembers of your lonor. thank you.
Banek先生 找到那个人
Mr. banek, find your man…
And bring me back that file by the end of the day.
谢谢你 大人 也谢谢你
Thank you, your honor. thank you.
等一下 先生 请把手举起来
Hold on, sir. put your hands up, please.
等一下 还没有完呢
Wait. hold on a second.
Okay 谢谢合作 先生
Okay. thank you, sir.
爸爸! 嗨 小家伙们
Dad! hey, guys.
你迟到了 老妈已经进去了 那个袋里是什么?
You’re late. mom went in already. what’s in the bag?
什么袋? 老爸!
What bag? daddy!
哦 这个 这是为法官准备的礼物
Oh, this bag. it’s a present for the judge.
我要礼物! 我要礼物!
I want a present! i want a present!
老爸 你不该对他撒谎 Okay okay
You shouldn’t lie to him, dad. okay, okay.
I would never give a judge such a cool present.
生日快乐 昨天的 听我说 孩子们
Happy birthday yesterday. listen to me, guys.
一切会更好 我买♥♥了一栋大屋
Everything’s gonna be better. i bought a house.
在俄勒冈? 不 在昆斯
In oregon? no, in queens.
老妈说我们要搬到俄勒冈去了 现在不必了
Mommy says we’re movin’ to oregon. now you don’t have to.
这是我为什么买♥♥大屋的原因 不必搬到俄勒冈去了
That’s why i bought the house soyou don’t have toe there with us?
Are you gonna live there with us?
看法官怎么说了 okay?
See what the judge says, okay?
The court denies the motion for joint custody…
And awards sole custody of the children to their mother.
Gipson小姐将搬到俄勒冈 找一份新工作
Miss gipson is moving to oregon to start a new job.
每周探访是不可能的 因此
Weekly visitations are impossi ble. so noted.
记录员 停一下! 大人
File with the court clerk. hold it! your honor
大人 我知道我迟到了 但是 是有人撞了我的车
Your honor, i know i’m late, but someone hit my car.
现在 看 看看这 这是证据 新的证据
Now see, look here. this is evidence new evidence.
我有一个对于共同监护的新计划 全在这里了
I have a new plan for joint custody. it’s all right here.
Gipson先生 你迟到了 听证会已经结束了
Mr. gipson, you are late, andthe hearing has mr. gipson.
但是我出了事故啊 大人 我们可以走了吗?
But i had an accident. your honor, are we free to go?
我还没有开始呢! 法庭已判决了 Gipson先生
I’m not done yet! the court ruled, mr. gipson.
但那时候我不在这里 法庭已经判决了
But i wasn’t here. the court ruled.
Valerie 我 我给你买♥♥了大房♥子
Valerie, i i bought you a house.
太迟了 大人 不 这并不太迟!
It’s too late, your honor. no, it’s not too late!
才二十分钟 只是二十分钟
It’s 20 minutes. it’s just 20 minutes.
二十分钟不能说太迟了 Valerie 求求你了
Twenty minutes can’t be too late. valerie, please.
Don’t let 20 minutes stand in theway of what i’m mr. gipson.
不要说了 不要和他说话
Please don’t start. don’t talk to him.
Gipson先生 你能否上前来一下?
Mr. gipson, would you please approach the bench?
大人 我们现在能走了吗? 可以
Your honor, can we leave now? yes.
Gipson先生 Valerie 我们不能交谈了?
Mr. gipson valerie, can’t we talk?
Valerie 我们可以 Gipson先生
Valerie, can we mr. gipson.
Gipson先生 到这里来一下 好吗?
Mr. gipson, come here for a moment. please?
你太冲动了 像你刚才这样在我这里大呼小叫
Emotions run high in here. ifthis weren’t a durse you are.
的方式 是不能被允许发生在离婚法庭的
The way you just yelled in my courtroom
对不起 你当然应该道歉
I’m sorry. of course you are.
你已经有了孩子了 Gipson先生 多为他们考虑考虑
You have children, mr. gipson. keep them in front of you.
我只是想告诉我妻子我为她和孩子们 买♥♥了一栋房♥子
I just wanted to tell my wife igot her a house f down the street
什么时候? 嗯 我把文件全带来了
When? well, i have it all right here.
那是我的计划 我为Valerie和孩子们 找到了一栋房♥子
That’s my plan. i found a housefor valerie and ave to move.
And they don’t have to move.
这就是我所想说的 男孩需要他们的父亲
This is what i wanted to say. “boys need their fathers.
对于没有父亲的孩子来说 世间的大街小巷是寂寞的
The streets of this world are lonelyfor boys without
我已经酿了大错 我已经醒悟了
I have made mistakes, and i have grown…
And i have recognized those mistakes.”
What kind of a house?
不是很大的房♥子 外型不是很大
It’s not a big house, and it’s not in great shape.
但是我可以装♥修♥它 让它适合居住
But i can fix it. i can make it work.
And there’s a space for
