I’m sorry, but this is none of your business what I did…
-我觉得可能有关系 -这不关你任何事
-I think it might be. -After I divorce you.
再说 你跟你那性感的女招待干了些什么
Second of all, I don’t ask you
what you do with your hot ittle waitress.
-这可完全不一样 -对 真的
-That’s completely different. -OK, really.
-而且不公平 -对 没错
-And that’s not fair. -Yeah, yeah.
This is somebody you loved and shared a life with…
Why do we have to talk about this right now?
Because I took a business meeting with the guy.
-现在不是时候 -就是现在 我想知道原因
-This is not the moment. -It is. I wanna know why.
He’s smiling like he’s got something on me.
-我不知道是什么 -拜托 你了解他
-I dunno what it is. -Please, you know him.
I do know how him.
你知道他是什么人 有谁在意呢
You know how he is. So who cares?
-我在意 -你为什么想知道
-I care! -Why do you need to know?
-我只是想 -好
-I just would like to… -OK.
这跟我没关系 我只是想知道而已
It doesn’t bother me. I just wanna know.
听我说 我曾经非常伤心 非常寂寞
Just listen. I was very sad. I was very lonely.
-而你比谁都清楚 -好了 别说了 够了
-And you, more than anyone, know… -OK. That’s it. That’s enough.
How I get after I have a couple of drinks.
-我不想知道细节 -我
-I don’t want to know the details. -I get…
听我说 我不是你的女朋友
Please. I’m not one of your girlfriends.
-不要告诉我 别再说了 -他是我的初恋
-Don’t tell me. Stop talking. -He was my first.
-好了 孩子在这里 -事情就顺其自然地发生了
-OK, the kid’s here. -It came out like a natural, organic thing.
-我不想知道这个 -我们没有
-I don’t want to know about this. -We didn’t…
We didn’t go through with it.
我们坐下来 然后意识到我们只是朋友
Sat there and we realised we’re just good friends.
I think there’s something dead in there.
好 去看看 也许是只老鼠
Uhh. OK, go and look for it. Maybe it’s a rat.
-我们去看老鼠 -我得去工作了 我会回来的
-Let’s go look for the rat. -I have to work, and I’ll be back.
-不 等等 等等 -你要走 不 不行
-No, wait, wait, wait. -You’re going? No, no, no.
You can’t leave.
你说过你会帮我的 好吗
You said you were going to help me, OK?
跟着你♥爸♥爸干活 很有趣的
Go work with your dad. It’s fun.
我晚点会回来 拜
I’ll be back later. ‘Bye.
好啦 拿上那个桶 装满它
Alright. Take that bucket, fill it.
See the hose?
垃圾 垃圾 垃圾
Trash, trash, trash.
留着 留着
Save that, save that.
Save the metal ones.
Tip it over.
好啦 小子
Alright, buddy.
I got some presents for you.
Watch this.
钢丝球刷 明白吧
Steel wool, right?
刷子用力擦 明白吧
Scrub brush. Right?
I want you to do that on the whole truck.
小子 你不用洗那个 我们要扔了它
Hey, buddy, you don’t have to clean that. We’re throwing it out.
好吗 洗点别的
Alright? Clean something else.
好了 看起来不错 现在去洗橱柜
Alright, that looks good. Clean out the lowboy now.
-什么 -橱
-The what? -The low…
冰箱里面 就这个 洗干净
The reach-in fridge, right here. Clean this out.
That’s it.
臭味就是这里来的 那是什么
That’s where the smell’s coming from. What is that?
我不知道 管它是什么 处理干净
I don’t know. Whatever it is, clean it out.
What the hell are you doing?
-你跟我说处理干净的 -别扔到垃圾桶里
-You told me to clean it out. -Not throw it in the garbage.
那个铁盘子还很好 洗干净它
That’s a perfectly good hotel pan. Scrub it out.
不 太恶心了 我不要洗那个
No, that’s gross! I’m not cleaning that out.
-把它从垃圾桶捡起来 -开玩笑吗
-Pick it out of the garbage. -Are you kidding?
-太恶心了 -你不能把它扔垃圾桶里
-It’s disgusting. -You don’t throw it in the garbage.
就像我们留下的其它东西一样 洗干净就好了
Like we saved the rest of the stuff. Let’s just clean it out.

-把它从垃圾堆里捡起来 -不
-Pick it out of the trash. -No.
Pick it out of the trash can.
You wanted to work in a kitchen.
这就是在厨房♥里干的活 好吗
This is what working in a kitchen is, OK?
We don’t throw shit out.
没错 我想到厨房♥来 然后做菜
Yeah, I wanted to come and cook.
-不是洗这个 -把它从垃圾桶里捡起来
-Not clean it! -Pick it out of the garbage!
不 我洗了你的整辆破车
No! I cleaned your whole stupid truck!
Why are you so mean to me!
Hey, I can’t get a hold of your mom.
但是你 车看起来很棒
But you… The truck looks great.
你做得很棒 对不起 我态度不好
You did a great job. I’m sorry I was mean.
That wasn’t right of me.
I gotta pick up some equipment for the truck.
在妈妈打电♥话♥回来前 你想跟着我 帮我挑个炉子吗
You wanna come with me and help me pick out a stove till Mom calls back?

好啦 我们出发
Alright. Let’s go.
You know what this is?
-炸薯条 -没错 油炸锅
-French fries? -That’s right, a fryer.
这个就是我们要的 好了 走吧
This is the one we need right here. Come on, let’s go.
下面是双对流烤箱 这是真正的主力
Double convection oven underneath. It’s a real workhorse.
六十英尺 我想他们可以放进车里 你觉得呢
60 inches. I think we could fit them on the truck. What do you think?
-就它吧 -就这个了 好的 搞定
-Let’s get it. -Let’s get this one. Good. Done.
这个 我们要的在这里
This is the… Ah, here’s what we need.
这是我要找的 就在那儿
This is the thing I was looking for. Right there.
乔治·福尔曼烤箱: 一种电加热烤箱 由拳击冠军乔治·福尔曼的推广而闻名世界
-乔治·福尔曼烤箱 -这不是乔治·福尔曼烤箱
-A George Foreman grill? -That’s not a George Foreman grill.
这个叫铁板烤箱 我用它来做古巴三明治
It’s called a plancha. We make Cuban sandwiches on that.
这是我们全部生活的关键 我们需要两个
This is the key to our entire livelihood. We need two of these.
看起来不错 你知道吗
Looks good. You know what?
我们还要一个六英尺长 塑料手柄的厨师刀
Let’s also get the 6-inch chef’s knife with the plastic handle.
-那你需要刀架 -对 再要一个刀套
-Then you need also the holder. -Yeah, let’s get a cover as well.
好 你看这个 波西
OK, you see this, Percy?
That’s a chef’s knife.
A real chef’s knife.
这不是玩具 明白吗
It’s not a toy. You understand?
这东西很锋利 要是你不小心 它会把你送进医院
This thing’s sharp. It can send you to the hospital if you’re not careful.
I’ll teach you how to use this thing.
但厨师刀是属于厨师的 而不是厨房♥
But a chef’s knife, it belongs to the chef, not to the kitchen.
所以你有责任让它保持锋利 干净 别弄丢了
So it’s your responsibility to keep it sharp, clean, not to lose it.
-你能做到吗 -可以
-Can you handle that? -Yes.
This is a good knife.
如果你小心保养它 它可以用很长时间
It’ll last you a long time if you take care of it.
Don’t lose it.
不会的 谢谢
I won’t. Thank you.
You earned it.
How are we gonna get it in the truck?
Well, Marvin said we could use some of his guys to help out.
伙计 你们好
Hey, guys! Hello?
我是凯尔 这是我的车
I’m Carl. This is my truck.
I need some help moving this equipment in.
Marvin said that you guys might help me.
知道了 介意我借这个用吗
I got it. Mind if I borrow this?
Get to the top floor.
Maybe a little higher?
The hard part was getting it over to the truck,
and now we just have to tip.
If I can get one end up on the tailgate.

别这么搬 你会打破东西的 伙计
Oh, hey, hey. Don’t do that. You’re gonna rupture something, man.
捣蛋鬼 怎么样 过得好吗
Hey, killer, what’s up? How you doing, little gangster, huh?
What the hell you doing here?
我告诉过你 伙计 我说过的
I warned you, man. I warned you.
If you got another gig,
我会抛下一切来给你打下手 记得吗
I was gonna drop everything to be your line cook. Didn’t I?
这只是辆餐车 而你现在是副厨师长
This is a food truck. You’re a sous-chef now.
怎么 餐车不需要副厨师长
So? Food trucks don’t need a sous-chef?
