“Why don’t you come by again tonight?
我特地为你准备了新菜单 混♥蛋♥”
I got a whole new menu just for you, asshole.”
-不行 手♥机♥给我 -这样不好 不行
-No, gimme the phone. -That’s not good. Not a good idea.
Don’t do it!
-发出去了 老兄 -发了
-That’s out there now, bro. -It happened.
-你为什么要发 -发了就收不回来了
-Why’d you do that? -You can’t take that back.
知道吗 我下战书了
You know what? I threw down the gauntlet.
So get ready for a fight.
I’m gonna go drop Percy off and come back
and cook the menu we should’ve cooked last time.
-我们今天去哪里 -我得送你回去 孩子
-So where are we going today? -I gotta drop you off, kid.
我要为今晚去买♥♥菜 抱歉
I gotta go shopping for tonight. I’m sorry.
-我能跟你一起去吗 -不行 抱歉
-Can I come with you? -No, I’m sorry.
How come I’m, like, never allowed to be in the kitchen?
因为里面又热又吵 还有很多人说脏话
Because it’s hot and it’s loud and there’s a lot of bad language.
那有怎样 我总听到有人说脏话
So? I hear bad language all the time.
-在哪里 -网上
-Where? -Online.
What kind of website could a 10-year-old get on that has bad language?
-视频网站 -视频网站有人说脏话
-YouTube. -YouTube has bad language?
Could I at least come shopping with you?
I got a lot to do and a lot on my mind.
看谁在等我们 嗨 妈妈
Look who’s waiting for us. Hi, Mommy.
过来 我想你了 亲亲我
Come here. I miss you. Give me a kiss.
-嗨 -嗨
-Hi. -Hi.
So my publicist said that she can talk to you.
-不如你跟她谈谈 -谈什么
-Why don’t you talk to her? -About what?
-推特吗 -大家都在看你写的东西
-About Twitter? -Everybody’s reading what you wrote.
-我觉得你不明白 -明白什么
-I don’t think you get it. -Get what?
我们打电♥话♥给她 跟我进来 我们打电♥话♥给她
Let’s call her. Go inside with me and we’ll call her.
是的 麻烦你 告诉她马上给我回电♥话♥
Yes, please, tell her to call me immediately.
凯尔跟我都在家里 谢谢
I have Carl with me. I’m at home. Thank you.
-好了 我要走了 -别走 她马上就会打回来
-Alright, I’m gonna go. -No, no, she’s gonna call right back.
-她在跟别人通电♥话♥ -你想太多了
-She was on the other line. -You’re making more of this than it is.
I just don’t like to see you like this.
什么样 我挺好的 我得去工作了
Like what? I’m fine. I have to get to work.
按照别人的口味烹饪 你永远不会开心的
You’re never going to be happy cooking for someone else.
是关于流动餐车的事吗 我不想再谈这个了
Is this about the food truck? I don’t wanna talk about it again.
为什么 你可以自♥由♥烹饪 做自己的老板
Why not? You can cook your own food. You can be your own boss.
I can book you for all the parties that I’m doing.
我很感激 但是我不需要
I appreciate the offer, but I don’t need any charity
from you or your ex-husband.
-你为什么这么自负呢 -因为我有工作
-Why are you being so proud? -Because I’m working.
And despite what you might think,
I have complete freedom to cook whatever I want now.
I like my life.
至于你的公♥关♥ 她回电♥话♥的时候 你告诉她
And as far as your publicist goes, when she calls back, you let her know
that I understand I shouldn’t tweet any pictures of my dick
and any career advice should be kept to oneself.
好吗 再见 谢谢
OK? I’ll see you later. Thank you.
-所有料都在箱子里 -想我这样做吗
-I got all this shit in the trunk. -Want me to do this?
-开始了 -嗯 我们按新菜单做
-Is it on? -Yeah. We’re doing it.
-开始了 兄弟们 -来吧 把东西都拿出来
-We’re doing it, guys. -Come on. Let’s get everything out.
把配料和熟食都拿出来 我们要摆盘了 好吗
I want the Cambros, the delis out so we can start plating, OK?
凯尔 可以告诉我今晚的菜单吗
Carl, can you tell me what’s going on for tonight?
不 不 不 今晚有多少客人
No, no, no, how many covers do we have tonight?
多少 订满了 但我刚刚印了菜单
How many? We are overbooked. But I just printed out all the menus.
太好了 不过今晚不是按照你印的菜单 完全不同
Good. It’s not the menu you got printed. It’s different.
-我明白 -我们今晚要做试吃的菜单
-That’s what I understand. -We’re doing a tasting menu.
凯尔 我要先把红酒
Carl, I have to put the wine…
-A tasting menu for Ramsey Michel.
-我知道 但我们 -他今晚要来 他知道的
-I know, but we… -He’s coming. He knows about it.
-你有看过”食者”文章吗 -我看过
-Did you see the “Eater” article? -I did.
-我真为你高兴 -在网上传开了
-I’m so excited for you. -It’s all over the internet.
-我超级喜欢你这个样子 -尝一下味道
-I love it so much when you’re like this. -Taste the food.
Bring in the waitstaff, have ’em taste the food.
Make them understand what we’re going for.
-好的 -好吗
-OK. -OK?
我们今晚没有主厨推荐 整个菜单都是特选
We’re not pushing specials today. The whole menu is special.
-我好兴奋 -我也很兴奋 我终于感到开心了
-I’m excited. -I’m excited. I’m finally happy.
我很开心 好吗
I’m happy, OK?
Am I allowed to be happy at work?
凯尔 凯尔 我们还是用原菜单 对吧
Carl. Carl. We’re staying with the same menu, right?
I have something really good planned for tonight.
我肯定会让你 不是什么内脏大餐
I’m gonna let you… It’s not sweetbreads.
-你可以尝试下 -可能如此
-You’re gonna be able to taste it. -That may be true.
But we have the most reservations on a work night since we opened.
-你知道吗 -我知道 我在用推特
-You realise that? -I know. I was on Twitter.
-对 -我在推广这家餐厅
-Yeah. -I was promoting the restaurant.
-我用了推特 -啥 对 但那是另一回事
-I was on Twitter. -What? Yeah, that’s another thing.
From now on, before you post anything online,
我都无所谓 好吧
I’m OK. Alright?
The whole reason everybody’s here tonight
is because I called out Ramsey Michel online
and they’re all coming to watch me stick it in his ass.
是吧 你竟敢骂洛杉矶最受尊重的
Yeah, and you’re gonna twitter an apology
美食评论员是混♥蛋♥ 准备在推特上跟人家道歉吧
for calling the most respected critic in Los Angeles an asshole.
I’m not gonna fucking apologise.
你什么意思 你又不是
What do you mean, you’re not…
-你看到他是怎么写我的吗 -我才不管
-You see what he wrote about me? -I don’t give a fuck…
-他先挑起的 -他写什么 我不管
-He started it! -What he wrote. I don’t care.
你是一名厨师 你是厨师长
You’re a cook. You’re a chef.
这就是你烹饪了这么多年的菜单 大家很喜欢
This is what you’ve been cooking for years, and it works.
And either you cook the menu that our customers have come to ex…
-你要我煮回同样的食物 -一模一样
-You want me to cook the same food? -The same exact…
他大肆批评的食物 再原封不动给他吃
The same food that he ripped apart? The same guy who’s coming tonight?
The restaurant isn’t filled with critics!
It’s filled with people that’ve been eating your food
for the last 10 years!
So now, suddenly, you’re gonna be an artist.
Well, be an artist on your own time.
-听我说 -不要内脏大餐
-Listen to me. -No sweetbreads!
-听着 -不要牛脑
-Listen! -No calves’ brains.
我不会做内脏大餐的 听我说
I’m not cooking sweetbreads! Listen to me.
厨房♥是我的地盘 这是我们之前的约定
The kitchen is my domain. That was our deal.
I don’t give a fuck what the deal was!
游戏规则现在改了 你可以留下来或离开
The deal is now changed. Either you stay or you go.
你自己看着办 不必多说
It’s up to you. End of discussion.
-我们满屋子的客人 今晚特意 -对 没错
-We got a full house of people… who are coming tonight… -Yeah. Yeah.
-来享用我做的美食 -不 不是你的美食 凯尔
-To eat my food. -No, it’s not your food, Carl.
It’s not your food.
准确地说 是我的美食 因为我是老板
By definition, it’s my food because it’s my restaurant.
我付钱买♥♥杯子 买♥♥餐巾
I pay for the glasses. I pay for the napkins.
买♥♥勺子 付工资给茉莉
I pay for the spoons. I pay for Molly’s salary.
你整帮厨子的工资都是我发的 好吗
I pay for your entire staff’s salary, OK?
所以你要不按照我的菜单来做 要不让托尼来做
So you either cook my menu or Tony can.
托尼 反正有一半时间都是你在做菜
Tony, you’ve been cooking it half the time anyway.
说实话 对吧
Tell the truth. Right?
So you’re threatening to fire me now?
Am I threatening to fire you?
不 我只是告诉你 如果你不按照菜单
No, I’m telling you what I’m prepared to do
if you don’t cook my menu.
Subject closed.
那你就做你的菜单 不会有厨师长了
Well, why don’t you cook the menu without a chef
and we see how it goes tonight?
走吧 托尼 他妈的
Let’s go, Tony. Fuck this.
Good luck.
-不行 -祝你好运 杰克
-Oh, no way. -Good luck, Jack.
-不行 哥们 -马汀 马汀
-No way, man! -Martin, Martin.
