早安 女孩们
哈喽 早安 接着走
Hello, hello. Good morning. Come along now
西蒙 不准用耳机 放学后再还你
Simon, no headphones. You’ll get these back after school
贝蒂 你又不是唐老鸭 请穿上裤子
Betty, you’re not Donald Duck! Put some pants on, please!
当我说奇奇与蒂蒂时 – 孩子们 祝你们上学愉快
Okay. What’s the first thing… – Okay, kids. Have fun at school!
你们脑海中第一个浮现的 – 拜 老爸
that pops into your head… – Bye, Dad!
是什么? – 别再撞我了
when I say Chip ‘n Dale? – Hey, stop bumping me!
I’m willing to bet it’s Thomas Chippendale
the London – based cabinet maker from the 1700s
这橱柜太帅了 托马斯
Sick cabinet, Thomas!
我敢说你第二个想到的 一定是这些家伙
But I bet the second thing that pops into your head are these guys
But certainly, third would be those rascally cartoon chipmunks
奇奇与蒂蒂 或是我该说奇奇与我?
Chip ‘n Dale, or should I say Chip and me?
And it all started the day we met
当时我刚转到新学校 是我三年级中的事
when I had to join a new school in the middle of third grade
未来的朋友们 大家好
Hello, potential new friends!
我们今天有个转学生 大家跟蒂蒂打声招呼
We have a new student today. Everyone, say hello to Dale
大家好 很高兴认识你们
Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you!
I know
我的眼睛 它插♥进♥去了
My eye! It’s in my eye!
不 – 快拔♥出♥来♥
No, no, no, no – Get it out!
只是个玩笑啦 看 我没事
It’s a joke. See? I’m fine
好恶心 你好怪
Ew. You’re weird
草原狗足球队选拔赛 今天下午4点
到午餐时间时 已经没有人想和我扯上任何关系
By lunchtime, no one wanted anything to do with me
So, I had to sit alone
Hey. Mind if I sit?
你插的那个铅笔太好笑了 搞笑时机抓得真好
That pencil thing you did was hilarious! It was excellent comic timing
真的吗? 我真希望我没做 – 不会吧 兄弟
Really? I kind of wish I hadn’t done it – No way, man
The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all
你只是没把这个笑话安排好 你想要的话 我可以帮你
You just didn’t set up the joke right. I can help you if you want
我叫奇奇 – 我是蒂蒂
The name’s Chip – I’m Dale
So, do you watch Crispy Cow?
嘿 那是我的牛奶 – 嘿 那是我的牛奶
Hey! That’s my milk! – Hey! That’s my milk!
Chip was so funny and thoughtful
又周到 – 真棒
about everything – So good!
而我从不思考任何事 我们是完美的一对
And I never thought about anything. We were perfect together
♪ riendship is rare Do you know what ♪
快点 – 即使
Come on! – And even though
我们同年级 – 跟我来
we were in the same grade… – Follow me!
Chip was like the older brother I never had
他让我接触到芝心披萨 和有趣的老电影
He introduced me to cheesy crust pizza and funny, old movies
到了高中 我们一起参加了达人秀 达人秀
By high school we were headlining the talent show
在我们的压轴表演中 无敌蒂蒂什么都能抛接
And for our grand finale, The Amazing Dale will juggle everything!
我们知道自己与众不同 所以毕业后 我们收拾行李前往加州
We knew we had something special. So, after graduation, we packed our bags
灰狗巴士 往洛杉矶 你迟到了 快点
and headed to California – You’re late! Come on!
Move, move, move! Here, catch!
Nice one! – Aw
未来的朋友们 大家好
Hello, potential new friends!
再见啦 各式各样的巴士乘客
Goodbye, eclectic group of bus passengers
如果我这样呢? “我喜欢坚果”
Oh, what if I did something like, “I’m into nuts”
很好我喜欢 干得好
Good, good. I love it. Great stuff
花栗鼠试镜 上午10点 最初几个月 我们身无分文
Those first few months, we were flat broke
but they were some of the best times of my life
当你离场时 每个人会都知道 所以请继续用芬芳体香剂
when you’re off, everyone knows. So be on, with Fresh – On Deodorant…
Whoa! Whoa! – We look great
在跑了几次龙套后 我们终于
And after landing a few small parts
we finally got the call that would change everything
奇奇 蒂蒂 你们想要自己的节目吗?
Chip, Dale, how would you like your own show?
罪恶偶而 – 《救难小福星》
Sometimes some crimes – Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers
我们成功了 – 会从裂缝中
We had finally done it! – Go slipping
我们自己的电视节目 – 出现
Our own TV show – Through the cracks
It was about a group of little detectives…
但有两个侦探 – 一群小侦探
But these two, Gumshoes – who would solve big crimes
有探险家 蒙弟 – 会挺身而出
There was the adventurer, Monterey Jack – Are picking up the slack
发明家阿洁 – 奇奇与蒂蒂
The inventor, Gadget Hackwrench… – Ch… Ch… Ch… Chip ‘n Dale!
and Zipper, a fly
他的特点是 他很小又不会说话
His things were, he was small and he couldn’t speak
双重威胁 – 有危险就找他们
a double threat – When there’s danger
Ch… Ch… Ch… Chip ‘n Dale!
And then there was Chip and I
我们是典型的奇怪搭档 奇奇是非常理性的人
we were a classic odd couple with Chip as the logical straight man…
and me as the fun – loving goof
水管给我 我有好主意
好 你要拿来干嘛? – 你们是我的了
Right, what are you gonna do with it? – You’re mine now
小鸟? 为何你们会过来
Ah. Why you little… Come here, you
No! – I guess the cat’s in the bag
卡 完工了 大家
And cut. That’s a wrap, folks
干得好 大伙 1990年 辛苦啦
Nice work, everyone! Great job!
庆祝小福星第三季大成功 我只想感谢你们大家 带给我生命中美好的三年
And so, I just wanna thank all of you for the greatest three years of my life
When I think back to where this all started
是我发现蒂蒂独自坐在食堂 那么地难过
me finding Dale sitting all alone in the cafeteria, so sad
Well, I wasn’t that sad
但在我最狂野的梦中 也没想过我们会有今天
That’s funny. But never in my wildest dreams did I think we’d be here now
所以 敬你 蒂蒂 我最好的朋友 还有所有人
So, to you, Dale, my best friend, and to all of you
还有敬所有喜欢简短致词的人 – 好啦
And to everyone who loves a short toast – Okay. Okay
敬未来更多季的《救难小福星》 干杯
To many more seasons of the Rescue Rangers. Cheers!
干杯 – 干杯
Cheers! – Cheers!
看这边 大家一起
Over here. Get together
大家一起说 “茄子”
Everybody say,”Cha – cha – cha – cheese!
《综艺》杂♥志♥ 《救难小福星》劲头十足
One, two, tell me what you’re… – We were living the dream
纸醉金迷 彻夜狂欢 与罗杰兔一起
High on the hog, all night long, dancing the “Roger Rabbit,”
跳他的招牌舞 – 上 罗杰
with Roger Rabbit – Go, Roger. Go, Roger. Go, Roger
Go, Roger – Boy, what a party
Oh, zipper
对 我喜欢
Oh, yeah. I love this
I am into nuts!
好棒 再一次 – 那些疯狂的欢乐时光
So good. Again, again – Those were some crazy fun times
I’m into nuts
太好笑了 – 超好玩
So awesome – Super fun
So fun
既然我们找到了爱情 我们该拿它怎么办?
Now, that we found love What are we gonna do with it
嘿 你跑到哪里去了 兄弟? 我帮你留了块蛋糕
Hey, where’d you run off to, buddy? I saved you a piece of cake
那是什么? – 好啦
What’s that? – Okay
我本来不打算现在给你看 但它刚送到 所以 哒哒 今年秋天 《特务蒂蒂》
I wasn’t gonna show you this right now, but it just got delivered. So… Ta – da!
《特务蒂蒂》? 真好笑 那是什么?
“Double – 0 Dale?” That’s hilarious. What is that?
很疯狂 对吧? 是我的新节目 我要演个超级间谍
It’s wild, right? It’s my new show. I’m gonna be a super spy
Wh… what are you talking about?
我很期待呢 就像你老挂在嘴上的
Yeah, I’m really going for it. And just like you always say
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all”
等等 你真的要做新节目? – 对啊
Wait, you really have a new show? – Yep!
Wh… why didn’t you talk to me about it first?
We tell each other everything
You’ve told me what you had for lunch the last 42 days
Pineapple pizza and a diet Slice
正是 – 我也不知道
Exactly – I don’t know
I just wanted to make sure the show was gonna happen first
先确定真的会有这个节目 – 太过期待? 什么?
before I got your hopes up – My hopes up? What?
对啊 对大家都是好消息 你瞧瞧
Yeah! It’s good news for everyone. Check this out

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
只是如果你这么做 他们可能会取消节目的
I just… If you do this, they might cancel the show
他们才不会 大家都知道你才是最讨人喜欢的
No, they won’t do that. I mean, everyone knows you’re the favorite
And I’m just the guy who gets hit in the head
敲头的家伙 没事的
with a pipe each week. It’s fine
Okay, so, you’re gonna risk all of Rescue Rangers
because I’m a little more popular than you?
Do you know how dumb that is?
Well, I am the dumb one
