Let us praise famous men and our fathers that begat us.
All these men were honored in their generations
伦敦 1978年
– 火 之 战 车 –
and were a glory in their days.
我们今日在此 颂赞哈洛德亚伯拉罕的一生
We are here today to give thanks for the life of Harold Abrahams.
To honor the legend.
Now there are just two of us,
young Aubrey Montague and myself,
闭上双眼 遥想当年几名年轻人
who can close our eyes and remember those few young men
心中满怀希望 健步如飞
with hope in our hearts and wings on our heels.
“卡尔顿饭店 伯斯戴尔 肯特郡 1924年6月28日”
“Carlton Hotel, Broadstairs, Kent. 28th June, 1924.”
“亲爱的母亲 很遗憾得知你身体微恙及家乡天候不佳”
“Dear Mum, I’m most awfully sorry about your cold and the general dreariness.”
“这里的天气也很恶劣 谢谢你的来信”
“We’re having quite bad weather here too.” “Thanks for your letters. I’m sorry you are disappointed
“我知道你和爸 对我参加奥♥运♥一事不表苟同”
that I let the Olympic Games interfere with my shorthand.”
“But if you were my age,
with a chance at the world championship, you’d be just as big a fool as I am.”
“顺便一提 尽管我白♥痴♥ 这里此类人也有”
“By the way, it’s awfully kind of Pa to fnance me here, in spite of my idiocy.”
“团队精神是了不起的 小伙子们都很努力”
“It’s marvellous for esprit de corps. Most of the chaps have managed to get down.”
– 板球 蒙蒂勾 在舞厅 – 现在!
– Cricket, Montague, in the ballroom. – Now!
No ball!
快点 奥布里 腿有问题了
Come on, Aubrey, the old leg break.
– 哈特! – 没出界
– Howzat! – Not out.
什么? 你听这该死的臭嘴!
What? You could hear it in bloody Bournemouth!
– 快点 利德 我击球 – 我没有碰它
– Come on, Liddell, my innings. – I didn’t touch it.
– 你听我的手腕噼啪声 – 我见到这该死的弯东西!安迪!
– You heard the crack of my wrist. – I saw the bloody thing bend! Andy!
No tickle for me.
我说了 他出界了 你们怎么都聋瞎了
He’s out, I tell you. You’re all deaf and bloody blind.
奥布里 我求你 看在上帝的份上!
Aubrey, I ask you, for God’s sake!
It’s not fair!
All right.
“在哈洛德这里 照样很热情”
“Harold’s here. As intense as ever.”
“Just as he was on our very frst day at Cambridge.”
“I remember we shared a taxi together.”
剑桥 凯斯学院 1919年
I’ll take these.
– 回头见 艾伯瑞 – 好
– See you inside, Aubrey. – Right.
– 叫什么名字? – 我们是新来的
– Name, please? – We’re new.
– 废话 叫什么名字? – 亚伯拉罕HM
I can see that, laddie. What’s your name? Abrahams. HM.
– 你名字在最前面 立普顿书院? – 对 一年前离开的
– Top of the list. Repton. That the one? – That’s it. Left a year ago.
Been doing your bit? France?
– 没有 我太晚入伍 – 小子 算你运气不好
– No. Joined too late. – Bad luck, lad.
我想很多为国捐躯的人 巴不得像我一样
Many a dead man would’ve liked a share of it.
You’re right there, son.
Welcome to Caius.
Sign here.
Thank you.
Across the courtyard, right-hand corner, up the stairs.
Thanks. By the way, what are your names?
我是服务生领班罗杰斯 他是我的助手拉克夫先生
Rogers, head porter, and this is Mr. Ratcliffe, my assistant.
我入伍之后就没人叫我小子了 明白吗?
Mr. Rogers, Ratcliffe, I ceased to be “laddie” when I took up the King’s commission.
亚伯拉罕先生 我明白了
– Is that clear? – Yes… Mr. Abrahams. Quite clear.
谢谢 麻烦请你记住这一点
Thank you. I’d be obliged if you’d remember it.
– 回头见 – 很好
– See you later. – Fine.
What’s your friend studying, then, son? Barrack-room law?
I’ve no idea.
他姓亚伯拉罕 恐怕进不了唱诗班 对吧?
One thing’s certain – a name like Abrahams, he won’t be in the chapel choir, now, will he?
– 你叫什么名字? – 蒙塔库
– Name? – Montague.
什么?- 蒙塔库
– What? – Montague.
我看了本校为国捐躯的 学生名单
I take the war list and I run down it.
Name after name which I cannot read
让我们这些比各位年长的人 为之鼻酸
and which we, who are older than you, cannot hear without emotion.
对新生而言 这些名字 没什么特殊意义
Names which will be only names to you, the new college,
but which, to us, summon up face after face,
这些诚实 善良的好青年
full of honesty and goodness,
热情 有活力 前途一片看好
zeal and vigor and intellectual promise.
是世代菁英 也是英国的荣耀
The flower of a generation. The glory of England.
他们为英国 及英国所代表的理念而死
And they died for England and all that England stands for.
现在因悲剧性的因缘际会 各位承袭了他们的梦想
And now, by tragic necessity, their dreams have become yours.
Let me exhort you – examine yourselves.
找寻自己大放异彩的 机会与潜力
Let each of you discover where your true chance of greatness lies.
各位要为了他们 学院和国家 把握这个机会
For their sakes, for the sake of your college and your country, seize this chance,
因此机会而欣喜 不要因任何外力半途而废
rejoice in it, and let no power or persuasion deter you in your task.
1919年10月10日 星期四
Thursday, October 10th, 1919.
新生晚餐为我在剑桥的第一天 画下完美的句点
My first day at Cambridge was rounded off by the freshmen’s dinner. A sumptuous affair.
院长发表了一篇感人至深的演说 真希望学期快点开始
The master gave us a moving speech and I’m now eagerly awaiting the start of term proper.
橄榄球队 高球社 网球社 博物社 集邮社
Rugby club, golfing society, tennis, squash club, flora and fauna, philately.
– 就这些吗? – 我不能一网打尽 我还得用功
– Is that all? You’re idle. – I can’t join everything. I must work.
– 你可以带书去赏鸟 – 我看书时怎么赏鸟?
– Bird watching. Take a book. – How can I watch if I’m reading?
Follow in the footsteps of WG. Any Yorkshiremen?
– 史特勒 加入这个吧 – 我对板球一窍不通
– There you are, Stallard. – I can’t bat for toffee.
– Abrahams. – Can you manage tenor?
我五音不全呢 艾伯瑞 你会唱歌♥吗?
– We’re short of tenors. – Only under torture. Aubrey? Sing, do you?
– School choir, that’s all. – Stallard?
Not on your life. They kicked me out of “Ring-a-ring o’ Roses.”
Sorry. We can’t all be gifted.
– 把我朋友的名字也写下来 – 星期一开始练唱
– Put my friend down as well. – Steady on. Splendid. Rehearsals start Monday. lolanthe.
– 我是唱中高音的 – 好极了 你可以演仙后
– I was a boy alto. – Perfect. You can be Queen of the Fairies.
我们对无辜战死的 数百万人有责任
We have a solemn duty to those lives needlessly slaughtered.
优秀的中距离跑者 可不是天生的
Glad to have you. Good middle-distance men don’t grow on trees.
I can’t vouch for those times.
Taken with the school alarm clock, most of them.
一秒之差无所谓 对我来说他们已经够好了
Give or take a second, they’re good enough for me.
Have you come across a fellow called HM Abrahams?
– 听说他要参加环校挑战赛 – 有什么大不了的?
– He’s challenged for the college dash. – What’s so special about that?
七百年来从未有人成功过 你会什么?
It’s special because in 700 years, nobody’s ever done it. Right, what do you do?
Right, chaps, thank you. Thank you.
Let it be known that HM Abrahams of Gonville and Caius
has formally made challenge for the college dash.
说清楚 哈洛德!
You show ’em, Harold.
For those unfamiliar with the rules, they are as follows.
挑战者必须从校园的 钟塔下开始
The challenger will atempt to run around the court perimeter, to and from a point beneath the clock,
在中午十二声钟响结束前 沿着校园环校一圈
within the time taken by the clock to strike midday,
a distance traditionally recognized as one of 188 paces.
亚伯拉罕 你脚上装了火箭呀?
I say, Abrahams, what have you got on your feet? Rockets?
– 挑战将在ue4d1 – 你没机会的啦
– The challenge will commence on… – You haven’t got a chance.
Do it for Israel.
挑战于第一声钟响开始 必须在第十二声钟响之前完成
The challenge commences on the stroke of one. The challenger must finish before the stroke of 12.
– 你这个自大狂 – 请挑战者准备
– Come on, Abrahams, you swank. – Will the challenger make himself ready?
This Abrahams, what do you know about him?
他是犹太人 毕业于立普顿 父亲是搞金融的
Repton chap. Jewish. His father’s a financier in the city.
Financier? What’s that supposed to mean, I wonder?
I imagine he lends money.
没错 他们对他儿子有何风评?
Exactly. And what do they say about the son?
学业成绩出色 傲慢 暴躁好斗
Academically sound. Arrogant. Defensive to the point of pugnacity.
As they invariably are.
但是他很有责任感 也很忠诚
Yet possessing a keen sense of duty and loyalty.
– 他脚程快吗? – 快得像风一样
– Do they say he can run? – Like the wind.
Gentlemen, would you draw back, please? Away from the course. Thank you.
亚伯拉罕先生 请就位
Mr. Abrahams, your position, please.
既然没有别的挑战者 就由亚伯拉罕先生独自出赛
Owing to the absence of a challenger, Mr. Abrahams will run alone.
Not so, Mr. Starter.
– 贵姓?念哪个学院? – 林西
– Your name and college, if you please, sir. – Lindsay. I race beside my friend here.
我要和朋友代表立普顿 伊顿和凯斯学院挑战
We challenge in the name of Repton, Eton and Caius.
– 我不知道你也跑步 – 彼此彼此
– I didn’t know you ran. – Nor I you. Some chap told me about this.
我听说你要挑战 来陪你跑 顺便驱策你
I thought I’d come and push you along.
– 太好了- 好极了 – 祝你好运
– Delighted. – Splendid. – Good luck.
Gentlemen, to your marks, if you please.
记得 钟声一响就开始
Now remember, on the first strike of 12.
Come on.
加油 跟上他
Come on. Stay with it.
再跑快点 加油
